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Event Information:
- Wed17Jul2024Thu18Jul2024Ellicott City, MD
2024 Maryland Center for School Safety Conference
Keynote on preventing technology misuse among K-12 students through school climate, resilience, and empathy initiatives
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Dr. Sameer Hinduja was the perfect keynote speaker for Auburn University’s 2016 International Anti-bullying Summit. His sessions encompassed solid research, social media bullying intervention, school climate improvement strategies, and character building—all topics of tremendous interest to attendees that included educators, counselors, social workers, students, and law enforcement personnel. He engaged the audience during the Keynote by conducting short on-the-spot surveys about bullying prevalence in the audience‘s own environments. He was highly knowledgeable as well as warm and accessible. Thank you, Dr. Hinduja!
Linda Dean, Truman Pierce Institute, College of Education, Auburn University ,Sameer speaks with passion and purpose as he brings to light the realities and dangers of cyberbullying among our children today. He articulates the urgency of reaching the bullied with the truth that they are loved and valued, while also wisely discerning the need to gracefully shepherd the bully into moral living. He equips his listeners with valuable tools, strategies, and practical resources to better identify and understand the social context of cyberbullying and to protect the children in our lives.
Corrie Freeman,Volunteer Church Youth LeaderI had the pleasure of meeting and working with Dr. Sameer Hinduja as part of a Fulbright scholarship award in Ireland. We worked together on improving a Digital Safety programme that I am involved in coordinating and I have to say his feedback was and is invaluable. The research he conducts gives us a true insight into the reality that the youth of today face in terms of social threats. He has such a measured approach towards the topic of Cyberbullying which in this current climate is essential. Too many times we overreact to situations around potential threats. Sameer, however, has the measured and balanced approach to step back and assess the scenario via thoughtful and analytical methods. This results in a measured and calm response with useful help for those involved rather than introducing an emotionally charged response which clouds judgement. I believe we can all learn from him.
Irene Guédan, Digital Safety Program Coordinator,McAfee Ireland (Intel Security)I really enjoyed the conference with Dr. Hinduja. There were several things I took away from the conference, but one being the most prominent is: Sharing the positive stories. We have many positive stories at FHHS and I know that by sharing these, our climate will continue to improve and students will learn the “Howell Way.” Some others include the variety of preventions (such as Lock it down day, Delete day, Positive Referrals, Decoding your Digital Footprint, etc). I also felt like some of the things we plan to do this year or have done in the past (i.e. pledges, signage throughout the building) were validated as effective prevention strategies and we’ll keep doing those things.
Dr. Angie Kozlowski, Associate Principal,Francis Howell High SchoolDr. Patchin’s presentation and resources on the topic of cyberbullying are the best I’ve seen on the topic. His work ismuch more effective than the typical “Internet safety” program in that he focuses on cyberbullying, a common occurrence among students, instead of deflecting the discussion to blame technology or highlight the edge cases of sexual predators. Dr. Patchin is right up there with danah boyd and Nancy Willard in his knowledge, experience, and passion with the topic of youth and technology. He has a great presentation style with a ton of great information to share.
John Pederson,Educational Technology Liaison – WiscNetYour presentation was not only interesting, but it redirected the way I have been looking at the issue. I’m not the only one. I have seen all sorts of emails going back and forth from people that are looking at this in a new light. I have seen a flow of fresh ideas on how we should deal with these situations. What you do makes a difference. Thank you for that.
Myra Binnicker,Answers.com Quality Program CoordinatorAt a time when technology has become the lifeline for our kids, Dr. Hinduja’s eye-opening, educational presentation on cyber bullying, social networking, and online safety is critical for teachers, parents, counselors, and anyone who deals with children.
Wanda W. Finnie, Esq.,Special Projects Administrator, Miami-Dade County Juvenile Services Department.Dr. Patchin - Your session was one of the highlights!! Thanks so very much for sharing your work with municipal judges. As I am sure you know, you are a great speaker the audience loved your presentation. We are sure to have you back at a future seminar.
Todd Meurer,Manager, Municipal Court Education (Wisconsin)My endorsement for having Sameer Hinduja come and speak with your organization is one grounded in having an audience of teachers, social workers, principals, LPC's, etc. completely riveted to him & his presentation! He was kind enough to come to our Teen Suicide Prevention Symposium in February of this year. The event sponsored by the Junior League of Waco, McLennan Community College and the Educational Service Center of Region 12 in Waco, TX had positive feedback both in what they learned about Cyberbullying as well as, how to reach out to parents, teens and fellow co-workers. I myself, have decided to share the community tips, parent and teen tips with those within our community services department to aid in their work with our residents.
Milet Hopping, Sr., Teen Suicide Prevention Symposium,Junior League of Waco, TXDr. Sameer Hinduja did an excellent job during recent presentations at the Indian Valley Local Schools in Ohio. He spoke to all of our students in grades four through twelve as well as to administrators, counselors, computer teachers and other staff members. In addition, he conducted an evening session with parents. The positive feedback we received from all of these groups indicated that Dr. Hinduja opened a lot of eyes about the ever-growing problem of cyberbullying. His statistics and case scenarios were on target for each audience. Most importantly, he supplied every audience with specific strategies for keeping safe in cyberspace. Our district plans to follow up on this issue by implementing many of the suggestions he covered, especially in the area of working closely with parents to stem the growing tide of cyberbullying incidents. I would recommend Dr. Hinduja’s presentation to all school districts across the country.
Janis Hunter,Curriculum Director, Indian Valley School DistrictIn my thirty-six years as an educator, one of my most extraordinary professional experiences has been having Sameer Hinduja come to our school district to present to our students and staff members. Sameer demonstrates a wealth of knowledge not only about cyberbullying, but also school climate and bullying prevention. The information Sameer presents is very practical and the strategies he shares with schools are relevant and can be easily implemented. Although he is very knowledgeable, Sameer demonstrates a genuine interest in hearing other peoples’ ideas, perspectives, and stories. He then shares valuable ideas and experiences with others. When the audience interacts with Sameer, he has the ability to make every person, regardless of whether they are a student or a staff member, feel as though he or she is the most important person in the room. He does this by giving people his undivided attention. Sameer’s kind nature draws students in so they want to hear what he has to say. Because of the way Sameer presented the information during his visit at our schools, our students were very engaged and willing to participate. We had Sameer come to our school district twice, and after each presentation, staff and students were asking when we could have him come back again.
Geraldine Johnson, Behavior Specialist, Bullying Prevention Coordinator,Cumberland Valley School District, Mechanicsburg, PAAs an international school in the Caribbean, we seem to be behind the curve in addressing social media and its benefits and perils. Dr. Hinduja brought us up to speed, and also gave us tons of hard facts, ideas, and tools with which we will be able to help our kids safely navigate social media, both now and in the future.
Heather Caputo, PTA President,Learning Unlimited, Sint Maarten, NetherlandsDr. Sameer Hinduja has pieced together a very informative and professional research study pertaining to cyber bullying, which should be perused by all teachers, administrators, and district supervisors throughout the world. In his esteemed research he offers tremendous insight into and support for the lives of our youth of today. Raising awareness of cyber bullying is a must! Thanks to Dr. Hinduja’s work, we move forward to teach the users of technology to use the internet more and more responsibly.
Michael Busekrus,Principal, St. John Vianney School, Kailua, HIThis one of the most important conferences that I have attended. Sameer presented the information that is current and understandable. The presentation was extremely interesting and the information shared will help us put at better plan together for our district regarding bullying and cyberbullying. Thank you for being so passionate about this topic.
Susan Moore, Technology Coordinator ,Lewis Co. C-1 School DistrictDr. Hinduja's presentation immediately grabbed the attention of the students in the audience. He does not preach about staying off of social media, but rather he asks students to stop and think about what they are posting online. Students remained engaged and loved using their phones for flash polls throughout his presentation. The content was relevant and current, including a news story from less than two weeks before he came to our school. I am so glad he came to speak to our students.
Allie McDonald, School Counselor,Glenelg High SchoolDr. Hinduja’s workshop on cyberbullying was one of the highlights of our first-ever Answers Summit. Numerous contributors mentioned to me that they found the presentation insightful and appreciated hearing from one of the foremost experts in the field. If we knew that our contributors would have so many questions for Dr. Hinduja we would have increased the time allotted for his workshop. Not only did Dr. Hinduja educate our community about the issue of cyberbullying but he provided pertinent real-life examples of the practice and offered suggestions for combating the problem. I would recommend him to any online community which would like to stop this destructive behavior.
Matthew Crowder,Community Coordinator, Answers.comAs an organization that works specifically with middle school students in an anti-violence program, we have become increasingly concerned about how social media is influencing youth violence, specifically cyberbullying. I have been following Dr. Sameer Hinduja and his groundbreaking research on this topic for several years now. We were fortunate to be able to have Dr. Hinduja speak to our Chairs at a recent meeting. Our Chairs come from across the nation and all are in various professions of influence over young people. Dr. Hinduja was a wealth of information and he presented it in such a way that all were interested in extending his allotted time to speak. He was knowledgeable, personable, and cared deeply about the subject of social media’s influence for good and bad on our youth. He is an expert who is accessible for follow-up as we continue to come up against methods of violence against young people that we have never dealt with prior to a decade or so ago.
Lisa Cone, Program Director,National Campaign to Stop ViolenceI appreciate you taking the time to present to us at the Safe School Institute. The information you brought was extremely eye opening. I have known about cyberbullying; however, I did not realize the extent to which this is happening. As an administrator it is important to understand what is going on with our students. You gave me a better understanding so that I am better prepared as this new year begins.
