Less schoolwide bans on devices, more school climate initiatives! post thumbnail

Less schoolwide bans on devices, more school climate initiatives!

Computers have long been a fixture in many American schools. Indeed, we had computers in our middle schools back in the day. And when we visit schools today — large and small, rural and urban — they (of course) all have computers. Many schools have computer labs or general-access machines in libraries or other common […]

Teens and Technology, School District Policy Issues, 2012-2013 post thumbnail

Teens and Technology, School District Policy Issues, 2012-2013

With the beginning of the school year upon us again, I thought it might be valuable to review a very important topic. One of the most important steps a district can take to help protect their students and protect themselves from legal liability is to have a clear and comprehensive policy regarding bullying and harassment, […]

A Positive School Climate Makes Everything Possible post thumbnail

A Positive School Climate Makes Everything Possible

We have a lot of really great anecdotes and ideas from educators included in our latest book School Climate 2.0:Preventing Cyberbullying and Sexting One Classroom at a Time.  Below is one example from our friend Steve Bollar, who is a principal in New Jersey.  He is an “in-the-trenches” expert when it comes to developing and […]

Bullying and Peer Violence Videos as Teaching Tools? post thumbnail

Bullying and Peer Violence Videos as Teaching Tools?

A colleague sent me an article detailing how pictures and videos of bullying and other forms of violence posted online – student on student, or student on teacher – can actually be used as a “teachable tool” and to “wake everyone up.”  Parents can sit down with youth and watch them together, and convey lessons […]

Can a School Respond to Off-Campus Cyberbullying? post thumbnail

Can a School Respond to Off-Campus Cyberbullying?

We discuss the legal issues associated with schools responding to cyberbullying incidents quite often in this space. You can find many blog posts which attempt to clarify the variety of issues raised (see here and here) and we have a summary fact sheet that is available here.  Of course the law, and our understanding of […]

Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation Launch, and School Climate! post thumbnail

Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation Launch, and School Climate!

Justin and I had a great time at Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation launch at Harvard University last week.  It was amazing to be surrounded by such brilliant scholars, researchers, and practitioners from across the United States, and even a few from England and Australia.  The professional event we were a part of was […]

Wisconsin’s Bullying Law post thumbnail

Wisconsin’s Bullying Law

As a resident of the state of Wisconsin and someone who follows bullying legislation from around the United States pretty closely (see our summary here), I was particularly interested to learn that a proposal was being put forward to update Wisconsin’s bullying law.  Wisconsin’s law  took effect in 2010 and requires schools to have a […]

Facebook for Educators, and the issues we need to consider post thumbnail

Facebook for Educators, and the issues we need to consider

I have been chatting with my colleague Nancy Willard from Embrace Civility in the Digital Age about Facebook in schools, and how they should and should not be used by educators. These are her recent thoughts with some of my input added…just to get some more discussion going on this issue. We both think that […]

Bullying Law Summary Fact Sheet Updated post thumbnail

Bullying Law Summary Fact Sheet Updated

We have just updated one of our most popular resources. You can find our latest bullying law fact sheet here. As you can see, all but 2 states now have bullying laws in place or scheduled to take effect in 2012. Most of these (35) include language about electronic forms of bullying while still relatively […]

Another Well-Meaning, but Unfunded Mandate to Address Bullying post thumbnail

Another Well-Meaning, but Unfunded Mandate to Address Bullying

New Jersey’s updated bullying law took effect today amid controversy and confusion.  The New York Times recently reported on the law and I have received numerous calls from folks interested in my take on certain provisions.  Bullying and cyberbullying legislation has been the topic of much discussion on this blog, and regular readers know that […]