Here is the research we’ve found on cyberbullying in Indonesia, with the most recent first. Please email us if you have any articles to add with the details ordered in the same format as the others.
Authors: Wenggedes Frensh, Madiasa Ablisar, Mahmud Mulyadi
Year: 2021
Title: Criminal Policy on Cyberbullying of Children in Indonesia
Journal: International Journal of Cyber Criminology
Abstract: This study aimed to determine the impact of criminal policy on cyberbullying in Indonesia. Cyberbullying is indeed a contemporary issue, as the advancement of technology has increased the number of instances of cyberbullying that are detrimental to society. Methods: The method of this study was qualitative because it was based on the interview protocols that were taken with careful consideration to analyse to what extent criminal policy in Indonesia affects cyberbullying in Indonesia. The target population for the interviews was the criminal justice system and cybercrime department. Results: The study demonstrates that the criminal policy alone is ineffective in preventing cyberbullying, but it is also society’s social and moral responsibility to fight against this crime. Conclusion: This study provides significant theoretical and practical implications that are important to consider eliminating the social and moral crime of cyberbullying that is disturbing children socially and psychologically.
Author: Dyah Nugraheni, P.
Year: 2021
Title: The New Face of Cyberbullying in Indonesia: How Can We Provide Justice to the Victims?
Journal: The Indonesian Journal of International Clinical Legal Education
Abstract: In fact, several cases of cyber oppression have increased recently as a result of internet penetration in Indonesia. Ordinarily, cyberbullying happens to celebrities and ordinary people. Ordinarily, some cases occur with suicide. As a result, based on this phenomenon, it is important to prevent forms of cyberbullying on social media, both for victims and perpetrators. Consequently, using case studies and observations, this research examines several social media services, such as Facebook, Path, Twitter, and Instagram. Accordingly, to Willory forms of cyber cyberbullying in Indonesia are harassment, defamation, identity plagiarism, fraud, and cyberstalking. Crimes in cyberspace in Indonesia, nevertheless, have three other objects besides individuals, namely cyber oppression to certain regions, religions, and institutions.
Authors: Trimaria Laxmi, S., Rismala, R., and Nurrahmi, H.
Year: 2021
Title: Cyberbullying Detection on Indonesian Twitter using Doc2Vec and Convolutional Neural Network
Journal: International Conference on Information and Communication Technology
Abstract: Cyberbullying is the act of threatening or endangering others by posting text or images that humiliate or harass people through the internet or other communication devices. According to a survey from Polling Indonesia and Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII) about cyberbullying, 49% of 5900 participants claimed they have been bullied. Therefore, this research was conducted with the intention to prevent cyberbullying acts, especially in Indonesia. We collected data from Twitter based on Twitter’s Trending keywords which correlated to cyberbully events. Then we combined it with the data from previous research. We obtained a total of 1425 tweets, consists of 393 data labeled as cyberbully and 1032 data labeled as non-cyberbully. Thereupon, we build a Doc2Vec model for features extraction, and a classifier model using the baseline classification method (SVM and RF) and CNN to detect cyberbully texts. The results show that the classifier using CNN and Doc2vec has the highest F1-score, 65.08%.
Year: 2020
Title: Cyberbullying Phenomenon of High School Students: An Exploratory Study in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Journal: Binus Journal Publishing
Abstract: Cyberbullying became a common occurrence among teenagers in the world today. The aim of research was to explore the cyberbullying experience of high school students in West Kalimantan. The research was conducted to identify internet usage and online activities that led to cyberbullying victimization. The methods used a questionnaire collected during June 2019 from 50 students (25 males and 25 females) graded 10 to 12, and used a one-way ANOVA analysis. Significant gender differences were found which indicated that boys were more often involved in cyberbullying both as the perpetrator and the victim. Students with lower academic achievement tend to be online perpetrators than students with better academic performance. The research investigated how cyber oppression impacts both as a perspective of victimization and persecution, discussing the practice of reporting students to parents, school officials and other adults. Parental and teacher supervision as a strategy reduces student involvement in cyberbullying and generates awareness among students. The result implies that schools have an important role in teaching cybersecurity, adding cyberbullying subject in the curriculum, and sharing experiences with students.