Sherri Graham,Assistant Principal, Loggers’ Run Middle SchoolThe Meadowbrook School of Weston, Massachusetts is grateful and appreciative of the half day you spent with our children and faculty. You offered three completely different yet equally effective workshops on cyberbullying and on-line safety (among numerous topics). The parents unanimously commented to me that your presentation was the best they had attended in this area. Your talk with them was factual, informative, poignant, supportive and emotional. Your presentations to our children in grades 3, 4 and 5 and then again to grades 6, 7 and 8 were equally informative but uniquely tailored to each age group. Additionally, you were authentic in your presentation and very personable, witty and caring. You captured their attention, ignited their interest and fostered instantaneous believability with all of them. The level of questioning from them indicates the level of trust you earned with them. At the end of three workshops you gave freely of your time in the faculty room so that you could be a resource to teachers seeking greater understanding and clarity. Bringing you to Meadowbrook was a stroke of genius and already there is a clamoring for return engagements. Thank you for your passion in this area, for educating our parents and teachers and for passionately striving to make our children safe. I can’t wait to have you return to our campus.
Steve Hinds,Headmaster, Meadowbrook School, Weston, MAThanks for a really good workshop. This was the first one in awhile during which I didn’t spend time thinking about how I could escape. As a fellow educator, I’m sure you can relate to the experience of sitting in continuing education seminars that you can’t wait to get out of. 🙂
Genelle Clark,Bethany Academy English DepartmentListening to Dr. Hinduja speak was both engaging and informative. The topics that he addressed are highly relevant. As a high school teacher, I see the significant impact that technology has on the lives of our students. What I learned from Dr. Hinduja has provided me with a basis of information to use as I begin to work with other staff at my school to develop and implement programs to teach our students how to use technology ethically and act as responsible cyber-citizens.
Shawna Sache,Teacher, Rick Hansen Secondary School, Abbotsford, B.C.We had a wonderful day, extremely informative; each presentation was tailored for the audience. The Lower School Presentation was very engaging; there was great student participation. Students connected with the presenter and with his use of a variety of user-friendly headings and subheadings prior to talking about the topic. The parents walked away from their session with valuable information; we could easily have had an additional hour or two for dialogue and the exchange of thoughts. The Middle School was also full of energy. The students were enthusiastic and participated in various questions; they also left with an increased knowledge base. The Upper School was great; the majority of the students were captivated by Dr. Hinduja’s knowledge, information and wit. The flash polling was exceptional; it was a very interactive touch for the students with insightful questions and answers. The Faculty & Staff Session was also very productive; he covered data, statistics, various categories of bullying, relational aggression, choices, decision-making, and connections to cyberspace as well as providing websites with a wealth of information for parents and faculty. The entire day was an outstanding presentation, filled with high energy and a wealth of information!
Theo Stephenson, Director of Counseling, St. Andrew's SchoolDr. Hinduja's ability to hone in on the issues that our students are facing, and offer practical and straight-forward solutions to responsible technology use was impactful for our student body. This work is needed in all educational spaces and I am glad we were able to give this support to our students.
Adam Diaz, Lower and Middle School Counselor,Landon SchoolGlenelg High School students/staff are very fortunate to have had the opportunity to hear Dr. Sameer Hinduja's message regarding cyberbullying, bullying, sexting, and texting. I believe that our students truly will "Think" before they "Send" in the future, especially since their futures may depend on responsible social internet usage.
Karl J. Schindler, Principal,Glenelg High SchoolAt this moment Sameer is one of the premier speakers on the issue of cyberbullying and sexting with adolescents and young adults. He is personable and easily connects with young people. His technophile perspective makes students feel that he is an advocate for their technological reality. He helps parents bridge the gap to understanding their “Internet Generation Child.” Sameer will provide deep understanding to the ever changing technological reality our children must navigate.
Detrick McGriff, Ed. D,Seventh Grade Principal, Haverford Middle SchoolDr. Sameer Hinduja addressed our student body (7th -12th grade) in two outstandingly informative presentations that are a must see! He has a way of capturing his audience from the start and engaging them in an interactive display of critical social media and cyberbullying issues. Our students were amazed with his knowledge of the subject and left wanting to hear more. Dr. Hinduja masterfully outlined the wonderful opportunities available to our students, while warning them of the pitfalls associated with overuse and inappropriate use of online resources, games, hangouts, and social media. He also addressed our parents during an evening event to raise awareness of cyberbullying and the pitfalls of social media. He eloquently outlined the major issues students are exposed to in the online world of social media. At the same time, he offered Christian-based advice on how to parent in this digital generation. His topics of building our children's resilience, empathy, and discernment to equip our students with the skills to combat attacks and make sound decisions was invaluable. Many thanks to Dr. Hinduja for this highly informative presentation! I highly suggest having him speak at your school today.
Brian Urichko, Assistant Principal, Upper School,The Master's AcademyThank you for a very informative, insightful presentation. I plan on taking this information and helping to make our school district a more cyber-friendly place.
School Counselor,Duluth, MinnesotaI just wanted to thank you again for your excellent presentations to our students, teachers and parents. Your information was so helpful. Many students in the Middle School learned new information and had great discussions after they heard your presentation. The Upper School students’ feedback was complimentary – the 12th grade Lead Advisor told me that in some discussions students said that they “cleaned up” their Facebook pages after hearing you. They also appreciated your tone with them – they said you talked to them as “one of them” and were not “preachy.” Also, they felt open to receive your information because you knew what you were talking about. Your presentation was one of the most well received, across all groups, of any that we have had at our school. You receive my highest recommendation. Thank you again.
Rita Feild,School Counselor, Palmer Trinity School, Miami, Florida.The School District of Lee County thanks Dr. Hinduja for an outstanding workshop on cyberbullying. The audience included school and district administrators, attorney for the schools, school resource officers from law enforcement agencies, teachers and counselors. He provided exceptional information to a group that had a variety of needs without losing any of his audience. By using a mixture of powerpoints, videos and group activities, he kept everyone engaged, on task and communicated a wealth of pertinent and timely information.
Jean Campbell,Coordinator, Safe & Drug-Free Schools, School District of Lee CountyDr. Hinduja’s presentation on cyberbullying did a great job of outlining issues caused by new technologies. School professionals need to be aware of the problems so that they can be addressed in an appropriate way. Dr. Hinduja had great suggestions for both prevention of problems and steps to take when problems occur.
Greg Galtere,Principal, Boyertown Junior High West, Boyertown, PAI attended your seminar today, and it was wonderful!!! I loved all of the videos and ideas that you shared. It is obvious that you really care about this topic and want to spread the word about how to prevent bullying and to educate others to be more knowledgable in this area.
Julia Dooley,Rockwood School District, MissouriDr. Hinduja's presentation on school climate and cyberbullying was enlightening and entertaining. I came away with many concrete ways to prevent cyberbullying and building a positive climate in my high school.
Christine Stricker, Journalism and FACS Teacher,Clayton High School, Clayton, MODr. Patchin, wow, what a tremendous presentation!!!! Such energy and passion you have for protecting children. The remarks and evaluations for your class were through the roof. I can definitely see us asking you to come back and present again.
Les Kerr,Unit Chief, Law Enforcement Relations Unit, United States Attorney’s Office, Western District of MissouriI think the biggest thing we got out of the day was the focus on school climate. My take away was that if you foster a school climate of acceptance, respect, and relationships, you set the stage for students to take care of each other. You also insure that students feel comfortable reporting incidence of bullying and harassment, and are therefore able to address those issues quickly and efficiently. We were already focusing this year on community building, but we're paying special attention this November with a "Month of Thanks and Giving". We want to focus on all the wonderful things that our students do everyday and celebrate them. We are also the single largest provider for Feed My People and have our annual drive during November. We plan to culminate in a day of celebration before Thanksgiving break. We're pretty excited about it! Thank you for bringing him in! It was well worth the time.
Jennifer Gross, M.Ed., Ed.S., Freshman Counselor,Oakville High SchoolThis past Tuesday I had the privilege of attending a Cyberbullying Summit where Dr. Sameer Hinduja was the guest speaker. Even as an adult, I was a little apprehensive about sitting at a designated table, staring at unfamiliar faces, wondering how this would all go down, and could only imagine how the teens were feeling. Nonetheless, Dr. Hinduja quickly captivated our attention by asking us to take out our cell phones and respond to his posted question. Immediately I knew I would like this guy because the first thing he did was remind us that technology is here to stay and will only become more a part of our daily routine, in class or not. It’s not something we should be afraid of. We live in a time where we should embrace the technology and make sure others know how to use it safely and in a positive way. Not only did I enjoy the manner in which Dr. Hinduja delivered his ideas, but what he chose to speak about was relevant. Without a doubt, I’m sure attendees left the meeting with hearts full, wanting to make a difference, and taking with them the resources to do just that. Thank you Dr. Hinduja, for taking the time to share and make a difference.
Taylor Glover M.L.S., Library Media Specialist,Klein Collins High SchoolI've seen Justin before and he is simply amazing. He is personable, welcoming, and incredibly intelligent. He speaks eloquently and is understandable to even the lay person. I really enjoy his lectures and his work. Also this is such an important topic.
Anonymous,Serving Victims of Crime ConferenceDr. Hinduja delivered a wonderful presentation that was very informative for the parents of our school community. Our parents walked away with a deeper understanding of cyberbullying, appropriate use of social media, and how, as parents, we can address and help guide our children. Dr. Hinduja spoke with passion and brought to light the reality of cyberbullying, and the dangers and advantages of technology. We were very fortunate to have him present to our parents and look forward to his visit with the Middle School students later this year.
