Is Cyberbullying Really That Bad?


We recently received this email and I thought I would respond to it here so that others too can add their thoughts:

Dear ~

I recently discovered your website as I was wandering the internet.  I read some of the stories on your site and I would just love it if you could publish my words.  I am 18 from the UK.  I have been using the internet since I was 4 years old. And I have had some experiences with ‘cyber-bullying’, as it is now called. Funny, we used to call it “people being idiots”.

As most people who have been actually bullied in real life will tell you, cyberbullying is really stupid. “Oh no. Some girl said to me in an email “ur fat lulz”. I’m scarred for the rest of my life.” Nowhere NEAR as bad as getting hit, punched, abused, ect.

I myself have had many arguements over the internet, ranging from ones that are deeply personal to stupid things. (Such as who runs the police department on a game.)

However, I feel that people are getting used to a cushy real life, going on the internet and expecting it to be all cuddles and joy. It is NOT. And it isn’t in the ‘real world’, either. I’m not saying that bullying isn’t wrong, but I am just saying that it’s a tad immature to go whinge on and on about some immature kid who called another immature kid names OVER THE DAMN INTERNET. ITS THE INTERNET, SERIOUSLY, COME ON. THEY CAN’T HURT YOU. Just dish out what they say right back to them.

Always letting my opinions be heard.

Thanks —


Dear Alastair,

Thanks for your thoughts.  We agree that all forms of bullying are hurtful and that the physical effects of “real life” bullying can be very damaging.  I will disagree with you, however, when you assert that the effects of cyberbullying are trivial or inconsequential.  To be fair, a lot of things said and done online are relatively minor and should be ignored, but there are a lot of very serious instances of cyberbullying that result in long term harm to those who experience it.

As an 18-year-old adult, it may be hard for you to understand, but as a young teenager developing through adolescence, peer approval is everything and what your peers say to you online and off can have dramatic effects on your daily life.  And the fact that a victim can never really remove him or herself from an online bully makes it even more difficult to handle.  Some people say that victims can simply turn off their computers or cell phones to remove themselves from the situation.  Those who have been to our presentations know that this simply isn’t an adequate response.  For one thing, you don’t have to be online to be cyberbullied (e.g., if I create a web site containing rumors about you and then circulate it among others at school).  Also, since when has it been appropriate to blame the victim?  So I am being cyberbullied, and now I can’t use my computer or cell phone?  Pretty ridiculous if you ask me.  But, if you don’t believe me, and still feel that cyberbullying really isn’t that bad, feel free to contact John Halligan or Tina Meier, or any of the other parents here in the U.S. who recently lost their children due, at least in part, to the effects of peer harassment carried out online.  Cyberbullying was so unbearable for these teens that taking their own life was evidently a better option for them than living with the torment.

Thanks again for the comment and I am hopeful that you will come to understand that even though cyberbullying is not physical in nature, it is still harmful.  In the words of a 14-year-old girl who told us about her cyberbullying experience: “They say sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. That quote is a lie and I don’t believe in it. Sticks and stones may cause nasty cuts and scars but those cuts and scars will heal. Insultive words hurt and sometimes take forever to heal.”


  1. I have to agree with Alastair. Most cyberbullying can be easily disregarded; thrown to the wind. The only reason cyberbullying works so well is because you let it get to you. "fists and stones may break my bone but words will never hurt me" isn't just a quote, it's a pledge. It's a commitment saying that no words will bring you down, that words can just be words and nothing more. If you can't pledge to not let the words hurt you, then you deserve to be hurt by them. It may sound harsh, but cyberbullying is harmless unless you let it harm you. The internet shouldn't change because you find it insensitive, you should change, and be less sensitive about the internet. Can't handle it? Leave, and take your 14 year old girl with you. Call me a monster, but the internet is the last place where true free speech can exist, and your sensitivity is going to take that away. If you remove harassment from the internet, defamation of character is next, then goes descent. Call me paranoid, but it's not something I'm just going to give away.

    Prove me wrong.


  2. I have to agree with Alastair. Most cyberbullying can be easily disregarded; thrown to the wind. The only reason cyberbullying works so well is because you let it get to you. "fists and stones may break my bone but words will never hurt me" isn't just a quote, it's a pledge. It's a commitment saying that no words will bring you down, that words can just be words and nothing more. If you can't pledge to not let the words hurt you, then you deserve to be hurt by them. It may sound harsh, but cyberbullying is harmless unless you let it harm you. The internet shouldn't change because you find it insensitive, you should change, and be less sensitive about the internet. Can't handle it? Leave, and take your 14 year old girl with you. Call me a monster, but the internet is the last place where true free speech can exist, and your sensitivity is going to take that away. If you remove harassment from the internet, defamation of character is next, then goes descent. Call me paranoid, but it's not something I'm just going to give away.

    Prove me wrong.


  3. I have to agree with

    Online cyberbullying will often times lead to offline bullying. We have learned after the numerous murders and sex offenses that online threats are very real. The truth is you don't know who you are talking to over the internet. They could be anyone. So there is a risk that is taken when a user enters into a chat with an unknown individual. Predators find the internet an easy means to take criminal actions because of the high level of anonymity the internet presents.

  4. I have to agree with

    Online cyberbullying will often times lead to offline bullying. We have learned after the numerous murders and sex offenses that online threats are very real. The truth is you don't know who you are talking to over the internet. They could be anyone. So there is a risk that is taken when a user enters into a chat with an unknown individual. Predators find the internet an easy means to take criminal actions because of the high level of anonymity the internet presents.

