wyomingH.B.0223 Safe School Climate Act; Orders the Safe School Climate Act that all School Districts must have a policy in re­gard to the bullying (including electronically) and the punishments are the discretion of the Schools; http://legisweb.state.wy.us/2009/Introduced/HB0223.pdf TITLE 21 – EDUCATION CHAPTER 4 – PUPILS ARTICLE 3 – RIGHT TO ATTEND SCHOOL SECTION 21-4-312. – Definitions. (i) “Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional gesture, any intentional electronic communication or any intentional written, verbal or physical act initiated, occurring or received at school that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of: (A) Harming a student physically or emotionally, damaging a student’s property or placing a student in reasonable fear of personal harm or property damage; (B) Insulting or demeaning a student or group of students causing substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school; or (C) Creating an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for a student or group of students through sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive behavior. (ii) “School” includes a classroom or other location on school premises, a school bus or other school-related vehicle, a school bus stop, an activity or event sponsored by a school, whether or not it is held on school premises, and any other program or function where the school is responsible for the child;

Suggested Citation:

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (INSERT YEAR OF LAW YOU ARE CITING HERE). Bullying and Cyberbullying Laws - Wyoming. Cyberbullying Research Center. (Retrieved January 26, 2025). https://cyberbullying.org/bullying-laws/wyoming