Sysomos released a report in June describing the “explosive growth” of twitter over the past several months. We’ve certainly seen an increase in tweeting in popular culture, but are adolescents jumping on board? Our conversations with teens suggest no. And a recent account from one particular teen about his peers’ views of twitter also reaffirms this perspective.
Data we recently collected from 12-17 year-olds also suggests that teens are not quickly moving to twitter. Less than 8% of youth in two different samples from two different school districts (one very large and the other moderately-sized) say they used twitter in the previous week. This is inconsistent with the Sysomos report which claims that 31% of twitter users are between the ages of 15 and 19. Or it suggests that it is really 18 and 19 year-olds that are driving the numbers in this category. It is also important to recognize that Sysomos numbers are based on “self-disclosed” age, and according to the report “only 0.7% of users disclosed their age.”
What are your thoughts? Are the kids in your life tweeting? Are you a regular user of twitter?