  5. Your opinion on cyberbullying is inacurrate because you are not representing what cyberbullying is really about. Cyberbullying isn't about name calling and immature taunting. Cyberbullying takes on another level as it is about ruining reputations and identity theft. There are many more components than these two examples and I would ask you to continue to investigate the issue beyond the site you mentioned in your post. I wish cyberbullying stopped at name calling or immature quips. I respectfully disagree with your premise that cyberbullying isn't that bad.

  6. I just cant understand why people let them selves be bullied over the net. On myspace the solution is make your profile private or just block those users. Being at a young age has nothing to do with being more of a victim. I got made fun of in middle school on the bus for not having the right cloths or just random bs, I didn't care. I didn't let it get to me, at school there is no block profile button. The people who killed them self had the chance to stop it, so why didn't they?

  7. I just cant understand why people let them selves be bullied over the net. On myspace the solution is make your profile private or just block those users. Being at a young age has nothing to do with being more of a victim. I got made fun of in middle school on the bus for not having the right cloths or just random bs, I didn't care. I didn't let it get to me, at school there is no block profile button. The people who killed them self had the chance to stop it, so why didn't they?

  8. websites like Encyclopedia Dramatica prove that cyber bullies go above and beyond simple words. Breaking into private photobuckets and posting the photos for all to see, being moles on private forums or journals and posting for the world to see, even so far as finding names and addresses or documents meant to be private and POSTING THEM FOR THE WORLD TO SEE, thus BREACHING PRIVACY.

    ED and sites like it need to go down.

  9. websites like Encyclopedia Dramatica prove that cyber bullies go above and beyond simple words. Breaking into private photobuckets and posting the photos for all to see, being moles on private forums or journals and posting for the world to see, even so far as finding names and addresses or documents meant to be private and POSTING THEM FOR THE WORLD TO SEE, thus BREACHING PRIVACY.

    ED and sites like it need to go down.

  10. Cyber bullying is a serious matter that is still going on all around the world. I am 14 and i see the damage cyber bullying has caused. It isn't some thing you just say "get over it" or "isn't that bad," like some of you have already said. No one is the same, so we all take a situations differently and think differently of it. There have been deaths due the to this matter and i say it needs to stop, NOW! Everyone talks about it and suggest ways to stop it, but nothing gets done.

    • seriously all over the world in some countries your lucky if you dont get your village burned down and your family killed by the time your an adult. cyber bullying is miniscule at best.

  11. Cyber bullying is a serious matter that is still going on all around the world. I am 14 and i see the damage cyber bullying has caused. It isn't some thing you just say "get over it" or "isn't that bad," like some of you have already said. No one is the same, so we all take a situations differently and think differently of it. There have been deaths due the to this matter and i say it needs to stop, NOW! Everyone talks about it and suggest ways to stop it, but nothing gets done.

  12. The definition of bull on is this: "a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people."

    I have to say I agree with Alastair. People are being to careless when it comes to social networking sites, giving away to much information freely on them such as phone numbers and e-mail addresses. There are blocking facilities on the internet and spam report functions, people including teenagers should use them if they are being bullied. We aren't stupid, we have at least some level of common sense to be able to get rid of them.

    I have had stones chucked at me when I'd walk home from school, I've almost been punched once. Had boys show me up in front of my friends and other people and can't actually get away from them because I was in the middle of a crowd of these bullying boys. You cannot get rid of these people at all, if anything this scenario is more likely to make a person want to die. I should know!

    I have also been cyber bullied once or twice, but it's all empty threats and insults. Most of the time it has been anonymous which just means they are too scared to do anything like that in person. If it's not anonymous, chances are the bully had intentions of bullying originally or had already started doing so in person. This means that real life bullying starts cyber bullying, not the other way around.

    I also disagree with Scott too, going back to the definition of a bully, it does not cover loan shark or the like. A bully and a loan shark are in two different leagues. The same as those who steal identities and cyber bullies are also in two different leagues. However, a loan shark and a person who would steal another's identity are related because they are both real official crimes, really very serious ones at that.

    The thing is, all celebrities have a form of cyber bulling for pretty much the rest of their lives, but most of which manage because they focus on the positives of their career. just as the victims of cyber bulling should focus on the positives of the internet.

    What I don't like is how cyber bullying is treated as a separate thing from bullying because it is not. It is a branch of bullying and therefore be kept an eye out for in those who have reported cases of bullying in real life. If the bullying is only occurring on the internet then it should just be treated as spam and nothing more.

  13. You'd have to be stupid if you find yourself being cyberbullied… "oh noes! maybe I shouldn't have given away all my personal information, posted awkward pics of myself, and told them all my secrets!!" Seriously, there is a "block user" button and you CAN make a new account if you have too. Yes, it is sad that their children died, but to be honest the parents were stupid if they never realized what was going on. They should have realized their kid needs help.

  14. You'd have to be stupid if you find yourself being cyberbullied… "oh noes! maybe I shouldn't have given away all my personal information, posted awkward pics of myself, and told them all my secrets!!" Seriously, there is a "block user" button and you CAN make a new account if you have too. Yes, it is sad that their children died, but to be honest the parents were stupid if they never realized what was going on. They should have realized their kid needs help.

