Our colleague Mike Donlin, over at the Seattle Public Schools District, recently headed up a comprehensive project to create an initial set of Internet safety curriculum materials focusing specifically on cyberbullying. His state of Washington has been very progressive in creating and promoting anti-cyberbullying legislation (see RCW 28A.300.285 for more information), and has realized that while issues of online predators, identity theft, and intellectual property rights often make headlines, surveys and studies tell us that cyberbullying is more pervasive and seriously impacts more young people than other better known cyber-safety issues. The recent report from the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard to which Justin and I contributed underscores that fact.
We strongly encourage you to check out the curriculum here. Some of the features which make it both timely and user-friendly include:
1. There is a full Teacher’s Manual so that educators who are not completely comfortable with new communications technologies can successfully implement the materials.
2. The materials are built with WA State Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs) and ISTE NETS standards in mind.
3. It includes a growing list of online and print resource materials.
4. The lessons are designed to be incorporated into ongoing bullying prevention program classroom meetings. However, they are flexible enough to fit nicely into existing Technology, Health and Language Arts units. They can also be used as stand-alones within an Exploratory-type setting.
5. The writing team is composed of people well-versed in bullying prevention, curriculum development, Internet safety, educational technology, the writing process, counseling, and years of classroom teaching.
6. The development of the curriculum was a joint industry-education collaboration, made possible thanks to a generous grant from Qwest Communications/Qwest Foundation and the Seattle Public Schools Prevention-Intervention programs.
7. The curriculum is free and available to anyone who wants to use it.
If you’d like to provide input or have any questions, please contact Mike as he would love to chat with you. Also let us know your thoughts on the curriculum as you implement it on your side.
Wow. Just from the title page of this it looks very comprehensive. I am going to try and review soon and share thoughts. Very excellent.
Wow. Just from the title page of this it looks very comprehensive. I am going to try and review soon and share thoughts. Very excellent.