Jeanne del Vecchio, President,Lower School Family Association, Pine Crest SchoolI found the workshop extremely interesting, scary, and informative. The information was given in a concise and organized manner. All information was timely in nature. The consequences of improper use were totally shocking. Our children and society must be taught to be aware of the dangers, and must learn to use the Internet responsibility. Bullying in any form must be stopped. We need an organized and consistent curriculum to help our children of today understand this very powerful tool they have at their disposal and parents must ensure its proper use. Monitoring the internet at several different levels is critical. The presentation was wonderful and professionally done.
Donna Eldredge,Assistant Principal, H. L. Johnson Elementary SchoolYour presentation was the most informative presentation I’ve heard on the behaviors today’s students are subjected to. Your objective, calm and thorough summary of the pervasive reach of cyberbullying in the lives of our children was instructive. Teachers, school board members and parents who are not aware of the complexity of this topic would benefit from hearing your presentation.
Debbie Martin,Human Resources, Brooks SchoolOn behalf of the Planning Committee for the Safe Schools Initiative Seminar, I want to thank you for a wonderful presentation yesterday. As someone who managed all sorts of conferences and events over a long career, I can honestly say that you have few equals. I loved your energy and enthusiasm, your potent content, your delivery, and the way you can keep everyone engaged (especially with the real-time audience polling). Masterful.
William Regan, Director of University Events,University of Buffalo, Buffalo, New YorkSameer Hinduja’s presentation on cyber bullying was thorough, well delivered, articulate, informative, and helpful. Despite the horrific content, what cyber bullying is and the tragic consequences there have been and could be if we do not act decisively and compassionately as educators and parents, Sameer presents with the eye on positive change and ultimate idealism. He is clearly passionate about this topic and it is imperative that as many educators and parents as possible learn about this extremely disturbing aspect of technology in our world today. Sameer is in a unique position as Co-Director of the Cyberbullying Research Center to be able to give us accurate and relevant information in a manner that is both compellingand supportive.
Amy Tai,Director of Community and Diversity, The Chestnut Hill SchoolYour presentation was exceptional, the audience raved, and words of appreciation are continuing to pour in from the attendees. Personally, I loved it! You introduced and presented the new and up-to-date information on computer programs and social networking sites that attract young people. You talked about the importance of influencing school climate and approaching it with a positive spin. You stressed the importance of communicating to young people and shared some strategies in talking with children about on-line safety, social networking respect and general, common courtesy, like what takes place “in the Hinduja household.” The sharing of your personal stories made it easy to relate and identify with you. The presentation was interesting, interactive and jam-packed with bullying and cyberbullying prevention tips. We thoroughly enjoyed texting back responses and the videos viewed to stress a point. Your support and involvement throughout the process in putting this presentation together was generous and kind. You promptly responded to all questions and concerns, assisted in rearranging chairs to help make the room more conducive to the presentation, and offered your professional assistance in the future if a concern arises. Additionally, you read the audience very well, sensing best when to offer a break and when to move to the next topic. Thank you for a top-notch, comprehensive and inspiring presentation that helped to educate and support kindergarten through high school parents, educators and community involved residents.
Lori Butera,School District 26 Family Advocate, Bayside & Queens, NYAs a Head of Middle School, I felt it was critical to address the issues of bullying and social media with our community. I came across Dr. Hinduja’s work and emailed him to get feedback on some of my ideas. He responded in less than 24 hours and gave me his cell phone number. From that point forward, he has been incredibly responsive and available, not to mention professional and personable. We had the pleasure of inviting Dr. Hinduja to campus last month. He gave 3 distinct presentations: to parents, to faculty, and to students. Each presentation was effective and engaging for the targeted audience. His message of using social media for positive outcome was communicated as was the importance of adult involvement in the digital life of kids. After each presentation, I received many compliments and our student body is already actively making plans to follow some of his suggestions. I believe our awareness has increased and we, as a faculty, have tangible data to support our initiatives as well as concrete ideas on where to start and what path to take as we do our part to keep our youth safe.
Jennifer White, Head of Middle School,Emery/Weiner School, Houston, TXSameer…Thank you…such a pleasure to meet you and have you participate in the evolution of our youth. As I reflect on the day’s events, I am reminded of the words of one of my teachers, Miriam Dior. Her work is guided by the simple principle of “spirit, take me to where I am needed.” I believe that your work is about this in the purest sense. I am inspired by your compassion, passion, conviction, and authenticity embodied in your work and being. I appreciate your seeming fearlessness about the subject matter regardless of your audience. Our work (U32′s) is to evolve from this day of information and move forward in a meaningful way. I hope that we can continue this journey with the same optimism that you emulate. Our work, in my being, is always for the current and future generations.
Ellen Cooke,School Counselor, U32 Schools, Montpelier, VTDr Hinduja's presentation for the GPS Parent Series was outstanding. It was informative, organized, very well-received. He is professional and very easy to work with - a highly recommended speaker!
Gilda Ross, Student and Community Projects Coordinator,Glenbard Parent SeriesThe presentation was so very helpful to us at Hamburg High School especially in light of the recent the New York State law changes (DASA- Dignity for All students Act). Dr. Hinduja's interactive style kept me engaged throughout the entire conference. I found myself running out of room to take notes on my legal pad because his wealth of knowledge is so extensive. I would strongly recommend attending any conference with Dr. Hinduja. It was truly one of the best conferences I've ever attended out of my 12 years as a school social worker.
Tina LaMendola, Social Worker,Hamburg Central School DistrictWhen it comes to the subject of cyberbullying, Sameer is a “rock star.” He not only knows this subject inside out, but is able to share his knowledge and relate to his audiences on an amazingly human level. Our high school peer trainers not only walked away with the tools to address and counter cyberbullying…….they walked away feeling as if they had made a friend. A good one! We are already planning on bringing Sameer back to Arizona.
Bill Straus,Arizona Regional Director, ADLIt is an honor and privilege to recommend Dr. Hinduja as a guest speaker for your school assembly on digital safety and cyberbullying. He wowed all of our audiences (parent, elementary, middle and upper school) with his knowledge, professionalism, expertise and incredible ability to captivate. It is unusual to find a speaker who can deeply connect and engage with students of all ages and Dr. Hinduja did this seamlessly. Many of our parents commented how they were worried to come to a presentation that would scare them but that they left his presentation feeling inspired and empowered. Our students, always our toughest critics, also had only positive feedback to share. Dr. Hinduja is truly the consummate professional: warm, approachable, engaging, and a bonafide expert in his field. If you are looking for someone to speak to about digital safety and cyberbullying, you need not look any further.
Susie London, Psy.D., NCSP, Middle and High School Psychologist,RASG Hebrew Academy, Miami Beach, FLSameer Hinduja’s presentations were a resounding success at CCDS; they were worth every dollar we spent to bring him to our school. In an intense morning, Sameer gave three distinct and powerful presentations. While the subject was the same,Dr. Hinduja skillfully tailored his presentation for each session – parents, high school students, and middle schoolers – in a way that was engaging and informative. Students loved the real time polling and real life examples.Conversations carried on for days after Dr. Hinduja left campus. The Cyberbullying Research Center and Dr. Hinduja are terrific resources for anyone who works with adolescent students and their parents.
Stephanie Luebbers,Head of Upper School, Cincinnati Country Day SchoolHe really got me thinking and brainstorming! The world is a better place with Sameer in it. Our youth are lucky to have him as an advocate for positive change.
Conference attendee,Kansas National GuardSameer Hinduja's presentation on cyberbullying was relevant, fresh, and engaging. In a large group he was not only able to be interactive, but gave useful information for educators to take back and use with staff, students and parents. I left the training with an excitement about implementing new ideas on how to make this a reality in our district and could not wait to share what I learned with other educators!
Christine Baker, District Counselor,New York areaI had the opportunity to hear Dr. Hinduja present at our Safe Schools Conference in the fall and I knew it would be an excellent opportunity for my students, staff and community. I invited him to my school to share his expertise with our students during two different presentations and he was available for a teacher roundtable and a community meeting in the evening.He shared real world experiences, data and made connections for the students and parents highlighting the importance of internet safety and etiquette. His passion for cyber-safety and his ability to relate to students, teachers and parents made the presentation extremely valuable!
E. L. Mitzel, Jr.,Principal, Pikesville High SchoolDr. Patchin came to our school and community and presented to our 3rd-12th grade students, staff, and community members. His knowledge is vast and he has a way to relate to all ages of students, staff, and parents in his knowledge of cyberbullying and beyond. His examples were super and his stories were priceless and hit close to home to all involved.
Teacher,It was a pleasure working with and hearing Dr. Sameer Hinduja’s presentation on cyberbullying. Not only was his information relevant for the group of 13-18 year olds he presented to, his presentation style was very down-to-earth and non-threatening to our students. With this approach, he was able to open a dialogue with them about the proper use social networking rather than patronizing them about it. He also presented to many of our parents who walked away with useful tools to help protect their kids in the cyber world. I highly recommend Dr. Hinduja for any event, his knowledge and demeanor are a perfect combination to be effective across all forums.
Krystal Watson,OrlandoI truly enjoyed your talk in Atlantic City, Dr. Hinduja, and I was thinking of you yesterday. A group of middle school students had created a skit about exclusion, and the counselor made it available for all of the classes to view before their classroom meetings. One of the sixth graders, who has Cerebral Palsy, volunteered to act as the victim for the skit. The students could see the skit multiple times, and analyze the behavior of the bystanders. It was a roaring success. Next week, the students will be presenting a video about the difference between tattling and telling. I also have placed my Cyberbullying Trustee sign prominently on my office door, as well as on the podium of the school library. I have had a surprising number of adults approach me about internet security and social networking since the conference. I gave a lesson to the sixth grade about online publishing using the materials on your website. Even though that particular class has approached me often with defiance, they did seem to appreciate the information, dropping their attitudes and asking thoughtful questions. Thank you for all of your efforts to provide information about cyberbullying. You are a true hero.