  15. i agree with Tyler. If your being cyberbullied, you probably might not want to tell someone because of fear and humiliation. I know that if i was bullied i wouldnt. i dont know bout u guys 🙂 cyazzz

  16. i agree with Tyler. If your being cyberbullied, you probably might not want to tell someone because of fear and humiliation. I know that if i was bullied i wouldnt. i dont know bout u guys 🙂 cyazzz

  17. Alright.."lol what" I respect you're point but i disagree. Why don't you try being a mother who has a teenage daughter. Why don't you try getting your teenage daughter to tell you EVERYTHING. If someone was cryberbullying me i would wanna say anything about it. i would just wish for it to go away. Has anyone ever said something to hurt your feelings? Has it ever got to the point to where you couldn't handle it snymore even though it's someone you know? You can say "just ignore it" how can you ignore it when the cyberbully starts gettign personal with you, what if the cyberbully finds where you live. I'm sure you have a facebook and i'm sure you put where you're from on there all they need is just a little lea-way. thst's all. I'm sure you wouldn't beable to handle someone telling you that you're worthless every single chance they get. That's all i got

  18. Maybe you do not understand, or maybe you have never been bullied before, but I have. If you do not think it is that big of a deal, look up Megan Meiers, or just look up cyber bullying. It is truly sad, the things people do to others just for a good laugh, or because they aren't "popular."

  19. Maybe you do not understand, or maybe you have never been bullied before, but I have. If you do not think it is that big of a deal, look up Megan Meiers, or just look up cyber bullying. It is truly sad, the things people do to others just for a good laugh, or because they aren't "popular."

  20. Also, now that I have re-read your comments, in some cases, I would agree with you. I once again urge you to look up Megan Meiers. Some people are emotionally unstable, and though there are some simple ways of getting around being bullied (i.e. blocking, not using the site in the first place, etc.) But in her case, she was deceived into believing that her bully was really a guy her age, that was her friend. They then "dated" (not quite sure how this part works out). This went on for 6 weeks, and then the bully (who was really a friend's mother) said that they shouldn't be friends because she was supposedly mean to her friends, and then proceeded to call her a slut, fat, etc. on her Myspace. Just reading about it will make more sense than me explaining it.

  21. Also, now that I have re-read your comments, in some cases, I would agree with you. I once again urge you to look up Megan Meiers. Some people are emotionally unstable, and though there are some simple ways of getting around being bullied (i.e. blocking, not using the site in the first place, etc.) But in her case, she was deceived into believing that her bully was really a guy her age, that was her friend. They then "dated" (not quite sure how this part works out). This went on for 6 weeks, and then the bully (who was really a friend's mother) said that they shouldn't be friends because she was supposedly mean to her friends, and then proceeded to call her a slut, fat, etc. on her Myspace. Just reading about it will make more sense than me explaining it.

  22.  First off I wonder if the victim involved in cyberbullying usually has self esteem issues or if they gain the problems from constantly being bullied? As an outsider you can always say what you would do. But when faced with these problems you never know. I honestly have been cyber bullied and I cried after it did happen over and over again. My story was pretty similar to some peoples story, but I think I cried tears of anger. I never got down on my self I just kept thick skin and continued to live my life. You have to be strong to do that. You have to know why people bully. In my case it was jealousy, and in many cases it is jealousy. I think another way to respond, is to talk to someone. I talked to my Mother who is a strong woman, and she helped me control my emotions toward what was being said, posted, or emailed about me. Cyerbullying is a big deal because different people react in there own ways.

  23. As far as cyber-bullying goes, I don't really think it is as bad as it sounds. As previous comments were made about ways to avoid it I agree. It's really not that hard. People just make it harder on themselves. And after doing plenty of research, most victims that committed suicide over cyber-bullying had mental issues and disorders (like depression) that were diagnosed before they were bullied. The fact of the matter is that there will always be cyber-bullying happening no matter how much we try to end it so we just need to focus on teaching people that suicide isn't worth it. Plenty you can do. "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." The real problems lie in person to person bullying.

  24. As far as cyber-bullying goes, I don't really think it is as bad as it sounds. As previous comments were made about ways to avoid it I agree. It's really not that hard. People just make it harder on themselves. And after doing plenty of research, most victims that committed suicide over cyber-bullying had mental issues and disorders (like depression) that were diagnosed before they were bullied. The fact of the matter is that there will always be cyber-bullying happening no matter how much we try to end it so we just need to focus on teaching people that suicide isn't worth it. Plenty you can do. "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." The real problems lie in person to person bullying.

  25. Hello Everone!

    Cyber Bullying is when a child or teen who uses the internet is harrased, threatened, humilated, or embaressed. Another way of cyber bullying is if a teen embaresses another teen. The results of cyber bullying are big. Some examples of the results are: complete sadness, lack of sleep, and lack of eating. Now all this is emotional results. There are also cyber bullying results that can make problems for the victims at school. At school results include: Bullying other students because of you got bullied, getting lower grades, and not listen to your teachers. Now I think that to prevent all this cyber bullying, is by letting your parents know about everything that happens with you on the internet, and if you get bullied, you must immediately go to the police station and tell them about every single thing happened with you before you got bullied and how you got bullied.

