Books we’ve written on cyberbullying, harassment, sexting, and related topics to help parents, educators, mental health professionals, online platforms, and other stakeholders..

Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying (3rd edition)
We’ve updated our award-winning, best-selling book and hope you check it out, given that so much has changed since the 2nd edition. We remain fully committed to supporting educators, youth mental health professionals, families, community leaders, and others who serve young people as they navigate social media and gaming issues and seek to promote well-being […]

Bullying Today: Bullet Points and Best Practices
We’ve written a new bullying prevention book and it is now available! “Bullying Today: Bullet Points and Best Practices” was written for educators looking for concrete, comprehensive, and yet concise information to tackle bullying on campus and online. Before bullying surfaces in your school, you need to be ready. This book is organized so you […]

Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying (2nd edition)
The #1 cyberbullying prevention book just got better! Cyberbullying occurs when three components intersect: teens, technology, and trouble. This perfect storm of elements manifests as harassment, humiliation, and hate that can follow a child everywhere. Drawing on the authors’ own extensive research, this groundbreaking eye-opening resource incorporates the personal voices of youth affected by or […]

Words Wound: Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Go Viral
Many well-meaning researchers and experts have written a number of books for adults that detail the nature and extent of cyberbullying, and offer suggestions for parents, educators, and other adults to effectively respond to the problem. In fact, Dr. Patchin and Dr. Hinduja have written three books just like this! Words Wound is different. This […]

A Leader’s Guide to “Words Wound”
Whether you teach in the classroom, lead a youth group, or work with teens in another setting, Words Wound can help you guide your young people as they learn about cyberbullying, consider their own attitudes and actions (and those of others), and think about ways to delete cyberbullying and make kindness go viral. This leader’s […]

School Climate 2.0: Preventing Cyberbullying and Sexting One Classroom at a Time
We’ve been discussing the importance of school climate as it relates to bullying and cyberbullying quite a bit on this blog (see here and here for examples). Well, we just published a whole book on the topic! School Climate 2.0: Preventing Cyberbullying and Sexting One Classroom at a Time is now in print and available […]

Cyberbullying Prevention and Response: Expert Perspectives
Just as the previous generation was raised in front of televisions, adolescents at the turn of the 21st century are being raised in an internet-enabled world where blogs, social networking, and instant messaging are competing with face-to-face and telephone communication as the dominant means through which personal interaction takes place. Unfortunately, a small but growing […]

Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying
Focusing on how technology can facilitate or magnify traditional forms of peer harassment, “Bullying beyond the Schoolyard” paints a vivid picture of online aggression among adolescents by recounting the stories of victims, summarizing current research, and reviewing recent legal rulings. This groundbreaking book also provides proactive prevention and intervention strategies to equip parents, educators, counselors, […]