(i) appropriate responses to bullying behaviors, wherever the behaviors occur;
(ii) provisions for anonymous and personal reporting of bullying to a teacher or other school staff;
(iii) timetables for reporting of bullying incidents to the parents of both the targeted student and the bully, in an expedited manner;
(iv) timetables for reporting of bullying incidents to school counselors, school administrators, the superintendent, or law enforcement, if it is determined that reporting the bullying incident to law enforcement is necessary;
(v) discipline provisions for teachers, school staff, or school administrators who fail to initiate or conduct an investigation of a bullying incident; and
(vi) discipline provisions for false reporting of bullying; and
(C) a detailed procedure outlining the use of follow-up services that includes:
(i) support services for the victim; and
(ii) bullying education for the bully.
(b) The discipline rules described in subsection (a) may be applied regardless of the physical location in which the bullying behavior occurred, whenever:
(1) the individual committing the bullying behavior and any of the intended targets of the bullying behavior are students attending a school within a school corporation; and
(2) disciplinary action is reasonably necessary to avoid substantial interference with school discipline or prevent an unreasonable threat to the rights of others to a safe and peaceful learning environment.
(c) The discipline rules described in subsection (a) must prohibit bullying through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a:
(1) computer;
(2) computer system; or
(3) computer network.
HB 1356 – “Bullying Bill 3.0” – took effect July 1, 2018. “Bullying. Provides that a school corporation is not required to report the number of incidents of bullying in the school corporation’s annual school performance report. Provides that information reported by a school corporation relating to the number of incidents of bullying that occur may not be used in calculation of a school’s annual school improvement grade. Provides that the department of education (department) must annually send notification via electronic mail or a letter to each school corporation explaining: (1) the school corporation’s obligation to submit a report to the department containing the number of bullying incidents involving a student; and (2) that the department may conduct an audit of the school corporation to ensure that bullying incidents are accurately reported. Provides that the department may conduct an audit of a school corporation to ensure that bullying incidents are accurately reported. Provides that the department must report discrepancies of an audit on the department’s Internet web site. Requires the department to conduct a statewide survey concerning the improvement of school corporation reporting of incidents of bullying involving a student to the department. Requires, not later than November 1, 2018, the department to submit a report to the general assembly.” http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2018/bills/house/1356#digest-heading HB 1423, signed by governor on May 11, 2013 (Public Law 285) “‘bullying’ means overt, unwanted, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communications or images transmitted in any manner (including digitally or electronically), physical acts committed, aggression, or any other behaviors, that are committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, or harm the other targeted student and create for the targeted student an objectively hostile school environment.” https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http://static.openstates.org/documents/in/IND00057868&chrome=true HB 1276: Amends the definition of “bullying” to include communications transmitted from an electronic communications device or through a social networking web site. http://www.in.gov/legislative/bills/2010/HB/HB1276.2.html “By July 1 of each year, each school corporation shall submit a report to the department detailing the following information for the current school year for each school in the school corporation and for the entire school corporation: … (8) The number of reported bullying incidents involving a student of the school corporation by category.” Senate Enrolled Act No. 285: http://www.in.gov/legislative/bills/2005/PDF/SE/SE0285.1.pdf IC 20-30-5.5; IC 20-33-8-0.2; IC 20-33-8-13.5; IC 5-2-10.1-2; IC 5-2-10.1-11.12 See also: http://www.in.gov/legislative/ic/code/title20/ar33/ch8.html Criminal electronic harassment: INTIMIDATION AND OTHER OFFENSES RELATING TO COMMUNICATIONS