  26. ive been cyber bullied before it isnt really a problem its just mind over matter if u let i get to you it will dont be a pansy dish it back right to them 🙂

  27. ive been cyber bullied before it isnt really a problem its just mind over matter if u let i get to you it will dont be a pansy dish it back right to them 🙂

  28. for most of you guys who dont know cyberbullying isnt just someone saying mean things to you on the internet. it can be making a fake profile of someone on facebook or myspace and just putting bad things on there making other people think that theyre real or it could be a picture of someone being sent around cellphones.

    and words really do hurt. many teens already committed suicide because of cyberbullying

  29. for most of you guys who dont know cyberbullying isnt just someone saying mean things to you on the internet. it can be making a fake profile of someone on facebook or myspace and just putting bad things on there making other people think that theyre real or it could be a picture of someone being sent around cellphones.

    and words really do hurt. many teens already committed suicide because of cyberbullying

  30. I had to post on here after reading some…err most of these post. I agree in regards to the quote that "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". Since cyberbullying no longer involves just words, but can now tag photos of you real or created. They can post personal information that you've allowed "friends" to view. I am now 25 years old and I was never cyberbullied. I never put myself in that situation to let it happen (ergo I did not have a personal email account until I was 19). And the main reason was because while in a group home when I was 15 another youth committed suicide at 14 years old because someone "said" they posted a picture of him in the shower. He was embarassed. He did not think on it, he did not wait 24 hours for everything to cool down. He didn't even wait to see if anyone cared the next day. He was found dead hanging from his bunkbed before dinner. There were no pictures only a couple more guys who felt horrible for the joke as at that time it was a joke. But for someone who is insecure as a 14 year old will be regarding both their body and peer image, that was a joke that cost a life. It was a half hearted prank that took a life. Get the picture, how about this one. I am now 25 (just making it clear), my brother and his wife are seperated because someone commented via facebook on how their 5 year old "allowed" himself to ''almost'' be vicitimized by a 12 year old in the boys and girls club where he went to daycare (The older was supposed to wait at the door for my nephew, he went in and tried to force fellatio on a 3 year old. My nephew screamed and pushed at the boy enough to get a staffs attention where they intervened). Mind you this happened in Feb of 2010. These are grown people attacking other peoples children. That little boy was only 3 and people commented on this. They bullied him and his family. The blamed the parents, they accused the parents of doing worse. It was horrible. My brother and his wife have been trying to shelter their son, but were fighting others and themselves on how to handle the insinuations. We now know it was spread by a vindictive co-worker who they trusted with the devastating news shortly after finding out. This is now in cyberspace and when you search the name it comes up on the page. Please before you judge think about the implications of something never coming off the internet. When his jobs look up his profile when he's 18 they will probably see a post regarding that. His friends in middle school and high school are going to see that, and then what more bullying because that's just what kids do. Think before you speak because you cannot eat the words that you've spoken.

    • Most sites have a report button, and if the website you are talking about doesn't have on, look for their contact email address, or some sort of service contact. Then put a link to it and ask them to remove the comment.

  31. I had to post on here after reading some…err most of these post. I agree in regards to the quote that "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". Since cyberbullying no longer involves just words, but can now tag photos of you real or created. They can post personal information that you've allowed "friends" to view. I am now 25 years old and I was never cyberbullied. I never put myself in that situation to let it happen (ergo I did not have a personal email account until I was 19). And the main reason was because while in a group home when I was 15 another youth committed suicide at 14 years old because someone "said" they posted a picture of him in the shower. He was embarassed. He did not think on it, he did not wait 24 hours for everything to cool down. He didn't even wait to see if anyone cared the next day. He was found dead hanging from his bunkbed before dinner. There were no pictures only a couple more guys who felt horrible for the joke as at that time it was a joke. But for someone who is insecure as a 14 year old will be regarding both their body and peer image, that was a joke that cost a life. It was a half hearted prank that took a life. Get the picture, how about this one. I am now 25 (just making it clear), my brother and his wife are seperated because someone commented via facebook on how their 5 year old "allowed" himself to ''almost'' be vicitimized by a 12 year old in the boys and girls club where he went to daycare (The older was supposed to wait at the door for my nephew, he went in and tried to force fellatio on a 3 year old. My nephew screamed and pushed at the boy enough to get a staffs attention where they intervened). Mind you this happened in Feb of 2010. These are grown people attacking other peoples children. That little boy was only 3 and people commented on this. They bullied him and his family. The blamed the parents, they accused the parents of doing worse. It was horrible. My brother and his wife have been trying to shelter their son, but were fighting others and themselves on how to handle the insinuations. We now know it was spread by a vindictive co-worker who they trusted with the devastating news shortly after finding out. This is now in cyberspace and when you search the name it comes up on the page. Please before you judge think about the implications of something never coming off the internet. When his jobs look up his profile when he's 18 they will probably see a post regarding that. His friends in middle school and high school are going to see that, and then what more bullying because that's just what kids do. Think before you speak because you cannot eat the words that you've spoken.

  32. I also agree with Alastair. I am 20 years old and spent my middle school years being ACTUALLY bullied. It wasn't just some kid calling me stupid online. Guys would corner me in the hallway and grab me and girls would spread horrible rumors about me and turn people against me. If you're being cyberbullied, guess what? BLOCK THEM OR CHANGE YOUR SCREENNAME! That's it. It's really that simple. And if you're a parent of a kid being cyberbullied, then be attentive to your kid. Tell your kid that the cyberbullies don't even know them and try to make them feel better instead of burying yourself in work and ignoring them. Do words hurt? Yes. But I think the whole cyberbully campaign is a waste when there is real time bullying going on and administrators do nothing to stop it.

    • Your post exemplifies what is quite honestly the single most obnoxious of human traits. The idea that because it doesn’t affect you it shouldn’t affect anyone else, and that if it does then there’s something wrong with that person. You people are so self-absorbed that you can’t see past your noses, and that disturbs the hell out of me.

      I mean, in a very real way it’s almost as if you folks are saying that cyber-bullying shouldn’t be taken seriously as a problem because it wasn’t one for you. In fact, some of you HAVE said just that. And that doesn’t strike a single one of you as being even just a little bit fucked up?

