We’ve been discussing the recent case in Britain involving 18-year-old Keeley Houghton, who posted a death threat on Facebook and was subsequently incarcerated. Specifically, the aggressor wrote the following on her own profile page, “Keeley is going to murder the bitch. She is an actress. What a ******* liberty. Emily ****head Moore.”
Those with whom I’ve talked are split on whether they agree with this sanction. In this case there had been a pattern of bullying behavior displayed by the aggressor against the target, who had been harassed face to face several times before the online incident occurred. Some may argue that free speech is being usurped, but just as you don’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater, you don’t threaten someone’s life in writing for the whole world to see. I think it’s correct for threats of this magnitude – whether physical or verbal to be taken seriously, as they may preempt needless and senseless violence. No threat should be taken lightly or regarded as meritless, and even those which may have been said in jest should be investigated and, if necessary, punished in some capacity. In this case, jail time was assigned. Will Keeley be deterred from doing something similar in the future? Will her friends, after hearing about what happened and seeing the reality of someone they know locked up? Will others across Britain who read or hear about the news story? I do believe this sends a message, and that some youth will definitely think more carefully about engaging in a similar behavior while communicating in cyberspace.
This is electronic assault and should be punished just like assault would be punished. When it is chronic and the abusers will not stop, jail time is an apropriate way to help the perpetrator "get it".I think she deserves it.No one has the right to impose a murder threat on another person and not get punished. As a typical stupid criminal, she even posted it on a global internet site so it is impossible to defend herself or say she didn't do it.Even in America, post a death threat on someone in Facebook or in the newspaper,etc. and watch how fast you are arrested. This girl not only needs psychological counseling, she needs a brain that works.
This is electronic assault and should be punished just like assault would be punished. When it is chronic and the abusers will not stop, jail time is an apropriate way to help the perpetrator "get it".I think she deserves it.No one has the right to impose a murder threat on another person and not get punished. As a typical stupid criminal, she even posted it on a global internet site so it is impossible to defend herself or say she didn't do it.Even in America, post a death threat on someone in Facebook or in the newspaper,etc. and watch how fast you are arrested. This girl not only needs psychological counseling, she needs a brain that works.
we currently followed a case for impersonation of someone on a social network.
police DO care about that stuff, if you know how to present evidence….
anyway start closing your account and reopen a new one. change passwords frequently, follow the basic security rules.
we currently followed a case for impersonation of someone on a social network.
police DO care about that stuff, if you know how to present evidence….
anyway start closing your account and reopen a new one. change passwords frequently, follow the basic security rules.
I have had a stalker for the past 9 or so years. She was my husband's ex GF loooong before I came into the picture. We have dealt with everything from hang up calls to her constantly driving by our home, work place, etc. Recently, she discovered that I had a myspace page and started using that as a way to stalk me. While my page contents are private, my mood/status is not. She would comment on every status I posted, even copying exactly what my status was as hers. Then she moved on to posting cropped pictures of our children on her myspace page along with evil comments about my children. No one other than myself and our family knew the pictures were of our children. She got the pictures from my step-daughter. We have contacted every type of law enforcement we can think of and no one seems to know what to do. I have a stack of stay away orders that she totally ignores. Everytime we go back to court and she doesn't go to jail is another victory for her. She takes that as a green light to continue to do what she does to us. There is not a day that goes by that she isn't watching my page or commenting on it. She claims to have made more myspace pages with pictures of my children on them. She has slashed our tires on our vehicle while it sat in our driveway. She steals our mail. She even admitted to posting the pics of my children on myspace but still did not get arrested. I have no idea what else to do. The DA's office tells me that unless we know for a fact that it was her physically typing the comments, we can't get a warrant b/c the laws are outdated and not specific enough when it comes to cyberstalking. We live in constant fear, not knowing what is next from her. Will it be our house that she sets on fire next time? Will it be our brakes lines that she cuts and causes a wreck with my children in it? There is entirely too much history to even begin to list here, but it didn't start with me. I'm the only one she can't seem to scare off. I have to deal with a Magistrate Judge who can't seem to get his head right and see what everyone else sees. The DA even wants a warrant. Apparently, I must be shot in front of my children and bleeding to death before I can get a warrant. Then, it will be too late.
