Free, downloadable resources to equip pediatricians, nurses, mental health workers, and other health care providers on youth tech issues.
Cyberbullying Fact Sheet: Identification, Prevention, and Response
UPDATED for 2024! This detailed guide is a nine-page summary – filled with as much useful information as possible – to equip educators, parents, and other youth-serving adults to spot cyberbullying, respond to it appropriately and meaningfully, and to prevent its future occurrence among those they care for. If you only have time to read […]
Teen Sexting: Advice for Parents
(For a formatted .pdf version of this article for distribution, click here]). Sexting is when someone takes a naked or semi-naked (explicit) picture or video of themselves, usually using their phone, and sends it to someone else. Some teens participate in sexting voluntarily as a way to flirt or be intimate with a romantic partner, […]
Cyberbullying: Top Ten Tips for Health Care Providers
This resource provides tips for health care professionals (pediatricians, school nurses, etc.) to help them identify and care for students who may have experienced cyberbullying.