      • I have been told to kill myself over the internet. Did I do it? No, because I don't see a command and carry it out. I process it and determine wether or not I should, and it doesn't take long for me to decide that I shouldn't kill myself. A much worse problem is catfishing, because it can form a strong bond with someone over the internet, and when the conection is broken, so may be the victim. Btw, I'm 15 and have been on the internet for quite a few years. Before you say that catfishing is cyberbullying, let me tell you otherwise. The main goal of bullying to hurt someone. Catfishing is for personal gain, with the expense of others just being the way the catfisher thought would be the best way to get things out of people. (Not every internet relationship is a catfish though, and a lot of them don't fully realize that they don't really want you)

  33. i am "a young teen going through adolescence" and people are are hurt when people make fun of them on the internet are weak and deserve everything they get. i dont give a fuck if people dont like me and make fun of me, and im not going to kill myself because someone called me gay. i think this whole cyberbullying thing is blown out of proportion, as if it isnt easy to avoid talking to people on the internet. every social network has ways to mute or block people who harass you, and people who let things go until they kill themselves are just being ridiculous(oh no, im being called gay over the internet, and it depresses me so much i cant just close the web browser).

    • it isn’t about what people say online it’s about how it affects you after that! NOONE deserves to be picked on like that! When I was in high school I was bullied constantly online and when I went to school people wouldn’t talk to me or would make snide comments. That is the hardest part, when the cyber bullying follows you into real life. No one wants to be your friend or be around you when everyone is making fun of you! You clearly don’t understand and have no right to post when you haven’t gone through what others have gone through! so thanks, but just keep it to yourself!

  34. i am "a young teen going through adolescence" and people are are hurt when people make fun of them on the internet are weak and deserve everything they get. i dont give a fuck if people dont like me and make fun of me, and im not going to kill myself because someone called me gay. i think this whole cyberbullying thing is blown out of proportion, as if it isnt easy to avoid talking to people on the internet. every social network has ways to mute or block people who harass you, and people who let things go until they kill themselves are just being ridiculous(oh no, im being called gay over the internet, and it depresses me so much i cant just close the web browser).

    • it isn’t about what people say online it’s about how it affects you after that! NOONE deserves to be picked on like that! When I was in high school I was bullied constantly online and when I went to school people wouldn’t talk to me or would make snide comments. That is the hardest part, when the cyber bullying follows you into real life. No one wants to be your friend or be around you when everyone is making fun of you! You clearly don’t understand and have no right to post when you haven’t gone through what others have gone through! so thanks, but just keep it to yourself!

  35. anyone who thinks bullying is a big deal is an idiot, the problem is the kids who kill themselves ,they need help ,do you really think its normal for someone kill themselves over a little teasing,that school, the real world is much more harsh,you think they would make is then.they also think it ok to cave in because it not their fault "it's the bullies fault",stop babying your children your the one's who screw them up , theres your problem not the bullies. i wonder if these kid now you could not go on the internet, i know i was shocked too,if your physically bullied thats a different story, not a reason to kill yourself,but a different story.
    this is harsh but it the true if your kid committed suicide because of bullying they wouldn't have made it far in the outside world.
    i assure you there are more children who didnt take bullying to heart than "victims".
    this is something that has been blown way out of proportion,im sure laws will be passed against bullying,but one day you will wake to a world where peopple flipout because some didnt greet them goodmorning,something more trivial ,thats where we heading.

  36. anyone who thinks bullying is a big deal is an idiot, the problem is the kids who kill themselves ,they need help ,do you really think its normal for someone kill themselves over a little teasing,that school, the real world is much more harsh,you think they would make is then.they also think it ok to cave in because it not their fault "it's the bullies fault",stop babying your children your the one's who screw them up , theres your problem not the bullies. i wonder if these kid now you could not go on the internet, i know i was shocked too,if your physically bullied thats a different story, not a reason to kill yourself,but a different story.
    this is harsh but it the true if your kid committed suicide because of bullying they wouldn't have made it far in the outside world.
    i assure you there are more children who didnt take bullying to heart than "victims".
    this is something that has been blown way out of proportion,im sure laws will be passed against bullying,but one day you will wake to a world where peopple flipout because some didnt greet them goodmorning,something more trivial ,thats where we heading.

  37. Alastair is more right then anything else, and I'm agreeing with sheila. If you really want to know what bullying is instead of the petty, dulled, PREVENTABLE, internet patty cake stuff, go out to school; dress in a weird form of clothing and experience it for a day. I assure you you'll know what's real bullying after that.

  38. Alastair is more right then anything else, and I'm agreeing with sheila. If you really want to know what bullying is instead of the petty, dulled, PREVENTABLE, internet patty cake stuff, go out to school; dress in a weird form of clothing and experience it for a day. I assure you you'll know what's real bullying after that.

  39. *You're
    Oh, the irony!
    Next time, before you call someone down without even supporting evidence, at least remember to use proper spelling and grammar.

  40. *You're
    Oh, the irony!
    Next time, before you call someone down without even supporting evidence, at least remember to use proper spelling and grammar.

  41. In my opinion your an idiot for thinking that it could posibly be that bad, and while i realize that people have killed them selves over cyber-bullying but even still its kind of stupid and nothing compaired to real bullying like if i got beat up everyday and cussed at and made fun of dont you think that would have more effect than some idiot sending me a message on the internet think about.

  42. In my opinion your an idiot for thinking that it could posibly be that bad, and while i realize that people have killed them selves over cyber-bullying but even still its kind of stupid and nothing compaired to real bullying like if i got beat up everyday and cussed at and made fun of dont you think that would have more effect than some idiot sending me a message on the internet think about.