Karen E. Tierney, Librarian,Saint Timothy SchoolThe handouts, Q&As, and use of the big interactive screen were very helpful. These guys were to the point, did not waste our time with fillers, and left us with enough curiosity to go home and search out these sites to become familiar with them. We NEED to stay in step with our teens and adolescents as they mature into young adults.
Janelle Taylor,Social Worker, Tift CountyThe cyberbullying legislation is overwhelming and can be confusing. Dr. Hinduja not only shared the facts, but great perspective that was empathetic to school districts and the community agencies working with them. He understands the real life situations, has done his research and is able to articulate that with a supportive message. At the same time, his orientation toward youth development and youth centered ideology is critical to what needs to be done. He believes in young people and the adults that care about them.
Meghan Wagner, Zone Director,Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection, Rochester, NYSameer Hinduja came to speak at our Annual Victim Services Conference in Wyoming and highlighted many interesting and relative topics. The information presented was interesting, useful, and Sameer presented in a way to make sure we not only learned information but enjoyed the presentation with laughs as well. Many people enjoyed his presentations very much and have asked him back for future presentations.
Randi Losalu,Victim Services Coordinator, Cheyenne, WYAs a professional that has to intervene, investigate, and provide guidance within situations that arise almost daily due to cyberbullying, I am always looking for ways to improve my work along with making the process more efficient. By attending the Comprehensive Cyberbullying Prevention workshop and listening to Sameer share his insight on this ever growing concern within schools I was able to gain multiple useful tools, ideas and new legal perspectives within the subject matter. Dr. Sameer Hinduja is an engaging professional that has something to offer to all individuals who work with youth.
Daniel Kosick, LMSW, School Social Worker,R.T.S. Middle School, Susquehanna Valley School DistrictDr. Hinduja, your presentation on cyberbullying was awesome! Your insight and passion to protect our children were clearly transmitted. I believe it is very important to be aware, informed and close to our children in order to avoid unwanted consequences. Thanks for working towards a safer world!
Deborah Hamui,Founder of Sleep’n Sync – helping children achieve their goals.Thank you so much for the thoughtful and engaging conversation you lead with our students yesterday. I heard from many parents that kids went home talking about the presentation last night. I can't wait to hear what the teachers say as they regroup on this topic next week. You truly made an impact and added another dimension to our Digital Citizenship program. I appreciate the time you took with the kids to individually answer their questions and the respect you showed for their concerns. I equally enjoyed the evening presentation for parents. You were spot-on with topics facing our community. What you do for our society as a whole is truly a blessing. Thanks for sharing your passion with the world and being a roll model for kids and adults alike!
Tanna Horner, Head of Lower School,The Out-of-Door Academy, Sarasota, FLI was so impressed with the extensive knowledge and level of caring exhibited by Dr. Sameer Hinduja during the recent Cyberbullying Series I attended. I was shocked to learn of the increasing prevalence of this form of bullying. The information presented was interesting, useful and is an invaluable tool to protect and assist our students in this ever-changing digital world. I know I will find the resources offered helpful in developing a climate of tolerance and understanding within the teaching community as well in my personal interactions with teens.
Beki Perkins, Operator,SafeWay Driving CentersIn looking for a featured speaker for our annual conference, I immediately thought to contact the Cyberbullying Research Center as it has become my “go to” place for the latest research and practical information on cyberbullying. Sameer Hinduja’s presentation to our diverse audience of educators, law enforcement agents, and social service providers was informative, engaging, and extremely well-received. Participants across the board rated the presentation as Excellent” (with some people putting several stars next to their ratings), praising Sameer as being knowledgeable, passionate, genuine, intelligent, and practical. We loved the balance of research, analysis of relevant legal cases, text polling, videos, and practical solutions focusing on creating a positive school climate. The only downside is that he is going to be a hard act to follow in our future events!
Amanda B. Nickerson, Ph.D.,Director, University at Buffalo’s Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse PreventionWe were fortunate in Nassau County, Florida to bring Dr. Hinduja to our middle schools as part of a Learn ‘n Serve grant. After meeting with students in classrooms, club meetings and assemblies, Dr. Hinduja was able to bring our county’s dialogue about cyberbullying to a different level. He was flexible about the setting he spoke in, the size of the audience he spoke to, the time he was allowed to present in, and the busy schedule required of him. Administrators appreciated having a copy of his book as a resource, students appreciated his real world cyber experiences, and I appreciated his passion for and expertise of his subject. Keep up the good work, Dr. Hinduja! Your message is going to continue to be relevant for youth, teachers and administrators for years to come.
Kim Clemons,Project Manager, Office of Intervention and Prevention, Nassau County School District150 parents from Mahwah attended Dr. Hinduja’s presentation. His presentation was professional and informative. It wasvery helpful. He gave good advice on how to communicate with our children and to be aware of the dangers on the internet. He provided us with the resources that we need to assist us as parents in dealing with some of the dangers of social networking.
Carolyn Blake,Mahwah, NJI recently attended the Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention conference, Understanding and Addressing Cyberbullying. I was excited to hear the featured speaker, Dr. Sameer Hinduja share his insights and understanding of this timely and complex issue facing our youth. As a school counselor with many years of experience working with young people, I believe this is one of the most challenging issues we face today. As an anti-bullying trainer, I have utilized Dr. Hinduja’s website to illustrate the current data trends in cyberbullying and to link my colleagues to the resources it provides. To have an opportunity to listen to and learn from Dr. Hinduja, in person, was valuable and educational, as well as entertaining. I would encourage educators at all levels to seize the opportunity for themselves.
James Traver, School Counselor, Gates Chili Middle School, Rochester, NYI felt Dr. Sameer Hinduja was a great speaker. He not only knew and understood the cyber/crime world, but he understood children and that was great! I did walk away from this workshop with ideas to bring back to my school/campus, and I am working on putting some of the ideas in place at my school.
Amy Immekus,Sullivan High School, Sullivan, MOI was highly impressed with your presentations on cyberbullying at the workshop in Virginia. You are a tremendous expert on this topic and hope to stay in touch as we roll out our program for girls. We are taking the approach of a “girl-led” advocacy program. After hearing you speak, it started to become clear that this problem must be solved in part by including our young people in the solution. In fact, we have to start with them. Our vision is to help young women find their voice and show them how to use it effectively to make a difference on cyberbullying.
Jean Burke Young,Advocacy, Girl Scout Council of the Southern AppalachiansDr. Hinduja delivered smart, informative, compelling presentations that gave the audiences much to consider. Each presentation was tailored to the particular perspective of middle school students, high school students, and parents; they definitely hit the mark. Additionally, as a faith-based school, I appreciated the spiritual grounding Sameer was able to share with students. Highly recommended!
Christopher Keavy, President, St. John Paul II School,St. John Paul II School, Hyannis, MASameer’s visit to CVHS engaged both students and staff in a time of sharing and learning. He was able to give our students a forum to share what they are experiencing and our staff with real world information they can put in to practice right away. He shared programs and approaches that have been used successfully in other districts that may be able to be used at CV as well. His up-to-date information and down to earth approach with both students and staff were greatly appreciated.
Sabrina Lindsay, Social Studies Supervisor,Cumberland Valley School District, Mechanicsburg, PAThe workshop on Cyberbullying offered at NAU was informative and timely. I work with 7th and 8th graders, and “drama” is a very big part of their lives. You gave me tools that I will share with them so that they may be safe as they travel the cyber highway. The format of the workshop was refreshing. We were treated as professionals with respect and dignity, the opportunity to ask questions and share some experiences was very valuable.
Wilma Robillard-Hoffman,Middle School Teacher, Mohave Valley School DistrictCyberbullying is posing a dangerous threat to the youth of our nation, mostly because of the unknown nature of the beast. Most of the adults working in the school system do not understand social networking sites, and other outlets that students are using for online bullying and harassment. Dr. Hinduja’s presentation provides the knowledge and preventive education that school staff and administrators need to tackle this problem, and try to get a grip on it, as it is already spinning wildly out of control. Their website is a wonderful tool for school staff, parents and students to learn about online safety, both in the preventive and reactive stages of cyberbullying and online harassment.
Lori Devon Shapiro,Bullying Violence Prevention Program, Office of School Climate and Safety, School District of PhiladelphiaIn today’s world of bullying and victimization, our students must be taught the skills and strategies needed to survive and thrive. Learning resilience skills is paramount to success in academics and the information provided in Dr. Hinduja's training was top-notch, presented in an informative and entertaining way.
Terri Anderson, Coordinator, Health Services and Wellness,Leon County SchoolsDr. Sameer Hinduja educated Williston students on Tuesday (and a gathering of parents the evening before) about the clear and present dangers of teenage use of social media. An expert in his field, Dr. Hinduja’s deceptively youthful appearancegained him quick credibility with our students—a hip college professor connects well with those in middle and upper school. One aspect of his message was not especially new: Electronic postings last a lifetime even if “taken down” from original sites. Yet the advice he gave students was newly framed for them. Dr. Hinduja also focused as well on the world of cyberbullying, interspersing his lecture with YouTube videos made by teens who have suffered from the humiliating effects of campaigns waged against them.
Robert W. Hill, Head of Schools, Williston Northampton School, Easthampton, MAThis training was very helpful. I really enjoyed learning about the legal aspect of cyberbullying as well as learning about the social networking sites students are using currently. The statistics discussed really helped shed light on where we as a nation stand with regards to the prevalence of cyberbullying in our student population. I also liked seeing the videos about how kids are responding to cyberbullying and bullying within their schools. The positive use of social media to combat bullying seems to be most effective when utilized by peers so this really helps us as a school to plan our anti-bullying campaigns around student involvement. All the interventions discussed help guide our responses to cyberbullying and the way we will educate our students on it. We also loved hearing about the #startswithus campaign the students at the end of the training touched on. We have started utilizing this campaign within our own building with teachers modeling the pinning of clothespins first and then passing them down to the student body.
