Here is the research we’ve found on cyberbullying in the Czech Republic, with the most recent first. Please email us if you have any articles to add with the details ordered in the same format as the others.
Authors: Marie Bedrosova, Hana Machackova, Jan Šerek, David Smahel, Catherine Blaya
Year: 2022
Title: The relation between the cyberhate and cyberbullying experiences of adolescents in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia
Journal: Computers in Human Behavior
Abstract: This study investigates the structural relationship between two types of cyberaggression: cyberhate and cyberbullying. Cyberhate is online hate speech that attacks collective identities. Cyberbullying is defined by the intent to harm, its repeated nature, and a power imbalance. Considering these features and the shared commonalities, we used survey data from adolescents from the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia (N = 3,855, aged 11–17) to examine the relationship between them. We tested a bifactor model with the general common risk factor and two distinct factors of cyberhate and cyberbullying. We also tested alternative one-factor and two-factor models. The bifactor structure showed the best fit and allowed for the further examination of the unique and common features of cyberhate and cyberbullying by testing their associations with selected risk and protective factors. The results showed that the general risk factor was associated with higher age, emotional problems, and time spent online. Individual-based discrimination was associated with cyberbullying and the general risk factor. Group-based discrimination was associated with cyberhate and cyberbullying. Exposure to harmful online content was associated with all factors. Considering that prior research did not sufficiently differentiate between these two phenomena, our study provides an empirically-based delimitation to help to identify their shared basis and differences.
Authors: Dóra Eszter Várnai, Marta Malinowska-Cieślik, Andrea Madarasová Gecková, Ladislav Csémy, Zsolt Horváth
Year: 2022
Title: Do Neighbors Have More Peaceful Students? Youth Violence Profiles among Adolescents in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia
Journal: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
Abstract: (1) Background: Co-occurrence or overlaps of different forms or involvement in peer violence among adolescents have been broadly studied. The study aimed to assess adolescents’ violence profiles related to bullying, cyberbullying, and fighting in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. The study was to investigate the pattern of bullying, cyberbullying, and fighting involvement among adolescents in these four countries to test the stability of previously identified profiles. (2) Methods: We analyzed the data from the 2017/2018 international Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey, which used proportionate sampling among adolescents aged 11–15 years old (n = 24,501). A Latent Class Analysis (LCA) was performed to determine violence profiles in each country. (3) Results: In Slovakia, three distinct latent classes were identified, primarily cyber victims, school bullies, and those involved in multiple forms, and in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland bully victims was the fourth class. (4) Conclusions: The findings suggest that peer violence prevention programs in adolescents should consider violence profiles and multiple involvements.
Authors: Kamil Kopecký , Francisco-Domingo Fernández-Martín, René Szotkowski, Gerardo Gómez-García, and Klára Mikulcová
Year: 2021
Title: Behaviour of Children and Adolescents and the Use of Mobile Phones in Primary Schools in the Czech Republic
Journal: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
Abstract: Today’s young people spend most of their time in contact with mobile devices. Their excessive use carries many risks, such as addiction, cyberbullying and social disruption. Based on this, this study analysed the mobile phone use of young Czechs between 7 and 17 years old (n = 27.177) and assessed the differences in their behaviour according to the mobile device use policies of their schools. The results show that the use of mobile phones was linked to the one of the social networks, YouTube and videogames for the most part. Similarly, those young people who had them at school preferred to use them, instead of practicing sports or social activities. On the other hand, in the centres in which the use of mobile phones was prohibited, they felt bored and without activities to do. Therefore, it will be necessary for schools to implement educational policies that encourage activities and areas of social interaction in the school, especially during recess. However, at the same time, it is recommended not to prohibit the use of technological devices in the educational centre, since this fact encourages students to use them secretly and increases their desire to use them. To this end, its use in the classroom is advocated from an educational perspective, thus promoting collaborative learning and increasing student motivation.
Authors: Petra Ambrožová and Martin Kaliba
Year: 2020
Title: How Do University Students Cyberbuly Teachers on Instagram?
Journal: EDULEARN20 Conference
Abstract: The relationship between teachers and their pupils (students) is key factor of education. Cyberbullying of teachers is a serious problem of the contemporary czech educational reality. There has been a rapid increase in the cyberbullying of teachers in schools by their students. Although it is mainly described in the field of primary and secondary schools and the research on the cyberbullying of teachers by students is still in its infancy, this paper focuses on the situation at selected universities in the Czech Republic. This study examined cyberbullying of teachers on Instagram popular online social network to determine how university students present for example their teachers, their motivation to study and a rivalry of the faculties through photographic content. The researchers selected three popular Instagram profiles made by students and utilized content analysis to obtain quantitative data. The results indicated that most posts include cyberbullying of teachers and they do not relate to university studies.