  43. oh and i laugh when people send me insults on the internet it makes them look like cowards and its quite amusing. people who kill them selves need psychiatric help so yeah.

  44. oh and i laugh when people send me insults on the internet it makes them look like cowards and its quite amusing. people who kill them selves need psychiatric help so yeah.

  45. hate cyber bullying! its so annoying people think there so cool but there not and there not tough ethier like they say they are!!!!!

  46. hate cyber bullying! its so annoying people think there so cool but there not and there not tough ethier like they say they are!!!!!

  47. I don’t get cyberbullied, but I have been bullied face-to-face. And trust me it hurts. They do make you feel a little depressed, and it might succeed in making you feel like you don’t have any friends, but really, if you hang in there it does eventually get better. I absolutely hate people that think they are much cooler than everybody else, and some now actually are shunned for thinking and saying that about themselves. When they do that, they make themselves look absolutely downright cocky, and nobody likes to see somebody like that gloat about it.

  48. I don’t get cyberbullied, but I have been bullied face-to-face. And trust me it hurts. They do make you feel a little depressed, and it might succeed in making you feel like you don’t have any friends, but really, if you hang in there it does eventually get better. I absolutely hate people that think they are much cooler than everybody else, and some now actually are shunned for thinking and saying that about themselves. When they do that, they make themselves look absolutely downright cocky, and nobody likes to see somebody like that gloat about it.

  49. when somebody makes fun of you online, you should run through these 3 questions in your mind.
    1. Can I kick this guys ass in real life. (if so, then you win)
    2. Am I smarter than this guy in real life. (if so, then you win)
    3. Do I even give a shit? (if so, then stop giving a shit because in life, guess what, people make fun of u. K?)

  50. i was bullied for a very long time in my life. And I tell you. I dont think i ever cried because someone said i am stupid on the internet.

    But i sure did when people hurted me in Real Life. Punch, Kicks, name calling.. this is so annoying. The one time someone tried to bully me via PC who was someone i knew in real life… was found not even 2 minutes later. We were in the same room and i found immediately who the person was.

    Seriously, who needs peer acceptance from people who are not even thinking like an individual?

  51. i was bullied for a very long time in my life. And I tell you. I dont think i ever cried because someone said i am stupid on the internet.

    But i sure did when people hurted me in Real Life. Punch, Kicks, name calling.. this is so annoying. The one time someone tried to bully me via PC who was someone i knew in real life… was found not even 2 minutes later. We were in the same room and i found immediately who the person was.

    Seriously, who needs peer acceptance from people who are not even thinking like an individual?

  52. There is a difference between cyber bullying and being an idiot.
    Being an idiot is what you were describing.
    Cyber bullying is when people say horrible disturbing things about somebody that often aren’t in a public forum.
    Every day, I receive anywhere between 5-20 hateful emails. Most of them are just idiots, but some of the things that people say to me in these emails are disgusting.
    The one that stands out in my mind the most is when somebody who KNEW I have a seizure disorder sent me a flashing gif that said “you are a bitch”. Needless to say, the email gave me a seizure and I had to unplug my computer to make it stop.
    But I do indeed see your point that people need to recognize the difference between idiocy and serious bullying.

  53. There is a difference between cyber bullying and being an idiot.
    Being an idiot is what you were describing.
    Cyber bullying is when people say horrible disturbing things about somebody that often aren’t in a public forum.
    Every day, I receive anywhere between 5-20 hateful emails. Most of them are just idiots, but some of the things that people say to me in these emails are disgusting.
    The one that stands out in my mind the most is when somebody who KNEW I have a seizure disorder sent me a flashing gif that said “you are a bitch”. Needless to say, the email gave me a seizure and I had to unplug my computer to make it stop.
    But I do indeed see your point that people need to recognize the difference between idiocy and serious bullying.

  54. Come on, cyber bullying is illegal. Humiliating people and making them die. Look at Korea’s famous celebrities. How much died by cyber bullies? You can’t count.

  55. Come on, cyber bullying is illegal. Humiliating people and making them die. Look at Korea’s famous celebrities. How much died by cyber bullies? You can’t count.

  56. This obsession with the term “bullying” is enough to make me puke. Everyone is now a victim. All of us are entitled to our opinions and we are not all going to agree or affirm each other. For instance, I personally think tattoos are idiotic. Why would you ever put something on your body that you can never remove without great cost and pain. It’s retarded…oh yeah…can’t use that word anymore either.

  57. This obsession with the term “bullying” is enough to make me puke. Everyone is now a victim. All of us are entitled to our opinions and we are not all going to agree or affirm each other. For instance, I personally think tattoos are idiotic. Why would you ever put something on your body that you can never remove without great cost and pain. It’s retarded…oh yeah…can’t use that word anymore either.

  58. to tell the truth i don’t really agree with her. I am in middle school and yes i have been bullied, but it actually hurts you. Not only does it make you feel bad, it makes you not happy about yourself. Do u REALIZE how many kids my age have killed themselves over this ” immature ” topic. To tell the truth this is WAY MORE serious then everyone thinks it is. Cyber bullying is bad…. it more than bad it is an evil nasty thing to do. IF U DON’T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY DON’T SAY IT AT ALL.

    And that was my opinions.

