Here is the research we’ve found on cyberbullying in Serbia, with the most recent first. Please email us if you have any articles to add with the details ordered in the same format as the others.
Authors: Rakic, L., Santric-Milicevic, M.,
Year: 2021
Title: The Relationship between Individual and Family Characteristics and Cyberbullying Exposure in a Nationally Representative Sample of School-Aged Children Living in Serbia
Journal: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
Abstract: The study provides evidence on the individual and family factors as potential predictors (odds ratio—OR and 95% CI) of cyber-violence among school-aged children (11–17 years old) from 64 schools participating in the 2017 Serbian Study on health behavior in school-age children (HBSC). The standardized international HBSC research protocol was used. The study population was the nationally representative sample of 3267 students of V and VII grades of primary and I grade of secondary schools in Serbia. Potential predictors for the probability of occurrence vs. non-occurrence of cyberbullying exposure at least once and multiple times were identified among 24 explanatory variables, including the individual characteristics and family context. The cyberbullying exposure was more prevalent among girls than among boys of school-age, i.e., over one in seven girls and one in ten boys were exposed to cyberbullying. Over one in seven students at age 13 years and almost every seventh student at grade I of the gymnasium were exposed to cyberbullying. There were more students exposed to at least one cyberbullying than to multiple cyberbullying. Potential predictors of exposure to cyberbullying are gender, opinion of the family’s affluence status, fathers’ employment, communication with father, and family support. The study compensates for the evidence of cyberbullying in Serbia, which could help raise awareness, inform national and international stakeholders in the region and enable their efforts and strengthen cooperation in ending cyberbullying. This study’s findings could inform the development of an intervention program aimed at families and various professionals involved in protecting and improving school-age children’s health and well-being.
Author(s): Popović-Ćitić, B., Djurić, S., & Cvetković, V.
Year: 2011
Title: The prevalence of cyberbullying among adolescents: A case study of middle schools in Serbia.
Journal: School Psychology International
Abstract: Cyberbullying has become widespread, and is generating growing concerns as it affects students and school climates in general. The objective of this article is to investigate the prevalence of cyberbullying among Serbian adolescents. Special emphasis was placed on gender differences regarding different forms of cyberbullying and victimization. In this study, 387 middle school students from five state schools in Belgrade were surveyed in order to obtain information about the prevalence of cyberbullying and victimization. The results show that most of the students used the Internet on a daily basis and that almost all of them possess their own mobile telephones. On average, 10% of students aged 11- to 15-years-old reported that they have cyberbullied others online, whilst 20% of them were victims of cyberbullying. The most common types of victimization reported by students were denigration and harassment, and most of the cyberbullying took the form of harassment. There were significant gender differences in cyberbullying, with male students reporting higher levels of bullying others and being victimized by cyberbullies than females. Implications for prevention and intervention are presented.