Author: Fauzia, F
Year: 2019
Title: Cyberbullying Behaviors and Impact to Adolescence in Indonesia
Journal: Journal of Asian Review of Public Affairs and Policy
URL: (Now defunct)
Abstract: Technological advances are currently growing rapidly; the internet is more easily accessible to everyone. The use of the Internet has become a basic need for people, especially teenagers in Indonesia. However, it also gives a bad impact such as cyberbullying, which experienced by most teenagers who use the internet. The objective of this study are to identify cyberbullying behaviors and analyze the impacts toward both bulliers and victims. The method used in this research is study of literature by reviewing from books, articles and Scientific’s journals related to cyberbullying in adolescence. The result shown that internet consumption in Indonesia mostly are teenager in age 15-19 years old, based on We Are Social and Hootsuite research in 2017 the growth of internet users Indonesia reached 51% per year that is the highest number in the world. According to various studies related to cyberbullying behavior not only affects the victim but it also gives negative impact to those who bullied others. Victims can get a bad mental health and also affects to their social activities which can leading them to become withdrawn and depressed, anxious and insecure. Kids who bullied others tend to do another criminal actions even in the real world.
Authors: Ruiz, R. M. N. M.
Year: 2018
Title: Curbing Cyberbullying Among Students: A Comparative Analysis of Existing Laws Among Selected Asian Countries
Journal: PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
Abstract: In 2013, the Philippines approved the Anti-Bullying law, which covered cyberbullying. However, a 2015 study revealed that 80% of Filipino teenagers aged 13 to 16 are still experiencing cyberbullying (Takumi, 2016). This paper attempted to compare existing laws on cyberbullying among selected ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. It also aims to identify each country’s anti-cyberbullying measures that might fit other ASEAN countries’ needs. To achieve its purposes, it used a qualitative research with the following primary methods: discourse analysis of cyberbullying laws and alternative strategies addressing said concern; and literature review of online journals, online publications, and online news articles. The study revealed that the Philippines is the only ASEAN country with a cyberbullying law that addresses the students, while other countries have alternative strategies in addressing the issue. Further, it found that cyberbullying is experienced by individuals aged 6 to 30 through Facebook and Twitter. The study suggests that the government should require schools to develop specific and consistent policies that would address this concern; and a curriculum that promotes digital responsibility. Finally, parents are encouraged to educate their children on ethical values, particularly in the digital world.
Authors: Safaria, T., Tentama, F., Suyono H.
Year: 2016
Title: Cyberbully, Cybervictim, and Forgiveness among Indonesian High School Students.
Journal: Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET
Abstract: Cyberbullying has been commonplace practice among Indonesian teenagers engaging in on-line space. However, this phenomenon has not been extensively researched in the context of Indonesia. This present study aims to examine the extent to which level of forgiveness contribute to varying degrees of cyberbullying. It is a quantitative in which the data were drawn from 495 senior high school students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The research findings revealed that there was a significant correlation of β=. 255, p=. 011 between level of forgiveness and patterns of response towards cyberbullying and also a correlation of (β=. 316, p=. 001) between cybervictim and cyberbully. The study concluded with some recommendations with regard to the effect of cyberbullying.
Author(s): Safaria, T.
Year: 2016
Title: Prevalence and Impact of Cyberbullying in a Sample of Indonesian Junior High School Students.
Journal: Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET
Abstract: In recent years cyberbullying has become widespread throughout junior high schools around the world, resulting in high numbers of adolescents affected by cybervictimization. Cybervictimization is associated with negative psychological health outcomes. The objective of the present study was to examine the impact and prevalence of cybervictimization in a sample of junior high school students in Jogjakarta, Indonesia. A total of 102 seventh grade students were involved in the study: 72 (70.6%) boys and 30 (29.4%) girls. The majority (80%) of the students in this study reported experiencing cybervictimization occasionally to almost every day. The results suggest a positive relationship between cybervictimization and level of students’ psychological distress. General recommendations for anti cyberbullying programmes are discussed.