a. Conduct that occurs in a public school, on school district premises, in a district owned or leased schoolbus or school vehicle, or at any public school or school district sanctioned or sponsored activity or event and which:
(1) Is so severe, pervasive, or objectively offensive that it substantially interferes with the student’s educational opportunities;
(2) Places the student in actual and reasonable fear of harm;
(3) Places the student in actual and reasonable fear of damage to property of the student; or
(4) Substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the public school; or
b. Conduct received by a student while the student is in a public school, on school district premises, in a district owned or leased schoolbus or school vehicle, or at any public school or school district sanctioned or sponsored activity or event and which:
(1) Is so severe, pervasive, or objectively offensive that it substantially interferes with the student’s educational opportunities;
(2) Places the student in actual and reasonable fear of harm;
(3) Places the student in actual and reasonable fear of damage to property of the student; or
(4) Substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the public school; or
c. Conduct received or sent by a student through the use of an electronic device while the student is outside a public school, off school district premises, and off school district owned or leased property which:
(1) Places the student in actual and reasonable fear of:
(a) Harm; or
(b) Damage to property of the student; and
(2) Is so severe, pervasive, or objectively offensive the conduct substantially interferes with the student’s educational opportunities or substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the public school.
2. “Conduct” includes the use of technology or other electronic media.
(https://codes.findlaw.com/nd/title-15-1-elementary-and-secondary-education/nd-cent-code-sect-15-1-19-17.html) House Bill 1465 defines bullying and requires school districts to have bullying policies by July 1, 2012. http://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/62-2011/documents/11-8212-02000.pdf “Bullying” means: a. Conduct that occurs in a public school, on school district premises, in a district owned or leased schoolbus or school vehicle, or at any public school or school district sanctioned or sponsored activity or event; b. Conduct that is received by a student while the student is in a public school, on school district premises, in a district owned or leased schoolbus or school vehicle, or at any public school or school district sanctioned or sponsored activity or event. “Conduct” includes the use of technology or other electronic media. Code 12.1.17-07 (2009) makes harassment via phone, in writing or via electronic communication a Class A misdemeanor. http://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/61-2009/interim/BAAV0200.pdf