Changes in Adolescent Online Social Networking Behaviors from 2006 to 2009

Changes in Adolescent Online Social Networking Behaviors from 2006 to 2009 Cyberbullying Research Center image 1

As online social networking has become an immersive and pervasive phenomenon, traditional considerations and expectations of personal privacy have been drastically altered. This paradigmatic change has led to adolescents possibly making themselves vulnerable to embarrassment, censure, damage to one’s name or reputation, or even victimization by others because of unwise postings or revelations online. The current study sought to determine the extent to which adolescent information disclosure on has changed between 2006 and 2009. We found significant changes in the nature of personal content made publicly available across the two time points and a trend in which teens are being increasingly more selective and discrete when it comes to what they share and with whom they share it.

Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S. (2010). Changes in adolescent online social networking behaviors from 2006 to 2009. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(6), 1818-1821.

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  1. cyber bullying can make my life uneasy.i leave in fear..its too hard to forget,knowing that someone threatend your life,not only once but many times….how can i perceived punishment to the person who did it… leaves me to much pain….day and night i always remember what she had been said……i didnt what to do ,can u help me please..

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