I have had a stalker for the past 9 or so years. She was my husband's ex GF loooong before I came into the picture. We have dealt with everything from hang up calls to her constantly driving by our home, work place, etc. Recently, she discovered that I had a myspace page and started using that as a way to stalk me. While my page contents are private, my mood/status is not. She would comment on every status I posted, even copying exactly what my status was as hers. Then she moved on to posting cropped pictures of our children on her myspace page along with evil comments about my children. No one other than myself and our family knew the pictures were of our children. She got the pictures from my step-daughter. We have contacted every type of law enforcement we can think of and no one seems to know what to do. I have a stack of stay away orders that she totally ignores. Everytime we go back to court and she doesn't go to jail is another victory for her. She takes that as a green light to continue to do what she does to us. There is not a day that goes by that she isn't watching my page or commenting on it. She claims to have made more myspace pages with pictures of my children on them. She has slashed our tires on our vehicle while it sat in our driveway. She steals our mail. She even admitted to posting the pics of my children on myspace but still did not get arrested. I have no idea what else to do. The DA's office tells me that unless we know for a fact that it was her physically typing the comments, we can't get a warrant b/c the laws are outdated and not specific enough when it comes to cyberstalking. We live in constant fear, not knowing what is next from her. Will it be our house that she sets on fire next time? Will it be our brakes lines that she cuts and causes a wreck with my children in it? There is entirely too much history to even begin to list here, but it didn't start with me. I'm the only one she can't seem to scare off. I have to deal with a Magistrate Judge who can't seem to get his head right and see what everyone else sees. The DA even wants a warrant. Apparently, I must be shot in front of my children and bleeding to death before I can get a warrant. Then, it will be too late.
Notice this website: http://www.myspace.com/dreamer4469. This site is involved in both legal and civil ligitigation as regards cyberbullying from this adult to another adult (unwarranted and unwanted).
NOTE: Re-Define Cyberbullying: IT IS NOT LIMITED TO CHILDREN. In this case the cyberbully is an adult with children.
1) First Action To Take: File complaints with MySpace even though they will take no immediate action (they wait for the supeona from law enforcement). They will send you a receipt that they are aware of it and you can give that, along with other evidence such as blogs,comments and depositions from others who have interacted with the cyberbully to the Sheriff and State Police.
2) Second Action To Take: Email, Fax and Mail the evidence along with your deposition-style complaint and get a case number. Put that case number on everything!
3) Third Action To Take: Immediately hire an attorney. Most attorneys will start for a modest fee. They can help you with the judge at the county and state levels as well as help interface with the police. Ensure the attorney has handled cyberbullying cases!
4) Fourth Action To Take: Know the laws! States like Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina and New York do have cyberbullying laws.
5) LAST BUT NOT LEAST: Be patient! The police will work with you if you are organized, know the law and if you are hitting any resistance at all, hire legal counsel! I can not stress that enough!
For those of us who are victims, we can assemble a team to help! I
In the case of this adult cyberbullying, it is prime to be processed as a case study that masters students are work on. Take your case to a law school or related masters programs. See if the professors would like to use your cases for evidence gathering and mock trials. You never know what will come out of all these eyes and ears working on it!
Again, assemble your team, know and stand up for your rights and get the word out to law enforcement agencies, local governments, newspapers, schools – anyone!
Never give up! Do not let a cyberbully ruin your life. Do not give them the power or the control that these abusers thrive on. Be classy yourself and let the law to the talking. In the end, right will prevail.
I wish you all many blessings. Do not give up!
