Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and Cyberbullying post thumbnail

Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and Cyberbullying

I spoke at an Autism conference last week, and presented information on cyberbullying victimization and Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) among youth.  I am particularly interested in this population as one of my close friend’s has AS, and has shared with me his experiences being harassed by peers who perceive them as “different.”  These youth are especially […]

Autism and Cyberbullying post thumbnail

Autism and Cyberbullying

I spoke at an Autism conference last week, and presented information on cyberbullying victimization and ASD youth.  I am particularly interested in this population as one of my close friends is on the spectrum, and has shared with me his experiences being harassed by peers who perceive them as “different.”  These youth are especially susceptible […]

Are teachers and parents really talking to youth about online safety? post thumbnail

Are teachers and parents really talking to youth about online safety?

As you know, we are endlessly working to have our finger on the pulse of how adults are educating youth about online technology.  The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and Educational Technology Policy, Research, and Outreach (ETPRO) recently found that less than 25% of educators feel comfortable teaching students about Internet safety issues.  You and […]

The sexting case in Virginia, and the need to identify and share best practices post thumbnail

The sexting case in Virginia, and the need to identify and share best practices

Justin and I have both blogged about the case where an assistant principal in Virginia was charged with possession of child pornography after trying to investigate a sexting case through the collection of evidence where a student emailed the evidence (a sexually-explicit picture of a minor) to his office computer.  The charges were eventually dropped, […]

Convictions against Lori Drew overturned today; case dismissed post thumbnail

Convictions against Lori Drew overturned today; case dismissed

The case against Lori Drew has been dismissed in federal court today, as the judge seemingly thought it would be wrong to criminalize certain Terms of Service violations of MySpace and other social networking web sites since users often misrepresent themselves online. (Bottom line when it comes to this ruling is that the law used […]

Lori Drew to be sentenced in Megan Meier cyberbullying case post thumbnail

Lori Drew to be sentenced in Megan Meier cyberbullying case

We are all waiting with baited breath to learn of the sentencing decision to be handed down this week against Lori Drew.  In part because of the incredible amount of controversy surrounding this case, I believe the sentence will be minor and not amount to more than a proverbial slap on the wrist.  Already we […]

Cyberbullying research findings from Cox Communications and the NCMEC post thumbnail

Cyberbullying research findings from Cox Communications and the NCMEC

Cox Communications and the NCMEC recently held a Teen Summit in Washington, and we are pleased to see that the research they conducted revealed the same findings as our own work, as it relates to the use of various technologies by adolescents, experiences with cyberbullying, and the misuse of personal pictures or content.  Furthermore, one […]

Cyberbullying Education and Regulation post thumbnail

Cyberbullying Education and Regulation

Our colleague Adam Thierer from the Progress & Freedom Foundation has recently published an informative white paper worth reading entitled “Cyberbullying Legislation: Why Education is Preferable to Regulation.” Justin and I keep having to point out in various conversations that strictly punitive strategies fall short in their effort to deter misbehavior, especially among a youthful […]

Cyberbullying Legislation post thumbnail

Cyberbullying Legislation

There has been a lot of discussion lately concerning proposed or recently passed state and federal legislation designed to address cyberbullying.  One particular bill, proposed by California Congresswoman Linda T. Sanchez and called the “Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act,” was re-introduced in the House of Representatives last month (the proposal was initially introduced in May […]