Our cyberbullying work continues to take our research agenda in new and interesting directions. One phenomenon which we have been exploring in recent months is “electronic dating violence,” which we define as: “emotional or psychological harm in a romantic relationship perpetrated through the use of computers, cell phones, or other electronic devices.” The number of persons who have been victimized offline by romantic partners range from 10% to 47%, depending on how it is defined and measured in research studies. Research has also shown that teenagers are at a higher risk than adults when it comes to abuse by intimates. Since the vast, vast majority of teens have embraced the use of computers and cell phones, we believe it is important to consider how dating violence might be occurring via such devices.
There are some similarities between cyberbullying and electronic dating violence that should be mentioned. First, both naturally employ technology. Second, cyberbullying is largely perpetrated by and among known peers, as is aggression in romantic relationships (where youth typically select dating partners among their peer group). Third, both lead to specific negative emotional, psychological, physical, and behavioral outcomes. Finally, both also may have similar contributing factors such as personal insecurities and a need to demonstrate control. With regard to differences, cyberbullying tends to occur between individuals who do not like, and do not want to be around, each other. Electronic dating violence transpires between two people who are attracted to each other on some level.
There are many ways in which teens can use Internet-enabled devices to cause harm to a dating partner. Some may be excessively bold, sarcastic, and malicious to their significant other when communicating with them online for the same reasons that cyberbullies do. In addition, privacy violations can occur as perpetrators check up on, monitor, and even stalk their partners if they can easily access the latter’s computer or cell phone. They may also use textual, audio, picture, or video content stored on their electronic devices to blackmail, extort, or otherwise manipulate their partner into saying or doing something against their will.
To be sure, this content can be shared with a very large audience – a classroom of students, the entire student body, a neighborhood, the town, the entire world – with ease and speed either through the forwarding of a text or multimedia message, or through its uploading to Facebook or YouTube. Its “viral” nature, then, can greatly intensify the amount of victimization a partner suffers, knowing that the embarrassing or harmful content is being viewed and shared – perhaps repeatedly – by an incredible amount of people. The situation can become worse after realizing that it is sometimes difficult to work with Internet Service Providers and Content Service Providers to get the content removed in a timely manner.
It is interesting to note that motivations for teenage dating violence include anger and a felt need to demonstrate power. An adolescent can quickly send a scathing or harassing email or instant message to a girlfriend or boyfriend solely based on negative emotions, without taking the time to calm down and react rationally to a feeling or situation and without considering the implications of that textual content. Power can be readily exerted in a dating scenario because the victim’s past and present experiences with the abuser provide a unique relational dependency and history that make it difficult to resist or get away from online mistreatment or harm. This is much less true in adolescent relationships than in adult relationships (where there is sometimes a need for financial assistance and sometimes the presence of children), but there still often exists a power dynamic that may be exploited if the relationship is unbalanced and dysfunctional. Indeed, more suffering and pain may result from cyberbullying within a romantic relationship, as compared to cyberbullying among strangers, casual acquaintances, or even platonic friends. Finally, these technological devices allow abusers to feel constantly connected to (and within “reach” of) their dating partner, who often feels that he or she has no escape from the torment. This is enhanced by the fact that youth constantly have their phone with them day and night, and use it as their lifeline to maintain and grow relationships.
Clearly, the nuances of electronic dating violence merit our attention, inquiry, and response. Are you working with teens who are dealing with this problem? How have you tried to help them? What has worked best? We look forward to further discussing this in the weeks ahead.
See also:
Henton, J. M., Cate, R. M., Koval, J., Lloyd, S., & Christopher, F. S. (1983). Romance and violence in dating relationships. Journal of Family Issues, 4, 467-482.
Hinduja, S., & Patchin, J. W. (2009). Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (Corwin Press).
Katz, J., Kuffel, S. W., & Coblentz, A. (2002). Are there gender differences in sustaining dating violence? An examination of frequency, severity, and relationship satisfaction. Journal of Family Violence, 17, 241-271.
McQuade, S. C., & Sampat, N. (2008). Survey of Internet and At Risk Behaviors. from http://www.rit.edu/cast/cms/rrcsei/RIT%20Cyber%20Survey%20Final%20Report.pdf
Mulford, C., & Giordano, P. C. (2008). Teen Dating Violence: A Closer Look at Adolescent Romantic Relationships. NIJ Journal(261), 34-40.
O’Keefe, M. (1997). Predictors of dating violence among high school student. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 12, 546-568.
Patchin, J. W., & Hinduja, S. (2006). Bullies Move beyond the Schoolyard: A Preliminary Look at Cyberbullying. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 4(2), 148-169.
Roscoe, B., & Callahan, J. E. (1985). Adolescents’ self-report of violence in families and dating relations. Adolescence, 20, 545-553.
Silverman, J. G., Raj, A., Mucci, L. A., & Hathaway, J. E. (2001). Dating violence against adolescent girls and associated substance use, unhealthy weight control, sexual risk behavior, pregnancy, and suicidality. Journal of the American Medical Association, 286(5), 572-579.
Stets, J. E., & Straus, M. A. (1990). Gender differences in reporting marital violence and its medical and psychological consequences. In M. A. Straus & R. J. Gelles (Eds.), Physical violence in American families: Risk factors and adaptations to violence in 8,145 families (pp. 151-166). New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction.
Williams, K., & Guerra, N. G. (2007). Prevalence and Predictors of Internet Bullying. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, S14-S21.
Wolak, J., Mitchell, K., & Finkelhor, D. (2007). Does Online Harassment Constitute Bullying? An Exploration of Online Harassment by Known Peers and Online-Only Contacts. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41, S51-S58.
Although the college environment may be composed of people of several different age groups, many colleges are heavily concentrated with older teens and people just out of their teenage years. Therefore, it may be a commonplace to see many college students experiencing issues that many high school or middle school teens experience. Electronic dating violence is one such issue that often occurs among younger college students. In May 2010, five out of eight Washington-area universities reported an increase in sexual assaults on campus. Schools across Virginia as well reported similar increases. A University of Virginia lacrosse player George Huguely V was charged with the first-degree murder of his girlfriend. All of these alarming incidences are mere examples of how dangerous dating violence can be. The director of the Office of Student conduct at the University of Maryland stated that “ increasingly we’re seeing harassing behavior and stalking going on, which is perpetuated through electronic means”. When we’re considering the occurrence of electronic dating violence among teens we must not solely limit it to those teens in grade school, however, teens in college need as much education and support. As technology progresses, it seems like the incidences of dating violence increases with it. It is important to reach all teens and teach them how to end this viscous cycle.