Free, downloadable resources to equip educators as they help students grow in the skills and abilities to stay safe and responsible online.
Developing a Positive School Climate to Prevent Bullying and Cyberbullying
[Note: To download a .pdf version of this resource, just click on the image above.] Spanish Translation Available Here Much research has shown that a positive school climate contributes to a variety of behavioral, emotional, and academic outcomes that educators hope to achieve. Our research demonstrates that students who report a positive climate at school […]
Teen Sexting: Advice for Parents
(For a formatted .pdf version of this article for distribution, click here]). Sexting is when someone takes a naked or semi-naked (explicit) picture or video of themselves, usually using their phone, and sends it to someone else. Some teens participate in sexting voluntarily as a way to flirt or be intimate with a romantic partner, […]
Digital Dating Abuse: A Brief Guide for Educators and Parents
This 8-page research brief provides educators, parents, and other youth serving adults information about the nature and extent of digital dating abuse among adolescents and how to best address it.
Connecting with Students Online: Issues to Consider When Educators “Friend” Students
This fact sheet provides information for educators and students to keep in mind when connecting via social media. Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. (2020). Connecting with Students Online: Issues to Consider When Educators “Friend” Students. Cyberbullying Research Center. Download PDF
Digital Dating Abuse: Top Ten Tips for Teens
“Digital dating abuse” involves using technology to repetitively harass a romantic partner with the intent to control, coerce, intimidate, annoy or threaten them. Given that youth in relationships today are constantly in touch with each other via texting, social media, and video chat, more opportunities for digital dating abuse can arise. Below are ten tips to help keep teens safe online when it comes to romantic relationships.
Cyberbullying Crossword Puzzle: Talking to Youth about Internet Harassment
A crossword puzzle to be distributed to youth to promote discussion about cyberbullying. Use it in the classroom, an after-school program, or even at home as a fun way to connect with kids about these issues, and how they can stay safe to enjoy all that the Internet, social media, and online gaming have to […]
Cyberbullying Word Find: Talking to Youth about Internet Harassment
A word search to be distributed to youth to promote discussion about cyberbullying and Internet safety. Use it in the classroom, an after-school program, or even at home as a fun way to connect with kids about these issues, and how they can stay safe to enjoy all that the Internet, social media, and online […]
Livestreaming: Top Ten Tips for Teens
(For a formatted .pdf version of this article for distribution, click on the image above [or click here]). Spanish Translation Available Here Online videos are where it’s at these days. But dated, archived videos sometimes aren’t as desirable or compelling as live videos – depending on the content you want to show. Plus, it’s hard […]
Standing up to Cyberbullying: Top Ten Tips for Teens
(For a formatted .pdf version of this article for distribution, click on the image above [or click here]). Spanish Translation Available Here Don’t be a bystander—stand up to cyberbullying when you see it. Take action to stop something that you know is wrong. These Top Ten Tips will give you specific ideas of what you […]
Responding to Cyberbullying: Top Ten Tips for Educators
(For a formatted .pdf version of this article for distribution, click on the image above [or click here]). Spanish Translation Available Here Educators need to respond to all incidents of cyberbullying. Here are some things you can do: 1. THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATE all incidents so that you can direct resources and, if necessary, discipline to students […]