Been Bullied (lifetime)0.0
Been Bullied (last 30 days)0.0
Bullied Others (lifetime)0.0
Bullied Others (last 30 days)0.0
Been Cyberbullied (lifetime)0.0
Been Cyberbullied (last 30 days)0.0
Cyberbullied Others (lifetime)0.0
Cyberbullied Others (last 30 days)0.0
Received a Sext
Sent a Sext
Minimum Sample Size1
*Caution should be exercised when interpreting results from states with a small sample size.

Suggested Citation:

Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (INSERT YEAR OF DATA YOU ARE CITING HERE). Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Sexting Statistics - Northern Mariana Islands. Cyberbullying Research Center. (Retrieved January 14, 2025).