Sharon Blue, Guidance Counselor,Central Middle SchoolI found your presentation insightful, informative, and eye opening. I recommend anyone who can attend this workshop should attend. You will not regret attending this session.
Deborah Washington,Family Liaison at Aurora West Academy with Aurora Public Schools, Aurora, COYour seminar presented incredibly important information and all of the participants walked away with a deeper understanding of cyberbullying, ways to help prevent it, and ways to address and respond to it with students. All of the evaluations were very positive and said the information you presented was meaningful and worthwhile to know. The teachers will use the resources you provided them. Your outreach to help in cyberbullying situations that might arise went above and beyond, and we truly feel grateful to know that we have an advocate in the community.
Lynne Lieberman, Senior Director,Friedman Commission for Jewish Education of the Palm BeachesDr. Hinduja’s presentation on cyberbullying was fantastic. I have been looking for more concrete and statistical information on this subject so that I can take the information to the parents of our local schools. Sameer provided that and more. As soon as I left the presentation I ordered his book he wrote with his colleague, Dr. Patchin, Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard. Thanks again for your wonderful research.
Jennifer Hultberg, Community Educator, Crime Victim Center of Erie County, Inc.I just wanted to thank you for your important and timely presentation you gave today. I have an 8th grader who just got a twitter account and a senior who will be off to college next year. They both commented on what a great presentation it was and what a great speaker you are! My senior heard you previously. His comment about you is, "He's sick!" Thanks again for your important work and research!
Parent,Eau Claire, WisconsinI wanted to thank you for information that you provided to us in the presentation on “Sexting.” As a law enforcement professional working in the school system we are seeing a uprise in the number of incidents occurring with cyber crimes. The information that you provided was easily understood and showed others in the audience what we are dealing with andwhat can be done to educate or youth and parents.” You most certainly have spent many hours of research that educated me as well as others in the presentation you provided! Thank you again for the valuable information.
Adam Heath,School Resource Officer and Patrol Officer, Abingdon Police DepartmentThis was the most useful workshop I have attended in 13 years as an educator. The information about cyberbullying was current, relevant and engaging. Dr. Hinduja’s delivery style is easily engaging and authoritative about this subject matter. The workshop inspired me to create a workshop for my staff and students about this important and unfortunately very real topic.
Kim Hemingway,Flagstaff High School Counselor, Flagstaff, ArizonaDr. Sameer Hinduja is an eloquent and enthusiastic speaker. His presentation on cyber bullying was very effective and well received by our employees as he addressed how parents and the community can work together to solve this issue. Sound advice was shared along with an inspiring movie which set the tone for his presentation.
Annabelle Gallois-Bernos, Ph.D.,Johnson & Johnson Vision CareI have been to so many conferences on the topic of "Bullying". So often they are riddled with data and legalities. You, Dr. Hinduja, are the first speaker that truly pulled in the human element. I applaud you for that. Yes you gave the research, but you also gave us hope that a school climate could be achieved that would make it difficult for unfair treatment of others to exist. My colleagues and I all agreed we would have stayed for hours more at the conference because you were that fantastic! Thank you!
Rebecca Nahrebeski, Social Studies Teacher,Hamburg Central School DistrictDr. Hinduja’s cyberbullying and cyber safety presentation to the middle school youth in our county was right on target for this age group. His stories and insight hit home with the youth as he speaks their language and knows how they think. He gave clear examples of problems youth are encountering along with easy to use tips that youth can utilize to keep safe. Additionally, his presentation to parents and educators was a real ‘eye-opener.’ His explanations and stories received high marks in our county as he helped get adults up-to-speed on the latest technology news in regards to teenage communication.
Becky Carlson,Assistant Director, Center for Prevention and Counseling, Newton, NJI have heard a lot of good things from the staff and students about your presentations, Dr. Patchin. We thoroughly enjoyed having you here with us and so greatly appreciated your message - and your wonderful speaking style. You did such a great job engaging our students. That is not easy with high school students!
Educator,Beloit, WIYour message(s) were powerful and right on target with so many issues. Your presentations were well received by students, parents, and teachers. You are very polished, knowledgeable, and know how to handle an audience of middle school students, some less mature than others. Thank you, Dr. Hinduja, for your wisdom, approach, and for helping all of us become more sensitive to our needs and those of others.
Joseph Zaluski, Head of School,Gulf Stream School, Gulf Stream, FLBecause of the pandemic, Sheridan School had to delay Sameer's visit a couple times, but his presentations to members of our community were worth the wait! The feedback from our parent community was incredible. They appreciated that Sameer not only speaks with authority about the ins and outs of technology and social media use, but also emphasizes the interplay between kids' on- and offline lives. He shared many strategies that will help our parents raise good, empathetic, resilient young people. Meanwhile, our students loved him, too! Sameer spoke their language, engaged them with polling, and earned their trust. They participated fully! I personally never pass up an opportunity to hear Sameer speak, and his talks here reminded me why. He's a brilliant presenter and a compassionate and knowledgeable educator!
Phyllis L. Fagell, LCPC, School Counselor,Sheridan School, Washington DCDr. Hinduja’s session was such an eye opener for me because it made me realize that school attendance is not just a simple problem. There are so many complex aspects of why children do not come to school daily. The session on cyberbullying put school attendance at a much deeper level for me. Based on what I learned my colleagues and I are in the process of preparing forums for students, parents, and school staff on the topic of cyberbullying. This is an important topic that all need to be aware of. We don’t want any more innocent youth hurting themselves or taking their lives because of this. Thanks Dr. Hinduja you are truly a genius in this area and I’m sure your research has helped a lot of kids and will continue to help them in the future.
Dr. Tanya Williams,Coordinator of Attendance and Truancy, Baltimore City Public SchoolsSameer Hinduja’s presentations were rich and powerful, providing us with detailed research results, evidence-based guidance on preventing and responding to cyberbullying, and practical parent-to-parent tips on making our kids more resilient and empathetic and on managing the complex cyber world they dwell in. Hinduja provides tools that enable parents and schools to make a tangible impact on the challenges we face around cyberbullying.
Scott MacLeod, The Sophie Fund,The Sophie Fund, Ithaca, NYThank you for sharing your expertise and your research on Cyberbullying with the District Safety and Security Directors at the March Statewide Meeting. Your presentation was most relevant to the audience of both law enforcement officers and educators. As a matter of fact, it served as a catalyst to begin the necessary dialogue needed between all agencies so that we can address the most potentially dangerous behaviors that occur all to often in our schools and communities. You communicated most eloquently and so effectively, the importance of being skillful with technology, so that we can responsibly understand and monitor the online environments of our youth. We hope that you will accept our invitation to attend future meetings. Our future forums will be designed so that we will share the unique best practices and lessons learned that relate to the Cyberviolence incidents we experience in our respected roles.
Kim Mazauskas,Bullying Prevention/Intervention Coordinator, School District of Palm Beach County, FloridaThank you for sharing valuable information about the relationship between cyberbullying and teens. Working in a middle school, our students are constantly faced with issues connected to Twitter and Facebook posts. As student support staff, we are working hard to help our students manage cyberbullying and assist them in stopping the cycle of bullying. Our school is planning a ‘No Namecalling Week’ and we will incorporate some of your resources to support our efforts to stop cyberbullying in our community.
Heather Yeo,Alternative Education Coordinator and PBIS Coach, Dunloggin Middle School, Ellicott City, MDThank you for an amazing day at Lake Mary Prep, Dr. Hinduja! It was such a pleasure spending time with you. Each of your presentations was perfectly age-appropriate and so powerful. Our students and faculty have been buzzing about them all day. I truly hope you're able to come back to LMP soon.
Robyn Wolfe, Secondary School Principal,Lake Mary Preparatory School, Lake Mary, FLDrs. Hinduja and Patchin are not only the most knowledgeable team in the field of cyberbullying right now, they are the most engaging and fun. Their thorough discussion of the legal history of cyberbullying and free speech is fascinating, and is an essential building block of knowledge for educators and policymakers. Furthermore – at a time when keeping our kids safe while socializing online is more important than ever before – they share and detail practical strategies and solutions that school districts can and should implement today.
Erika Dauber,Communications Consultant, The Ophelia ProjectDr. Hinduja's presentation was informing and enlightening. His research and knowledge provided me with some immediate tools and resources to take back to my school. The coolest part was the live text survey. I've got to learn how to do that at my next conference!
Carletta S. Hurt, public charter school educator,Washington, DCSameer expertly blends important advice for both youth and parents (and caregivers), which is very helpful for multi-generation audiences. His realistic approach reminds parents that technology is not evil, but rather a part of life that we need to learn to get along with. What I loved most about his overall message is that resiliency and empathy play important roles in combating negative cyber behavior. After listening to Sameer speak, audience members are provided with realistic solutions that can be easily incorporated into a family’s everyday life. I highly recommend Sameer as a speaker on these important topics of cyberbullying and sexting.
Carol Johnson, Community Education Manager,Eagle River Youth Coalition, Edwards, COThe presenters were excellent and make a great team.
School Counselor,Lenox, GAThough he tailored his presentations to match the developmental needs of his audiences, Dr. Hinduja's message was the same across the board: social media and technology present many wonderful benefits, but to be smart consumers and creators of digital content, we must take proactive steps to forge a positive reputation for building others up and bettering one’s community. His message resonated with our students and earned the resounding approval of the adults in attendance.
