Our Cyberbullying Scale: Two Decades of Measuring Online Aggression
When Sameer and I first became interested in studying cyberbullying back in 2001, we began our inquiry by simply speaking with folks. We talked with parents and teens, but also with teachers and other school staff, as well as law enforcement officers and anyone else who worked with young people. We wanted to know more […]

Summary of Our Cyberbullying Research (2007-2023)
At the Cyberbullying Research Center we have been collecting data from middle and high school students since 2002. We have surveyed more than 35,000 students from middle and high schools from across the United States in sixteen unique projects. The following two charts show the percent of respondents who have experienced cyberbullying at some point […]

Youth Sexting in the US: New Paper in Archives of Sexual Behavior
We have a new paper that has just been published by the academic journal Archives of Sexual Behavior. As far as we can tell, it is the first article to report national-level sexting data from middle and high school students in the United States since 2011. It is based on our fall 2016 data. Below […]

New Teen Sexting Data
As regular followers of this blog know, Sameer and I recently collected data from over 5,500 middle and high school students from across the United States. We asked 12 to 17 year-olds to tell us about their experiences with a variety of online problems, including sexting. I thought it would be useful to share some […]

New Bullying Data—and Definition—from the National Crime Victimization Survey
The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is a large-scale data collection effort led by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Justice Statistics. A nationally-representative sample of approximately 90,000 households is selected, and a survey is administered face-to-face or via telephone twice a year for three years to 160,000 persons within those households who […]

New National Bullying and Cyberbullying Data
Here at the Cyberbullying Research Center, we use data to better understand what teens are thinking, doing, and experiencing at school and online. We promote evidence-based and research-inspired policies, procedures, and programming. And given the frequently-changing nature of technology use and misuse, we find it necessary to collect our own data on a regular basis […]

2015 Cyberbullying Data
This study surveyed a random sample of 457 students between the ages of 11 and 15 from a middle school in the Midwestern United States. Data were collected in February of 2015. Click on thumbnail images to enlarge. Teen Technology Use. Cell phones and other mobile devices continue to be the most popular technology utilized […]

2010 Cyberbullying Data
This study surveyed a random sample of 4441 youth between the ages of 10 and 18 from a large school district in the southern United States. Data were collected in February of 2010 from 37 different schools. Click on thumbnail images to enlarge. Teen Technology Use. Cell phones continue to be the most popular technology […]

Cyberbullying: Neither an Epidemic nor a Rarity
If you pay attention to the news reports of cyberbullying incidents (like we do), you would probably think that these inappropriate online behaviors are happening at epidemic levels. When we first started studying cyberbullying over a decade ago, Sameer and I would literally print out any news article we saw that talked about a cyberbullying […]

2007 Cyberbullying Data
This study surveyed a random sample of 1,963 middle school students (mostly aged 11-14) from a large school district in the southern United States. Data were collected in in the spring of 2007 from 30 different schools. Click on thumbnail images to enlarge. Teen Technology Use. Online games are the most popular activity reported with […]