Here is the research we’ve found on cyberbullying in Botswana, with the most recent first. Please email us if you have any articles to add with the details ordered in the same format as the others.
Authors: Costales, J., Mark Asio, J., Albino, M., Albino, F., and Riego de Dios, E.E.
Year: 2022
Title: Students’ Profile and Prevalence of Cyberbullying in Higher Education: Implications to the New Normal Learning
Journal: ICFET ’22: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies
Abstract: Cyberbullying is a social disorder emanating from the development of technology and wider access to the Internet. This study aims to assess the students’ profiles and the prevalence of cyberbullying in the higher education institutions in Central Luzon, Philippines. The study used a descriptive-correlational technique with the help of an online survey to gather data. Using a convenience sampling technique, 319 higher education students participated in the online survey, first semester of the academic year 2021–2022. In order to attain the objective of the study, the investigators used a standardized instrument. Using SPSS 23, we analyzed the gathered data using the following statistical tools: frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and non-parametrical tests like Kruskall-Wallis and Spearman rho. Respondents revealed that they were “never” cyberbullying victims or offenders. Furthermore, statistical inferences showed a variation for cyberbullying offenders as to age and sponsorship/scholarship and a weak indirect relationship between cyberbullying offenders and sponsorship/scholarship characteristics of the students. From the results of the study, the investigators recommended pertinent implications for the new normal of learning among students and the institution.
Authors: Merrian J. Brooks, Bathusi K. Phetogo, Hannah Schwennesen, Onkemetse Phoi,
Ontibile Tshume, Mogomotsi Matshaba & Elizabeth Lowenthal
Year: 2021
Title: Building a Community Based Mental Health Program for Adolescents in Botswana: Stakeholder Feedback
Journal: Community Mental Health Journal
Abstract: When planning interventions for adolescents, adult interventions should not be used ‘as is’ in youth settings. Stakeholder engagement can help understand the overall adolescent mental health ecosystem and adapt existing evidence-based interventions for the youth. To understand the overall mental health needs of adolescents in Botswana and the necessary adaptations required for an adolescent lay counselor based intervention in the country. We used the theory of change model and the nominal group technique in five stakeholder meetings. Meetings were held to discuss the mental health needs of youth in Botswana and identify priorities for a lay counsellor based intervention modelled after the Friendship Bench intervention, an existing mental health intervention for adults. The root causes of mental health problems among Botswana’s youth identified by stakeholders included limited mental health knowledge among the youth and the community, family problems, poor communication, low self-esteem, the rapid growth of technology, and biological/genetic predisposition. Structurally barriers included: mental illness-related stigma, lack of psychosocial support, incomplete follow up for health services, cultural beliefs about mental illness, and fragmented mental health services. The stakeholders envisage a program that could empower adolescents and youth counselors to address mental health concerns for a healthier community. The group identified and prioritized several key elements of an effective lay counselor intervention.A diverse group of community stakeholders can illustrate critical mental health needs and elements that countries could use to adapt and contextualize a lay counsellor based mental health intervention for new populations such as the youth.
Authors: Matlhare, B., Faimau, G., and Sechele, L.
Year: 2020
Journal: International Journal of the Educational Studies
Abstract: As more people invest in the cyber world, they become prone to cybercrimes. Previous studies revealed that with technological and cyber advancement, our cyberspace has been infested with malicious acts by cyber criminals while awareness and knowledge of cybercrime and related security among cyberspace users have been relatively lacking. The purpose of this study was to investigate how much knowledge the young cyberspace users at the University of Botswana (UB) have regarding cybercrime and preventive measures and strategies to fight it. Using a convenience sampling technique, data was collected from 57 female and 43 male participants. The study established that the youth at UB are aware of cybercrime, and that this awareness ranged between poor or little knowledge on cybercrime. Findings also noted low detection of cybercrime. To effectively fight cybercrime, the article recommends routine collaboration among policy makers, law enforcers, experts in both the public and private sectors, among other stakeholders.
Author(s): Mooketsi, B. E.
Year: 2018
Title: An Investigation on the Prevalence of Cyberbullying Amongst Undergraduate Students in The University Of Botswana
Journal: Bojelo Esther Mooketsi – Mosenodi Journal
Abstract: Information and Communication Technologies are widely regarded as crucial enablers to communities and individuals to filter and manage information that is of interest to them. Hence, academic institutions provide students with access to the Internet. However, research has established that there is a negative side to this access such as Cyberbullying. Whilst numerous studies discuss the use of social media and bullying amongst the youth in Botswana, no study was found that investigated the prevalence of Cyberbullying amongst undergraduate students in the University of Botswana. It is in recognition of the dearth of information on this phenomenon that this study investigated the prevalence of Cyberbullying amongst undergraduate students of the University of Botswana. Furthermore, this study investigated students’ involvement in collective or group cyberbullying against individuals or organizations and the reasons for partaking in such. This exploratory study adopted a critical interpretive approach and the research data was obtained through semi-structured interviews with undergraduate students in the University of Botswana. The findings of the study show that Cyberbullying is prevalent amongst undergraduate students. It is hoped that tertiary institutions will, in light of the research findings, develop strategies to mitigate the antisocial behavior.
Citation: Mooketsi, B. E. (2018) An Investigation on the Prevalence of Cyberbullying Amongst Undergraduate Students in The University Of Botswana. Bojelo Esther Mooketsi – Mosenodi Journal
Author(s): Selemogwe, M., Setlhare-Oagile, N., & Mphele, S.
Year: 2014
Title: Bullying in Botswana Schools: A Review
Journal: Journal of African and Asian Studies-An Open Access International Journal
Abstract: Although there is an increase in the prevalence of bullying in school settings in Botswana, research on the problem is very limited. In order to refine our understanding of bullying in school settings, we need to equally explore the extent of bullying in schools located in urban and rural areas, factors that are linked to bullying and students’ and the school staff’s knowledge and perceptions of bullying. Such an investigation will aid in generation of interventions that holistically address the problem. This paper reviews research on bullying that has been done thus far in Botswana and offers recommendations for interventions and future research.Freedom of speech is a core index of the strength of any democracy. The social media and messaging platforms today have become the ultimate expression of this right. Many social media platforms exist today and are commonly used by young people. In all forms of communication, the importance of mutual respect cannot be over-emphasized and social media platforms are not an exception. The dividing line between freedom of speech and respect for the person at the other end of the communication is becoming blurry today and this transition zone is widening. The “social media disinhibition phenomenon” is the mindset behind cyberbullying.
Author(s): De Cock, R., & Abeele, M. V.
Year: 2013
Title: Cyberbullying by mobile phone among adolescents: The role of gender and peer group status
Journal: N/A
Abstract: This article presents the results of a study in Flanders on the relationship between adolescents’ peer group status, their gender and their involvement in different types of mobile phone cyberbullying. By means of a free nominations procedure, likeability and perceived popularity scores were calculated for each respondent. Based on these scores, four groups were identified: popular controversial, popular liked, average and rejected adolescents. Even after controlling for age, gender, the frequency of voice calling and the frequency of text messaging, popular controversial adolescents were significantly more likely to make or send threatening/ insulting voice calls or text messages. They also gossiped significantly more frequently by means of voice calls or text messages. No relationship was found between peer group status and making hurtful pictures or videos. A significant interaction effect with gender was found for mobile phone gossiping: Popular controversial girls were more involved in gossiping than popular controversial boys.