Empowering Teens to Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Go Viral
This talk will teach educators how to lead students in transforming their schools and communities through bullying prevention and kindness initiatives.

Cyberbullying: Actionable Strategies for Administrators
This talk will teach administrators how to structure their policies, programs, and practices to respond to cyberbullying and promote appropriate student interactions.

Bullying and Cyberbullying: How Schools Can Help Parents Do Their Part
This talk will teach participants to help educators form an alliance with parents to address bullying and cyberbullying where both realize they need to work together.

Digital Reputation: What Your Students Need to Know and Do
This presentation stresses the importance of digital reputations and the (mis)use of social media, and helps you teach them how to represent themselves positively online.

Sexting, Digital Dating Abuse, and Other Online Relationship Issues
This talk will teach participants to learn what the research currently says about the prevalence, motivations, and implications of sexting…