bullying should not be happening period these kids are like us and is this how we want to be treated, NO, didnt think so i know i wouldnt like to be bullied these bullies obviously need to talk to someone because they are having issues doesnt mean its right or okay to take it out on others
bullying should not be happening period these kids are like us and is this how we want to be treated, NO, didnt think so i know i wouldnt like to be bullied these bullies obviously need to talk to someone because they are having issues doesnt mean its right or okay to take it out on others
MySpace along with other social sites have different technologies designed to help keep out young and bad people. But it isn’t accurate if people don’t fill in the correct information when creating their account. Which is something practiced every day, especially by my little cousin. Used in positive ways is also something these sites practice along with the different varieties of classes. This class is a prime example because we’re able to be socially active with each others’ posts on the discussion board. I know we are all at the age where we are not going to put negative things about anyone nor cyber bully anyone. Teenagers are so focused on finding hangouts where grownups aren’t anywhere to be insight. But there aren’t many of those and the ones left are over crowed, so that’s more of another reason to adapt more to social networking. It will always be there no matter what and never become to full or overcrowded. Is it always safe? No, it’s a big problem for many people especially parents because when problems occur they want to fix it. There job is to do whatever it takes to protect their children, but sometimes they don’t know how. That is why thinking beforehand would be more helpful in avoidance from things ass identity theft or pages made of you with stolen pictures and blogs of yourself. Making these entirely private will avoid having another with your information. Think about the things you include before actually including it. Ask yourself is that something you want others to know or have access to. Parents know that if they tell you not to do something you are going to do it anyway. Another true statement because I once was a child whom did the same because it was never explained why it shouldn’t be used. In my opinion it’s how you raise your children and explain things well along with an example. Sometimes it doesn’t help but that doesn’t count for everyone. Parents your clueless and don’t know what to say, ask others.
MySpace along with other social sites have different technologies designed to help keep out young and bad people. But it isn’t accurate if people don’t fill in the correct information when creating their account. Which is something practiced every day, especially by my little cousin. Used in positive ways is also something these sites practice along with the different varieties of classes. This class is a prime example because we’re able to be socially active with each others’ posts on the discussion board. I know we are all at the age where we are not going to put negative things about anyone nor cyber bully anyone. Teenagers are so focused on finding hangouts where grownups aren’t anywhere to be insight. But there aren’t many of those and the ones left are over crowed, so that’s more of another reason to adapt more to social networking. It will always be there no matter what and never become to full or overcrowded. Is it always safe? No, it’s a big problem for many people especially parents because when problems occur they want to fix it. There job is to do whatever it takes to protect their children, but sometimes they don’t know how. That is why thinking beforehand would be more helpful in avoidance from things ass identity theft or pages made of you with stolen pictures and blogs of yourself. Making these entirely private will avoid having another with your information. Think about the things you include before actually including it. Ask yourself is that something you want others to know or have access to. Parents know that if they tell you not to do something you are going to do it anyway. Another true statement because I once was a child whom did the same because it was never explained why it shouldn’t be used. In my opinion it’s how you raise your children and explain things well along with an example. Sometimes it doesn’t help but that doesn’t count for everyone. Parents your clueless and don’t know what to say, ask others.
Facebook is not only used to make friends and being in contact with others but is also used to stalk, cyberbully in other words humiliate people. A couple of days ago I was logged in and one of my friends was tagged in a disturbing picture that coughed my attention. The picture was taken in what it seems to be a school’s bathroom and a girl sitting in the toilet. Apparently the girl was mentally retarded and someone took the picture. In the picture you can see how she tried to cover herself and she seems disturbed, who can blame her? The caption of the picture was “I have the power lol” which this really makes no sense what so ever. This girl who posted this seems to be desperate for attention and posted this to humiliate someone and to get the title of “mean girl”. Even though she’s not my friend in facebook I reported that picture to the social network. Some of the comments were like “wow your mean but that’s pretty funny” only immature people can say that but most of the comments were against the girl and the picture. Facebook made it easier to people like this to make fun of others, since everyone has an account, bullies tried to get attention. I don’t know how old is the bully but I’m sure she’s not mature enough to comprehend and to get attention by doing something else.
This article shows that facebook can and is used against and for people in the court system. I also read in other articles that pokes can be recorded in cases where someone is trying to prove a case against a stalker. In any relationship these days it is easy to see what your spouse is up to because people put pretty much their entire life on facebook. When a couple decides to get a divorce, the other person in the relationship can easily take a picture from facebook and use it against someone who is in a picture with someone of the opposite sex, or lots of pictures with alcohol. With the amount of information on facebook, in order to show that you are truly committed you should be ready to show all of the information on your facebook profile.
This article shows that facebook can and is used against and for people in the court system. I also read in other articles that pokes can be recorded in cases where someone is trying to prove a case against a stalker. In any relationship these days it is easy to see what your spouse is up to because people put pretty much their entire life on facebook. When a couple decides to get a divorce, the other person in the relationship can easily take a picture from facebook and use it against someone who is in a picture with someone of the opposite sex, or lots of pictures with alcohol. With the amount of information on facebook, in order to show that you are truly committed you should be ready to show all of the information on your facebook profile.