Sam Straub, Upper School Counselor and Mary Foard, Middle School Counselor,Severn School, Severn, VAWorking with Dr. Sameer Hinduja on our virtual Jets Tackle Bullying Educators Symposium was an absolute pleasure. Sameer’s preparation was exceptional and his presentation was informative and impactful for our teachers. The demeanor with which Sameer displayed when speaking “to” the teachers rather than “at” the teachers along with his attentiveness to their questions made for an extraordinary event for the New York Jets.
Jesse Linder, Vice President, Community Relations,New York JetsYour seminar on Cyberbullying was one of the best seminars that I have attended in several years. The information was very pertinent to my middle school students and very up to date. This made the seminar very relevant. Also, that fact that you allowed us plenty of opportunities to ask questions and have discussions on the different topics you were talking about. You treated us all like professionals, with respect.
Barbara Zarzycki,Mohave Valley Elementary School DistrictSameer Hinduja is a brilliant and engaging speaker. Our participants found his sessions to be both informative and enjoyable. We would definitely recommend him to others and look forward to working with him again!
Jennifer Lowton,Director, Greater Manchester Professional Development Center, Manchester, NHDr. Hinduja presents information that is relevant to his audience in a way that educates without using fear tactics. His statistics grab the attention of the audience and show situations of which all parents and educators need to aware. Most important is that he suggests realistic techniques to help combat cyber bullying.
Dr. Rosemary Daniels,Head of The Weiss SchoolI'd like to take the opportunity to thank Dr. Hinduja for taking your time to prepare for us such an extraordinarily wonderful presentation It was nothing short of incredibly informative and interesting. His many years of research and in-depth understanding of cyberbullying was very evident in his presentation.
Barbara Gordon, President, Art and Design Parents Teachers Association,Art and Design Parents Teachers AssociationI enjoyed your presentation a great deal. I’m glad I attended. I mostly like how you approach the topic without blaming anyone rather encouraging responsibility, kindness and sensibility from all parts. I love that stressed crucial aspects of the issue like creating awareness about the fact that it’s a small number of children/people who do this and also that the enemy might not necessarily be an outsider, stranger but a friend or a peer. I appreciate the websites and information, data you provided and also the simple, “common sense”, tips for us parents. Often times the little things are the ones that make the difference. I love your perspective in general, I have not heard anyone talking about involving the bullies in the solution rather than blaming or punishing them. It was awesome to see involved in activities that helped raised their consciousness about the harm they were/ could be causing. My son, a 9th grader, was also very impressed with your presentation. He was actually very happy about the way the topic was discussed. He also appreciated that the topic was discussed from a legal, social, educational…point of view rather than just punitive.
Eugenia Almonte,Carol Morgan School, Dominican RepublicSameer's presentation was excellent! He tailored it to meet the needs of our varied audience members, which included parents, school staff, school administrators, and law enforcement officers. Sameer is extremely knowledgeable about bullying/cyberbullying and he has excellent presentation skills. In addition, he is very personable, organized, flexible and punctual. The Chester County Intermediate Unit would absolutely call on him again should the need arise in the future - he's awesome!
Tonia Farnum, Communications Manager,Chester County Intermediate UnitDr. Sameer in February met with the SPIN Staff Association group at the World Bank. There he helped us to explore the many facets of the internet and how to build empathy and resilience in our children and even in ourselves to overcome the long-lasting pitfalls of social media misuse and abuse for both novice and experienced users alike.
James Grosjean, Program Assistant,World Bank, Washington DCMy heartfelt thank you for sharing your wisdom, knowledge, and perspective with our students and parents last Thursday. There was definitely a buzz Friday — I had immediate feedback from parents talking to their kids about their experiences and habits on social media. It’s no surprise many parents have never had these conversations. It is easier to turn our heads and hope it will be fine — but as you said yourself, “It’s much harder to meaningfully and intentionally parent children in this digital age.” It takes work. Your frank presentations opened some eyes and started conversations — which marks the evening as a success. You truly have a gift in the way you deliver, and on behalf of CCDS I thank you!
Lori Smith, President,Cincinnati Country Day SchoolThrough his presentations, Sameer Hinduja brings approachable strategies to educators on how to effect positive change in the school environment and build students’ sense of belonging. His message is research-based, relevant and timely in that districts are seeking ways to enhance Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in order to foster Life Readiness in students. We are fortunate to have access to Dr. Hinduja’s expertise and commitment in Florida.
Dr. Peggy Aune, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction,Collier County School DistrictDr. Hinduja was a captivating speaker. His passion for keeping all of us safe online, but especially for protecting young children, is contagious. The teachers and administrators loved Dr. Hinduja’s key note address . Many teachers left the conference telling me that this was the best professional development they had been to! Three days later the school district was still a buzz about the conference and our wonderful lineup of speakers, but especially Dr. Hinduja.
Philene Harte-Weiner,Associate Director, Education, Anti-Defamation League, Miami, FL.While at the National Girl Bullying Conference I attended the “Cyberbullying Among Adolescent Girls” general session. Dr. Hinduja’s was very humorous, laid-back but yet very informative. I appreciated his speaking approach because it kept me alert and I was not bored with statistics. He is very knowledgeable and passionate about his work. It instantly inspired me to learn as much as I can on the topic, which is why, I immediately changed my schedule to be sure I attended his “Safe Social Networking and Adolescent Girls: Best and Worst Practices” session. Although I was aware of cyberbullying I was taken aback by the statistics of the common practice it has become, age of victims and aggressors, but most of all the intensity of the abuse. I appreciate the generosity of allowing us to access his free resources; it is a great help in implementing education and change amongst our youth. I walked out of the sessions with a new way of looking at combating the problem: technology is not the enemy but has to be our ally. I look forward to going back and building our blogs and chat rooms for our groups!
Elvia Pace,Mi Carrera Coordinator, YWCA San AntonioIt was an absolute privilege to have Dr. Sameer Hinduja come speak with our students and caregivers. He had a speaking style that immediately engaged and connected with our high school students. His use of anonymous polling was incredibly effective. Both caregivers and students shared that they found his assemblies impactful and informative. As his main contact, I found him responsive, professional, and enjoyable to work with. I hope to bring him back for future events and highly recommend him as both a speaker and an ally in this important work.
Abby Rotwein, Director of Equity and Inclusion,Riverdale Public School District, Portland, OregonThanks, Sameer! Our students and faculty have all responded very positively. The kids were especially appreciative of the fact that you are not “anti-technology” but instead helped them to think about the positive and appropriate ways in which technology can and should be used. Our faculty was also appreciative of your presentations, your straightforward approach, and the way in which you timed things within your presentation (for example, the use of flash polling) in order to maintain the attention of the your audience. I will definitely be in touch in the future and look forward to working with you again.
Chad A. Green, Dean of Students,St. Paul's School, Concord, NHThe State of Maryland was fortunate to receive funding from the Anti-Defamation League to host a one-day workshop for educators on the prevention of cyber bullying. The Maryland State Department of Education jointly hosted the training in one of our local school systems with representatives from all school systems in Maryland being invited. Dr. Sameer Hinduja provided an enlightening and engaging keynote address. He is extremely knowledgeable on the topic, engages his audience, and uses humor to deliver his message on this very serious topic. Evaluations from the day rated his presentation highly. I highly recommend him as a presenter. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (410) 767-0311 if you would like more information.
Charles J. Buckler,Director, Student Services and Alternative Programs Branch, Maryland State Department of EducationI found the presentation very informative. I am not that far removed from the age of my students yet I was astonished by the number of websites that are being used for cyberbullying and negative social interactions. I had never even heard of many of the sites that were discussed in the presentation! The presentation was such an eye-opener and I was very grateful for the resources and materials that were provided to conference attendants. The websites are so thorough and I will definitely use them to help my school with their anti-bullying policies and programming.
Laura Kleemook,Guidance Counselor, Moniteau Jr. Sr. High SchoolDr. Hinduja did a thorough and comprehensive presentation of issues regarding social media. This young, gifted professor is impressive and a research guru on the subject. I appreciate that his work includes legal and professional responsibilities regarding these issues. He reminded us to let students spear-head and become involved in solving their own issues. The clothespin activity will be presented to our student council today to get the pinning started. We will use our PIE (Partners in Education Dept), principals, counselors and teachers to work together with our students.
Jan Finch, Counselor,Wildwood Middle SchoolRecently I was privileged to attend a seminar on cyberbullying presented by Sameer Hinduja, Ph.D. It was two hours extremely well-spent. Dr. Hinduja is an engaging speaker and an expert on this topic. I found myself completely entranced and will be much more alert to this pervasive kind of bullying. I would highly recommend this seminar to students, parents and educators.
Karyn Tercy,Counselor, Cathedral Catholic Academy, Honolulu, HIWith his clear, calm, and compassionate approach, Dr. Sameer Hinduja takes the fear out of cyberbullying and social media use. His family-oriented presentation is exactly what parents, caregivers, and educators need in today's fast-paced, digital world. The best discussion of the subject we have ever seen!
Charlene Margot, MA, Co-Founder and CEO,The Parent VentureI could not more highly recommend Dr. Hinduja. He combines cutting edge academic research and knowledge with an engaging and inspiring communication style. You come away from his presentations feeling energized and empowered.
Holli Levinson,Education Project Director, Anti-Defamation League Southeast RegionVery interesting workshop. I learned so much about cyberbullying, especially about the laws as it relates to this issue. Idefinitely have a better understanding of cyberbullying now. Thanks!
Deirdre Nixon,School Counselor, Tifton, GAWhat an enriching experience you provided our Pyle community during your recent visit here. I really appreciate how you open yourself up to everyone in each audience you are with and break down information with a candidness, realness, and undeniable coolness. You really rock and are making a difference in this world!
