Here is the research we’ve found on cyberbullying in Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of, with the most recent first. Please email us if you have any articles to add with the details ordered in the same format as the others.



Authors: Del Río Pérez, Jorge; Bringué, Xavier; Sádaba, Charo; González González, Diana.

Year: 2009

Title: Cyberbullying: un análisis comparativo en estudiantes de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México, Perú y Venezuela. En: Generació digital: oportunitats i riscos dels públics

Journal: La transformació dels usos comunicatius. V Congrés Internacional Comunicació i Realitat.


Abstract: This study explores the issue of cyberbullying from a cross-cultural perspective. The focus is on the examination of the extent of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, México, Peru, Venezuela tweens and adolescents’ experiences of cyberbullying. A survey study of 21.000 students from 10 to 18 years. In this paper, “cyberbullying” refers to bullying via electronic communication tools: mobile phone/video/picture/text message, Internet/gaming/instant messaging.