Keynote Speaker Dr. Justin Patchin, Cyberbullying Research Center; Brian Heid, Esq., Assistant District Attorney, Nassau County Prosecutors Office; plus a panel of practitioners.
In an age of social media, where students can quickly and sometimes anonymously target their peers online, what legal obligations do school districts have? How do we properly investigate claims of cyberbullying? Where is the line between student free speech under the First Amendment and cyberbullying? When do the issues become so serious that law enforcement must be involved? What lessons have we learned from the implementation of DASA over the last several years? When do other state and federal discrimination laws come into play? Equally important,what approaches will actually be effective at addressing online student behavior and ensuring a school climate that is safe and conducive to learning? In this interactive workshop, participants will hear from Dr. Justin Patchin, a national expert on issues of cyberbullying and co-founder of the Cyberbullying Research Center. Dr. Patchin will review current trends and best practices for addressing cyberbullying. Participants will also hear from Brian Hyde, Assistant District Attorney in the Nassau County Prosecutor’s Office, about the role of law enforcement in address certain cyberbullying issues, including those involving threats, sexually explicit material or other potential criminal activity.