Family Online Safety Institute Conference – December 11th, 2008 post thumbnail

Family Online Safety Institute Conference – December 11th, 2008

I’m going to be in Washington, DC on Wednesday, December 10th and Thursday, December 11th for the Family Online Safety Institute’s annual conference, where I’ll be participating in a formal roundtable to discuss cyberbullying prevention and response and Internet safety issues.  I am really looking forward to this, as many top practitioners and authors in […]

Reducing Cyberbullying: Is Your School On Track? post thumbnail

Reducing Cyberbullying: Is Your School On Track?

A couple of school districts have recently contacted me in a panic about how cyberbullying has been a major actionable issue for them since the start of the school year, but that they don’t know where to even begin (apart from amending the school policy to cover “electronic” variants of harassment).  They realize that additional […] and the response by schools post thumbnail and the response by schools

My local newspaper just ran a story on and asked me about it (since it could be considered cyberbullying), and so I figured I’d share a few of my thoughts here.  First, the fact that college students are flocking to the site to read and write highly-offensive gossip about others is a sad commentary […]

Focal areas within cyberbullying prevention and response post thumbnail

Focal areas within cyberbullying prevention and response

Mike Donlin, Senior Program Consultant (aka Program Manager), for Seattle Public Schools (and our good friend and esteemed colleague) recently asked us a few thought-provoking questions about cyberbullying prevention and response.  They are as follows: 1. How can we consistently involve all the major stakeholders – educators, legal, the tech industry, families and youth – […]

Why Do Youth Engage in Cyberbullying? post thumbnail

Why Do Youth Engage in Cyberbullying?

This is another one of those questions that we get all of the time.  Of course, there is not one easy answer to this question.  Moreover, what causes one adolescent to cyberbully may not influence another to engage in similar behaviors.  So, while we have a number of theories or hypotheses, what do you think?  […]

symptoms of cyberbullying vs. causes of cyberbullying post thumbnail

symptoms of cyberbullying vs. causes of cyberbullying

I was talking to a colleague recently, and we were bemoaning the fact that all of these legislative actions (laws, prosecutions, suspensions of driver’s licenses) are only addressing the symptoms of cyberbullying and not its cause(s).  Moreover, Justin and I have been hearing from a variety of information technology companies working on software to combat […]

Suspending driver’s licenses of cyberbullies? post thumbnail

Suspending driver’s licenses of cyberbullies?

Perhaps you saw this article detailing how a school district in Oregon is proposing to work with the state’s Department of Transportation to suspend the driver’s license of a student who has been suspended or expelled at least twice for harassing, intimidating, or mistreating another student or employee using electronic means. Again, it is great […]