  59. i find all of you who say “cyberbullying isnt that big of a deal. oh no someone said something bad about me im going to kill myself” to be uneducated and ignorant. Wha if YOU were the parent of a child being emotionally tormented day to day and your child unwilling to come to you sees no other way out than suicide? i bet it would be a different story then wouldnt it? but with the attitudes you all have in regards to it im sure your children would never want to come to you anyway in fear of being talked down to in regards to the situation and your views. it is not as simple as someone says one bad thing about another. kids will be kids and we all understand that but there is a point where it is no longer kids being kids. bullying in person differs because the victim can go home and be safe. cyberbullying is there forever meaning the victim can go back and view the bullying over and over again! it causes severe problems just as traditional bullying does. so before you all want to act as though this isnt a big deal do your research, read up on it and study some cases where suicide occurred. it is saddening and sickening the way our world has become and people like you only make it worse! im sad i ever brought children into this world especially knowing there are such uncaring assholes like yourselves

    • Then ultimately its the parents fault for letting a computer or a cell phone baby sit for them instead of being a real parent and spending time with their kids. Quite blaming technology for how shitty parents these kids have.

  60. i find all of you who say “cyberbullying isnt that big of a deal. oh no someone said something bad about me im going to kill myself” to be uneducated and ignorant. Wha if YOU were the parent of a child being emotionally tormented day to day and your child unwilling to come to you sees no other way out than suicide? i bet it would be a different story then wouldnt it? but with the attitudes you all have in regards to it im sure your children would never want to come to you anyway in fear of being talked down to in regards to the situation and your views. it is not as simple as someone says one bad thing about another. kids will be kids and we all understand that but there is a point where it is no longer kids being kids. bullying in person differs because the victim can go home and be safe. cyberbullying is there forever meaning the victim can go back and view the bullying over and over again! it causes severe problems just as traditional bullying does. so before you all want to act as though this isnt a big deal do your research, read up on it and study some cases where suicide occurred. it is saddening and sickening the way our world has become and people like you only make it worse! im sad i ever brought children into this world especially knowing there are such uncaring assholes like yourselves

  61. I might sound insensitive when I say this, but only weak people let cyber bullying get to them, you going to get all emotional because some called you a word on the computer, some people kill themselves over a word, you really have to be one weak minded person to let words get to you. You can’t stop people from talking about you, grow some thick skin

    • Yeah, so that’s called dissociative imagination. It’s the idea that your online persona is somehow a separate entity from your offline persona, and so the things that you say and do online neither carry consequences, nor are they reflective of who you really are in your offline life. Both of which are wrong, by the way.

      You see, there’s a little something called dissociative anonymity. It’s where our online anonymity and the the lack of consequences for our behavior disengages our inhibitors. However just like alcohol, dissociative anonymity doesn’t make us say or do anything we didn’t already have in us to say or do. Rather, it merely removes the social pressures that keep us from doing or saying it offline, thereby allowing us to do or say it more freely. In fact, who you are online could be considered the realization of who you ,most probably would be offline if only you were free of those social constraints.

      Once back offline where those social pressures do exist, folks will lean on dissociative imagination to pretend like none of it was reflective of who they really are as a person offline, which they do because they are aware, if only on a sub-conscious level, that it very much is.

      The only thing more disturbing than these dissociative disorders is that way too many folks assume that they’re perfectly normal, and that everyone else on the internet shares them. They’re not normal, they’re delusions, and the many incidences of cyber-bullying that have lead to suicide or acts of offline retaliation should make very clear that not everyone shares them.
      No, some folks actually take the internet seriously as a form of social interaction, and so conduct themselves in online the same way that they would offline. And because they do, they also tend to take what happens online as seriously as they would stuff that happens offline.

      What I’m getting at here is that rather than tell people to develop thicker skins, maybe you ought to be telling folks to, y’know, stop being dicks online. In spite of what some folks may have told themselves it’s not actually okay, and it most certainly has consequences.

  62. i have been cyber bullied by kids that actually go to my school, and so have my friends. i’m not one to sit on my butt and take it, i get up and bash some heads. i send a message more obvious and straight forward than messages on a computer screen. my friend on the other hand is not that type of person, any ideas for him?

  63. i have been cyber bullied by kids that actually go to my school, and so have my friends. i’m not one to sit on my butt and take it, i get up and bash some heads. i send a message more obvious and straight forward than messages on a computer screen. my friend on the other hand is not that type of person, any ideas for him?

  64. I’m 16 and I find this topic absolutely pathetic, the majority of today’s society is made up of weak minded fools. I was harassed through Deviantart for 5 months; the amount of negative comments I received on my work… it was a group of internet trolls and they left messages like “Kill yourself mofo” or “your dad probably comes in everynight and fucks you while you sleep”. Lol I can understand what these “victims” are going through, but it’s not so hard when you turn your computer off, make a new account, block em or leave the internet all together. I ignored these idiots for 5 months, 5 months and then I finally blocked em.

    I just find it stupid why these idiots go ahead and kill themselves. If they think their life is bad, try living in a third world country, watch your family being slaughtered whilst you’re being raped. Grow the fuck up!

  65. I’m 16 and I find this topic absolutely pathetic, the majority of today’s society is made up of weak minded fools. I was harassed through Deviantart for 5 months; the amount of negative comments I received on my work… it was a group of internet trolls and they left messages like “Kill yourself mofo” or “your dad probably comes in everynight and fucks you while you sleep”. Lol I can understand what these “victims” are going through, but it’s not so hard when you turn your computer off, make a new account, block em or leave the internet all together. I ignored these idiots for 5 months, 5 months and then I finally blocked em.

    I just find it stupid why these idiots go ahead and kill themselves. If they think their life is bad, try living in a third world country, watch your family being slaughtered whilst you’re being raped. Grow the fuck up!