Rebecca Bloom, M.A., LGPC, NCC, NCSC, Counselor and Program Specialist,Thomas W. Pyle Middle School, Bethesda, MDWhat I love the most about Dr. Hinduja's presentations is how he speaks with the students. Like a master teacher, he makes it clear that the space is safe for all types of comments and questions. He doesn't blow by an answer. Instead, he stops, looks directly at the student, and gives him/her complete validation. Our students walked out of the theater feeling that they had been part of a discussion. They love that he “gets them,” and for the faculty and families, his current research astounds us. As a faculty, we look to continue having conversations about cyber bullying and online safety with the help of his resources.
Sarah Kemeness, Head of Upper School,Palm Beach Day Academy, Palm Beach, FLI value instructional time so I allow very few assemblies or guest speakers. Sameer was recommended to us and after doing our research we felt he could fill in a gap for us. We are constantly telling our students about cyberbullying, social media, and the implications for years to come. Students just turn us off the minute we begin to speak about their cell phones, just like they turn off their parents. Sameer was able to bring a level of awareness to the students by actually allowing them to anonymously answer questions using their cell phones during the assembly. This real-time data allowed them to see the attitudes and behaviors of the entire student body - not national data or state data - which brought it home to them. I received lots of comments from the students about the impact this presentation made on them. Thank you Sameer!
Dr. Mary Rouse, Principal,Tennessee High SchoolDr. Patchin always does a great job interacting with the crowd. It is obvious he is very knowledgeable in his field of study.
Anonymous,Serving Victims of Crime ConferenceSameer was very insightful. It was clear that much time and consideration was put into his presentation. He had a great mix of facts, real world examples, and resources. My eyes were opened with all that he spoke on.
Conference attendee,Kansas National GuardOne of the most valuable conference I have ever attended. Not only was the information current and presented in a user friendly way - but Dr. Hinduja's passion for educating everyone in the area of cyberbullying was phenomenal. You walk away from the conference feeling that the information you have gained can certainly help make a difference in keeping our children and students safe.
Colleen Kaney,Director of Special Education Services at Hamburg Central School DistrictA reflective and kind person. A genuine expert in his field. A sincere yet entertaining speaker who truly knows his audience and how to engage with it. Sameer was such a pleasure to have speak to our students and parents; he made the planning and delivery of his visit truly enjoyable and easy. I whole-heartedly recommend inviting Sameer to speak with your school community.
Kris Marchant, Health and Wellness Coordinator,The Steward School, Richmond, VASameer's presentation at our District Administrator's EdSummit entitled "Positive School Culture: Establishing Trust, Grit, and Empathy to Decrease Bullying" was exceptional. He made a connection between social and emotional factors and bullying and the steps educators can take to improve school climate and encourage positive relationships that prevent bullying. His message clearly aligned to Collier County Public Schools' 5 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Priorities.
Karen Stelmacki, Executive Director, Exceptional Education & Student Support Services,Collier County Public SchoolsI am a doctoral student writing my dissertation in the area of cyberbullying and was attracted to this seminar because Dr. Hinduja has written so many of the cutting-edge research papers on this topic. His website is the leading site in this field for informative and helpful material for educators, parents, students, and policy makers. His seminar was engaging, educational, and provided participants with a full “tool box” of materials to help understand and begin to address the issue of cyberbullying.
Jenny Walker,Department of Educational Psychology, Arizona State UniversityWe have worked with The Cyberbullying Research Center for over five years, specifically with Justin Patchin and Sameer Hinduja. The information that they provide to our students is always relevant to their lives. Sameer presented the cyber-safety material this year in a way that students can understand and apply it. He maintains a tone of importance and seriousness in the message that relays to them the responsibility they assume while on social media, yet it is not in language or tone that implies blame, nor does it resemble lecture. Our teachers reported that students were really focused and enjoyed the presentation. The material from The Cyberbullying Research Center is alway fresh and discusses the most recent apps and devices that our 2021, pandemic students are using to communicate. We will call upon Sameer and Justin in the future.
Heidi Foley, Principal,Academy of Holy Angels, Minneapolis, MNMy principal and I saw you a few years back. Recently my daughter, a 7th grader, came home and spoke of your presentation. First of all she doesn’t share much about school so the fact she shared this was impressive. Secondly, it sounded like your presentation was very concrete and realistic - “I know you are going to do this so here’s how you can and still be safe” was the message that my daughter took away. I shared this with our school’s safe culture committee and they are interested in hearing how we can get a similar presentation at our school.
Mother of 7th grade girl in Wisconsin,I was interested in bringing Sameer Hinduja to our school after I heard a colleague rave about him. I spoke to my administration who supported bringing Dr. Hinduja to speak to our 5th graders, middle and upper school students and parents. He visited our campus for two days and spoke about social media and cyber bullying in a compassionate and inspirational manner. The students were engaged, laughing as he was able to connect with each age group, and they took away thought provoking questions about who they are and who they want to be. I cannot say enough positive comments about Sameer Hinduja. One 7th grade student commented, “he was the best speaker so far.” A parent stated, “I am SO grateful that you brought him, it is such an important and timely topic.” Dr. Hinduja combined real life scenarios, research, and humor effortlessly. He even presented his own Tik-Tok that he made. I highly recommend Dr. Hinduja to speak to audiences of all ages. He is not only a presenter that will capture your attention but a warm, sensitive, and compassionate human being who I hope to stay in touch with.
Lauri Kassewitz, LMHC, Middle School Counselor,Miami Country Day SchoolI enjoyed your cyberbullying workshop in North Carolina today. It was very well organized, clear, and reflected your obviously extensive knowledge of the subject. You also responded to questions very sensitively, and I was particularly impressed with how respectfully you interacted with [a sixteen-year-old in the audience]. As I told you at the end, of the hundreds of professional presentations I’ve heard in my 37 year career, yours was clearly in the top 5%. I’ve also ordered your book and look forward to learning more about this important subject.
C. Drew Edwards, PhD, ABPP,Clinical Child Psychologist and Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology, Wake Forest UniversityDr. Sameer Hinduja recently presented two workshops at our Bullying Prevention and Intervention Conference to an audience of almost 350. The attendees were school administrators, educators, and counselors, as well as community mental health representatives. The presentations went above and beyond our expectations. Dr. Hinduja is a highly skilled and extremely knowledgeable presenter that is able to actively engage his audience while sharing his expertise regarding teen technology use and misuse. Dr. Hinduja designed and executed both presentations after communicating with our committee to ensure our expectations for content and methodology were met. We highly recommend Dr. Hinduja and look forward to his continued support.
Colleen O'Brien, Program Coordinator and Conference Co-Chair, Retired School Administrator ,Worchester, MA School DistrictI recently attended a Cyberbullying Prevention presentation by Sameer Hinduja. I found the presentation to be highly informative and engaging. Sameer presented information on the various ways students are using technology to bully/harass one another and the dangerous and lasting impacts this can have on children. His presentation style is engaging and I would highly recommend him as a presenter for adults but also for middle school and high school students. His message to teens is powerful and one that needs to be heard by as many teens as possible.
Karen Breslawski, LMSW, Student Assistance Program Coordinator,Brockport Central School District, Brockport, NYI was so pleased with Dr. Hinduja’s presentation at our Cyber Crime conference. “Bring him back” was the overwhelming opinion expressed. He offered a well-planned and well-executed presentation. His passion is contagious. The participants came away with information relevant to their jobs as well as practical solutions to cyberbullying. I would welcome any opportunity to work with Dr. Hinduja in the future.
Denise Dew, MSW,Conference Coordinator, Children’s Advocacy Center of Bristol/Washington County, VA Inc.I attended a Cyberbullying Conference at the University of Penn on April 27, 2010. Before arriving, my expectations were not that high as I anticipated hearing the same message that I have heard at other conferences on this issue, “The Internet is dangerous,” “Protect your kids – limit their usage,” “Don’t let them use Facebook.” However, within a few minutes of hearing Sameer speak, I was encouraged that the message he presented was going in a different direction. He was not trying to “taint” the Internet or discourage it’s use. Rather, he promoted the importance of open dialog with our children and education on proper use. He highlighted the need for adults to be “safe havens” where children feel they can go when a problem does arise on the Internet, without the fear that they, as the victim, would be punished by losing their access to technology. He didn’t only talk about cyberbullying as being a problem, but he offered solutions. Good, applicable guidelines that educators, parents and students alike could implement. I appreciate the work he is doing in this field and his willingness to share many resources -for free – with others. I left the conference with a renewed sense of hope in being able to offer valuable feedback and resources not only to the youth and families that I work with, but to my own family as well.
Elizabeth J. T. Valdez, M.Ed., N.C.C., L.P.C.,Student Assistance Program Consultant, Pennsylvania Counseling ServicesThank you Sameer for the very informative and engaging presentation on cyberbullying and practicing positive online behaviour. After an hour of speaking, Sameer still had full attention from just over 900 high school students. His presentation provided not only real life examples of online behavior and bullying, but also included Sameer's own personal experiences, which the students could very much relate to. One of many responses from the students included the following, "I want to be a speaker when I'm older and encourage kids to not cyberbully just like Sameer."
Lyndsey Pankratz, Project Manager of "I Am Stronger" ,SaskTel, Regina, SK, CanadaWow! What a terrific presentation. I cannot begin to tell you how impressed everyone was with your presentation. If I heard it once, I heard it a hundred times..."Dr. Patchin was excellent." We have only five copies of your book left (out of one hundred)....that speaks for itself. We are donating them to the UWSP education dept. for aspiring teachers. Here's a story you will love. On Saturday evening of our convention, there was an athletic banquet taking place in the adjoining rooms. One of the parents saw your book on our registration table and came over to ask about it and said her daughter is a victim. She bought a book and got all the info on you and the reasearch you've done. Now, that's what I call "making a difference." Again, Dr. Patchin....thank you from all of us. You were great. It was such a pleasure to meet you and work with you on this project.