Author(s): Bayraktar, F., Machackova, H., Dedkova, L., Cerna, A., & Ševčíková, A.
Year: 2015
Title: Cyberbullying The Discriminant Factors Among Cyberbullies, Cybervictims, and Cyberbully-Victims in a Czech Adolescent Sample.
Journal: Journal of interpersonal violence
Abstract: Although the research on cyberbullying has increased dramatically in recent years, still little is known about how cyberbullying participant groups (i.e., cyberbullies, cybervictims, and cyberbully-victims) differ from one another. This study aims to discriminate between these groups at an individual and relational level by controlling for age and gender. Self-control, offline aggression, and self-esteem are analyzed as individual-level variables. Parental attachment and peer rejection are involved as relational-level variables. A total of 2,092 Czech adolescents aged 12 to 18 were enrolled from a random sample of 34 primary and secondary schools located in the South Moravian region of the Czech Republic. Discriminant function analyses indicated that the participant groups are discriminated by two functions. The first function increases the separation between cyberbullies and cyberbully-victims from cybervictims, indicating that cyberbullies and cyberbully-victims are similar to each other in terms of low self-control, offline aggression, and gender, and have higher scores on measures of low self-esteem and offline aggression. However, cyberbully-victims had the highest scores on these measures. The second function discriminates between all three groups, which indicates that those variables included in the second function (i.e., parental attachment, peer rejection, self-esteem, and age) distinguish all three involved groups.
Author(s): Ševčíková, A., Macháčková, H., Wright, M. F., Dědková, L., & Černá, A.
Year: 2015
Title: Social support seeking in relation to parental attachment and peer relationships among victims of cyberbullying.
Journal: Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools
Abstract: Victims use social support seeking (SSS) to buffer the negative effects of cyberbullying. It is unknown whether cyber-victims’ perceptions of harm and having poor peer and parental relationships influence SSS. Using a sample of 451 cyberbullying-victims, aged 12–18, 68% girls, this study examined relationships of gender, harm, peer rejection, parental attachment, offline victimisation and online aggression to SSS, and tested the interaction of harm with peer rejection and parental attachment. Findings from logistic regression revealed that poor parental attachment and higher peer rejection decreased SSS, and that the association between parental attachment and SSS was stronger among cyber-victims with higher harm. This study highlights the importance of assessing cyber-victims’ attachment and experiences with their peers when implementing preventative intervention programs
Author(s): Macháčková, H., Dedkova, L., Sevcikova, A., & Cerna, A.
Year: 2013
Title: Bystanders’ support of cyberbullied schoolmates.
Journal: Journal of community & applied social psychology
Abstract: this study examined factors that increase or decrease the support a bystander offered to a victim of cyberbullying. Possible determinants of supportive behaviour were analyzed using a four-step hierarchical regression analysis on data from 156 Czech children (12-18 years old; M = 15.1; 54% females) who witnessed their schoolmates being victims of cyberbullying. Among individual characteristics, only a general tendency toward prosocial behaviour was a positive predictor of supportive behaviour. Other factors such as age, gender, self-esteem, and problematic relationships with peers had no effect. Among contextual factors, existing relationships with the victim, upset feelings evoked by witnessing victimization, and direct requests for help from the victim triggered supportive behaviour, while strong relationships with the bully inhibited it. Fear of intervening played no role. The practical implications of the findings are discussed with regard to the roles of the emotional response of the bystander and direct requests for help from the victim in cyberbullying interventions. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
Author(s): Ševčíková, A., Šmahel, D., & Otavová, M.
Year: 2012
Title: The perception of cyberbullying in adolescent victims
Journal: Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties
Abstract: The goal of this study was to explore how victims of cyberbullying perceive online aggressive attacks and when they see them as harmful. Interviews were carried out with 16 cybervictimised participants aged 15–17 years. The findings showed differences in the perception of online victimisation when perpetrated by an anonymous Internet user versus by a known person from the real world. The tendency of unknown online aggressors to threaten to hurt their victims offline increased the victims’ feelings of harm. Where cyberbullying interconnected with the school environment, the feeling of harm was intensified by collective perpetration, and by onlookers being personally identifiable. Where cyberbullying was a part of traditional bullying, online victimisation being discussed at school reproduced the bullying and thus the trauma. The results showed that the link between cyberbullying and the physical environment is significant with respect to the victim’s perception of its severity.