Public schools, Facebook, and the FCC post thumbnail

Public schools, Facebook, and the FCC

Our colleague Mike Donlin and I have been talking out some issues related to public education and teen technology use. He has recently pointed out that there are certain points that the FCC would like schools to know as it relates to their intersection with and use of social networking sites. Specifically, schools need to […]

Cyberbullying Your Own Kids to Punish Them post thumbnail

Cyberbullying Your Own Kids to Punish Them

Canadian Cyberbullying Educator and Speaker Lissa Albert and I have been chatting about some parents engaging in controversial and arguably questionable behavior to “send a message” to their teenagers about appropriate and inappropriate behavior. These instances have gone viral, and Lissa has done a great job of providing a backdrop of this practice as well […]

Cyberbullying and Substance Use post thumbnail

Cyberbullying and Substance Use

Much of our work over the last several years has focused on identifying the consequences associated with cyberbullying. We are especially interested in offline behaviors or experiences, as well as links to delinquency and school problems. And we are concerned with the outcomes of both targets and those who engage in cyberbullying. One particular problem […]

Why Confiscating Student Cell Phones Might Be a Bad Idea post thumbnail

Why Confiscating Student Cell Phones Might Be a Bad Idea

We’ve talked in great detail about students bringing their personal electronic devices at school and the complications that may result.  We have also covered standards for searching these devices, and have provided a cell phone search checklist which may help administrators in these situations. In keeping with these discussions, I wanted to take some time […]

Resources to Teach Your Students about Cyberbullying and Online Responsibility post thumbnail

Resources to Teach Your Students about Cyberbullying and Online Responsibility

Now is the time to start thinking about what *you* are going to do to educate your students about cyberbullying, digital citizenship, online responsibility, and overall safety. A key to any educational effort is consistent reinforcement of the messages you want students to incorporate into their daily lives. Convening an all-school assembly on these topics […]

How young is too young for Facebook? post thumbnail

How young is too young for Facebook?

This is a common question I receive from many parents: “At what age should I give my child a cell phone or allow them to be on Facebook?” Of course this is not an easy question to answer since every child is different and parents themselves are probably in the best position to determine the […]

A Potential Response to Cyberbullying: Talking to the Parents of the Bully post thumbnail

A Potential Response to Cyberbullying: Talking to the Parents of the Bully

I received an email from an educator who attended a recent presentation.  She asked if it is advisable for the parents of cyberbullying victims to contact the parents of the cyberbullies to try to resolve the situation.  This can be a very tricky proposition.  In theory, this seems like a very good approach and for […]

Using Public Service Announcements To Prevent Cyberbullying post thumbnail

Using Public Service Announcements To Prevent Cyberbullying

A fun and often-recommended activity to engage youth in considering the responsible use of technology and promoting that message across the student body (or beyond) involves the creation of Public Service Announcements (PSAs). These are creative and informative videos designed to bring attention to a problem relevant to a certain audience, and make a memorable […]

Password Safety Among Teens post thumbnail

Password Safety Among Teens

Passwords are necessary to access personal accounts on a computer network. They serve as “authentication” devices and uniquely identify someone as being who they claim to be. Of course, correct authentication prevents others from accessing or altering your personal data. In our current Information Age, passwords are a part of everyday life. However, some users […]