Gloria Kubisiak,Delta Kappa Gamma Society InternationalI personally had the opportunity to observe Sameer Hinduja speak at the University of Pennsylvania in the spring of 2010. His presentation was the most comprehensive and on target resource that I have found on the topic of cyber-bullying. His doctrine is supported with a strong research base as well as a youthful perspective. His philosophical approach on how to deal with cyber bullying makes sense. He provides convincing evidence and insights that will ignite a paradigm shift on one’s approach to addressing cyber-bullying.
Dr. Detrick McGriff,Haverford High School, Philadelphia, PAGreat information - hope to use this information to inform parents and incorporate some into our safety lessons for our 4th and 5th graders.
Staci Haire,Elementary Counselor, Lowndes County Board of EducationI really enjoyed this workshop. Cyberbullying is a topic that needs some light shed on it. I was excited to see something brought to our area. Seeing the legal ramifications is eye-opening and it’s all great information to pass on to the youth that we work with as well as our co-workers.
Kitzi Woodard,Case Manager, Frontier Health/Highlands Juvenile Detention CenterDr. Hinduja was right on target with his presentation. He used media and real world examples to keep things interesting, and his personal testimony helped me connect with his presentation even more. This was a wonderful training!
Conference attendee,Kansas National GuardDr. Hinduja's presentations to our school were very well received. Our middle school students were captivated and upper school students and parents specifically appreciated his concrete, actionable suggestions. Dr. Hinduja shared follow-up materials that we are using to continue the conversation. He was lovely to work with.
Heidi Butz, School Counselor,Greenhills SchoolDr. Sameer Hinduja’s authenticity permeates throughout his presentation. He uses networking, real-world situations, and extensive research to shape his content. Without complaint, he tailored his presentation to fit our curriculum needs, and adjusted it according to our time requirements. He came to our training overly prepared and extremely well-organized. Dr. Hinduja has a vast knowledge and real passion for the topics of cyber-bullying and safe social networking, and that was very evident throughout the day. He didn't need any fancy gadgets or tricks up his sleeve to get the audience mesmerized. The flawless way he delivered the information was enough. In fact, months later, I am still getting rave reviews about him. Simply put- when he speaks, people listen. His content is relevant and timely more today than ever. Dr. Hinduja made a huge impact, and given the chance, every single person who attended our training agreed that they would return to listen to him speak again. To highly recommend Dr. Hinduja would feel like an understatement.
Darcy L. Meyer, Lead Child and Youth Program Coordinator,Kansas National GuardSameer’s knowledge of how technology impacts our children and teens on a daily basis is extraordinary. I’ve not met a presenter more genuinely invested in helping others work through the issues that social media can present for schools and the students they serve. His dedication is quite impressive, and I appreciate every time I get to hear him speak. Thank you, Sameer.
Nick Wilson, Assistant Principal,Cumberland Valley High School, Mechanicsburg, PASameer’s presentations to students, faculty, and parents were all well-received. Students felt they could relate well to Dr. Hinduja. He understood the significance of technology in their lives and was respectful of them. He was funny and charismatic and connected with the kids appropriately. Sameer was able to deliver his message in a way that was accessible to all. One student compared the presentation to a similar one at her previous school and said that Sameer’s was so much better because he understands and relates to adolescents so well. Probably the greatest testimonial to the effectiveness of his message is that students and faculty related that they checked and changed their Facebook settings and culled their friends list as a result of the assembly. Parents were very thankful to receive information in a way that could open up communication channels with their children. Sameer does not use scare tactics but simply presents the challenges and opportunities of social networking in an authentic and accessible way.
David Rost,Dean of Students, Concord AcademyYou presented authentic information that directly related to our current generation of teens. Your presentation highlighted honestly that, “Technology is not part of their life… it is their life.” That is a simple, but profound, statement.Listening to your keynote was informative and empowering. Information was empirically vetted and practical strategies or positions were shared to enable principals to take action.
Mark Schultz,Principal, Pioneer High SchoolI attended the Cyberbullying training yesterday afternoon. WOW! it was a real eye opener. Talk about “you don’t know what you don’t know”. I am looking forward to follow-up sessions and more information to use with teachers, parents and students. Your team did an awesome job!
Sharon Broderick Hench,Principal, H. L. Johnson Elementary SchoolI was shocked at the statistics presented to us and was unaware how prevalent cyberbullying is today. The conference was very informative and I feel I am much better prepared to face this issue in my classroom.
Maria Valencia,Northern Arizona UniversityI have recommended Dr. Patchin to schools this morning. He related very well to all the different levels of his audiences. He did a very good job engaging the audiences and keeping their attention. He was very open and willing to answer all questions posed by the audiences. His experiences and authentic stories were very engaging for the audiences.
IT Staff,Thank you so much for the time you spent with the students at our school. Several parents and the Principal of our school, Ms. Rogers, told me stories of how you impacted our kids. One 8th grade girl who rarely says anything about her day at school, jumped in the car and said “Mom, we had the most amazing speaker today!” Another 8th grader had the bad idea to talk meanly about a 7th grader that night on Facebook and the 7th grader followed your advice to gather evidence and printed it out and brought it to the principal the next day. Game over! My son who had been arguing with me about me having access to get on his Facebook agreed to let me be his “friend” on that web site. He also went into his account and took himself off several networks and changed his privacy settings to “friends only” as per your advice. Your specific advice andwonderful demeanor touched so many of our children today. We look forward to bringing you back to our school again and again. Your advice is invaluable to children of all ages.
Kirsten Flegel,VP Middle School PSTA, North Broward Preparatory SchoolDr. Hinduja's message is a powerful one. Students are drawn to his personality and connect to him quickly. As he speaks his wisdom, they listen and take note. Adults, too, hear that their influence matters to kids, guiding them to use technology in powerful, kind, world-changing ways. We were so fortunate to have Dr. Hinduja come to our district!
Lynn Hobratschk, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction,Friendswood ISDDr. Hinduja was amazing! His expertise and delivery were exactly what we were looking for. His keynote speech and breakout session got excellent reviews from the teachers, counselors, psychologists and parents that attended our summit. The presentation was thought provoking as well as practical. Dr. Hinduja also led a student leaders presentation for 150 students from private and public schools. His examples, videos and experiences made a real difference. A 12th grader approached me after the workshop and said: “I will never look at this behavior the same way again.” She then went on to lead a student assembly for her whole school.
Maribel Gonzalez,Puerto RicoDr Hinduja's presentation is engaging and meaningful. He combines detailed research and captivating videos with practical applications for schools. After hearing him speak, I return armed with wonderful resources and an action plan for our district. Thank you Dr Hinduja for doing all your hard work and for sharing. Your work touches the lives of many!
Carol Bartolac, District Coordinating Teacher for Technology,Blue Valley School District #229, Overland Park, KansasSameer recently spoke to our conference attendees in Australia. The audience was comprised of over 400 very experienced education and bullying professionals. His thoughtful insights into strategies and evidence to build inclusion, spread kindness and reduce bullying were insightful, genuine and compelling. Sameer brought his years of research, his wisdom, humility and heart to the session and we left as better, more informed people.
Lesley Podesta, Chief Executive Officer,Alannah & Madeline Foundation, South Melbourne, Victoria, AustraliaDr. Hinduja’s presentation was just what we needed. He did an excellent job of connecting with our 650 middle schoolers; he spoke their language and got the message across that quick electronic messages can have a lasting impact on others, as well as on one’s own future. His evening presentation with the parents was especially informative. With visual aids and handouts, Dr. Hinduja did an outstanding job of covering the world of social networking sites and then responding to their questions and concerns. Overall, we were very pleased, and are even talking about having him come and speak again some time.
Tammy Stamm,Assistant Head of Middle School, Pine Crest School, Boca Raton
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"I was on aim minding my own business, and then all of a sudden a screen name I didn't recognize popped up. They started to talk to me and call me really horrible names. I felt like crying. I asked who it was a bunch of times and all they said was "none of your business." I blocked them but they always made a different screen name. I remember every word they said to me. I will never ever let it go because from that day on I was harassed badly and still never figured out who it was." - 11 year-old girl from CA
"Well, I started a website about the principal and saying how much we hated him. No one ever threatened him but it hurt his feelings. Needless to say, even though I did no wrong, I got in trouble for making the website. Needless to say I don't regret making the website because everything on it was true. He really is a jerk. I do however wish the things that were said about him were said in a nicer way. Now instead of getting expelled I have to write a stupid paper on cyber-bullying. Which is how I got to this website." - Boy from USA
[dt_button size=”big” style=”default” animation=”none” color_mode=”default” icon=”” icon_align=”left” color=”” link=”https://cyberbullying.org/stories/” target_blank=”false”]Share your stories[/dt_button]
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row margin_top=”80px”][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Books” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:left|color:%23ec6d46″ google_fonts=”font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal” el_class=”custom_heading3″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row gap=”2″ el_class=”book-section”][vc_column width=”1/6″][dt_teaser image_id=”19880″ image_alt=”book5″]
Bullying Today: Bullet Points and Best Practices
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Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying
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A Leader’s Guide to “Words Wound”
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Words Wound: Delete Cyberbullying and Make Kindness Go Viral
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Cyberbullying Prevention and Response: Expert Perspectives
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School Climate 2.0: Preventing Cyberbullying and Sexting One Classroom at a Time