offline assault, cyberbullying via YouTube, and deterrence post thumbnail

offline assault, cyberbullying via YouTube, and deterrence

This story, which involves a digitally-recorded video of three teens throwing a 32-ounce soda on a girl working the window at a Taco Bell drive-thru, is a newer iteration of cyberbullying which we’re seeing more often. The boys posted the video on YouTube, which led to repeated embarrassment and humiliation for the girl. She was […]

Cyberbullying Press Event – Followup post thumbnail

Cyberbullying Press Event – Followup

It was a great honor to speak at the National Press Club yesterday. A lot of interesting questions were asked…for example, what is the role of the school nurse in cyberbullying incidents, because they are a trusted figure in whom youth are confiding…how often does cyberbullying occur as a part of dating violence…is cyberbullying simply […]

My teacher can go through the contents of my cell phone?! post thumbnail

My teacher can go through the contents of my cell phone?!

A while ago, I read an article stating that the Manatee County School Board was considering allowing educators and administrators to search student phones in order to find incriminating text, photo, and video content. First, I am not a lawyer and so please keep that in mind. Second, even if this occurs on school grounds, […]

Dr. Hinduja in DC at DOJ/NCPC Event on 06/04 post thumbnail

Dr. Hinduja in DC at DOJ/NCPC Event on 06/04

I have been invited by the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Crime Prevention Council to provide remarks on a briefing of Internet Safety at the National Press Club in Washington DC on the morning of June 4th, 2008. I’ll be covering some of our latest cyberbullying research findings in order to heighten national […]

Putting the Final Touches on Our Cyberbullying Book post thumbnail

Putting the Final Touches on Our Cyberbullying Book

As regular readers know, we have been working on our cyberbullying book for well over a year. It is currently in the copy-editing phase and is still on track for publication in August. It goes without saying that we are extremely excited about this. It is a culmination of over five years of research. We […]

Teenage Girls, Physical Violence, YouTube, and our Culture post thumbnail

Teenage Girls, Physical Violence, YouTube, and our Culture

So…I’m sure by now you all have heard the news story and seen the attendant video of the cheerleader in Lakeland, Florida who was lured into a “friend’s” home and then severely beaten by that friend and other cheerleaders. All of this for basically talking smack over MySpace (cyberbullying?) about those friends. So what we […]

Personal Information of Adolescents on the Internet: A Quantitative Content Analysis of MySpace post thumbnail

Personal Information of Adolescents on the Internet: A Quantitative Content Analysis of MySpace

Many youth have recently embraced online social networking sites such as MySpace ( to meet their social and relational needs. While manifold benefits stem from participating in such web-based environments, the popular media has been quick to demonize MySpace even though an exponentially small proportion of its users have been victimized due to irresponsible or […]

Cyberbullying: An Exploratory Analysis of Factors Related to Offending and Victimization post thumbnail

Cyberbullying: An Exploratory Analysis of Factors Related to Offending and Victimization

Victimization on the Internet through what has been termed cyberbullying has attracted increased attention from scholars and practitioners. Defined as “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text” (Patchin & Hinduja, 2006), this negative experience not only undermines a youth’s freedom to use and explore valuable online resources, but also can result […]

Bullies Move beyond the Schoolyard: A Preliminary Look at Cyberbullying post thumbnail

Bullies Move beyond the Schoolyard: A Preliminary Look at Cyberbullying

Bullying in a school setting is an important social concern that has received increased scholarly attention in recent years. Specifically, its causes and effects have been under investigation by a number of researchers in the social and behavioral sciences. A new permutation of bullying, however, has recently arisen and become common: tech-savvy students are turning […]