  66. I’m going to have to agree cyber bullying isn’t that bad. I didn’t care what people said about me when I was a “young teenager developing through adolescence” I generally didn’t care what people said about me. And whenever someone tried to bully me, I didn’t take that from them, and I didn’t run home to mommy either. I got my ass kicked a few times, but I you leave ’em with a busted up face I find that makes a bully leave you alone.

  67. Sigh, honestly. When it comes to the emotional side effects of bullying, it will always be worse online. True cyber bullying follows you day and night, and you may never know who it is, and they can end up stalking you, killing pets(which has happened to me) and turning an entire school against you.

    I’ve been severely beaten at school, but those wounds heal much faster than the ones left by stalkers and hate mail. The worst is that you can’t see their face, you cannot fight back. It’s not trading punches, it’s one person, doing whatever they please to another. It’s far worse when you have no defense. Also, it seems the only ones unaffected by cyberbullying are men….funny how many stalkers/online bullies are men. hmm?

  68. I was ten when I stared playing warcraft three. That game has so much abuse it’s not funny. I was horrible at it so older people would say every bad word in the dictionary to me. I was ten and I still enjoyed the game. And didn’t even give a crap. Deal with it people cyber bullying is no problem. Ps I also am completely rejected socially in my school ATM. Those people are really just pussys.

  69. I was ten when I stared playing warcraft three. That game has so much abuse it’s not funny. I was horrible at it so older people would say every bad word in the dictionary to me. I was ten and I still enjoyed the game. And didn’t even give a crap. Deal with it people cyber bullying is no problem. Ps I also am completely rejected socially in my school ATM. Those people are really just pussys.

  70. Your post exemplifies what is quite honestly the single most obnoxious of human traits. The idea that because it doesn’t affect you it shouldn’t affect anyone else, and that if it does then there’s something wrong with that person. You people are so self-absorbed that you can’t see past your noses, and that disturbs the hell out of me.

    I mean, in a very real way it’s almost as if you folks are saying that cyber-bullying shouldn’t be taken seriously as a problem because it wasn’t one for you. In fact, some of you HAVE said just that. And that doesn’t strike a single one of you as being even just a little bit fucked up?

  71. After reading an article about Bailey O’Neill, the 11 year old boy who was attacked in school by a couple of bullies, I was curious to see what, if anything, is being done about bullying. I am extremely sick and tired of hearing about how kids continue to be bullied while the bullies aren’t being severely punished for their role in it. In looking for information, I came across this site.

    I just wanted to say that it blows my mind that some see absolutely no problems with bullying – cyberbullying in particular. Honestly, It doesn’t really matter what people think. What matters is how people being bullied deal with it because not everybody deals with it the same way nor should they be expected to. This affects people differently and just because another person might not be as affected doesn’t mean it’s stupid or any less important. There are different levels of cyberbullying too – from calling someone a name to destroying their reputation. I also know that there are some adolescents (and probably some adults) who have had an lapse in judgement and unknowingly provided fuel for the fire – whether it be by sending suggestive photos of themselves, etc. No matter what, this doesn’t give anyone permission to use such items against another person. But it happens and it may be that the only way to fix cyberbullying is to educate. Parents need to step in and take an active role in what their child can and can’t do online and they also need to monitor what they’re doing, etc. This may be the first step at stopping this type of online behavior at its source.

    Personally, an online insult wouldn’t hurt me unless it ballooned into something massive that then made it’s way into my real world….but that’s me. Although I have never been cyberbullied, I was bullied in my real world when I was in middle school. ONE boy bullied me in every class, every school day for two whole years. That was extremely difficult to deal with. Even though it was just one boy, it was non-stop and it would happen in front of other kids. Even though my face never showed how much pain I was in – I was dying from the inside out. I even had a teacher that would pick on me during that time. The bullying didn’t stop there because I would get it at home and by kids in the neighborhood. There was no escaping it. So when you talk lightly about not understanding why some kids commit suicide over bullying…it’s because that may seem like their only escape at that moment. This was very real for me….and it is real for others – cyber or not. I wanted to check out of life during those school years but I was a chicken – I’ll admit that. That was 28 years ago and boy am I thankful I was a chicken because life does get better… least it did for me. Those people went away and life went on.

    Nobody should ever have to deal with any type of bullying. Oh, and let’s get it right…..the bullies are the weak ones here……not the victims. Most who have been or are being bullied endure years of torment. Unfortunately, there are always going to be some that are unable to deal with the emotional aspect of it but there are also others that make it. My heart breaks for anyone who has had to deal or is dealing with any type of bullying. No matter what anybody thinks – things need to change and soon.

    Everybody is entitled to their opinion……and this is mine.

  72. After reading an article about Bailey O’Neill, the 11 year old boy who was attacked in school by a couple of bullies, I was curious to see what, if anything, is being done about bullying. I am extremely sick and tired of hearing about how kids continue to be bullied while the bullies aren’t being severely punished for their role in it. In looking for information, I came across this site.

    I just wanted to say that it blows my mind that some see absolutely no problems with bullying – cyberbullying in particular. Honestly, It doesn’t really matter what people think. What matters is how people being bullied deal with it because not everybody deals with it the same way nor should they be expected to. This affects people differently and just because another person might not be as affected doesn’t mean it’s stupid or any less important. There are different levels of cyberbullying too – from calling someone a name to destroying their reputation. I also know that there are some adolescents (and probably some adults) who have had an lapse in judgement and unknowingly provided fuel for the fire – whether it be by sending suggestive photos of themselves, etc. No matter what, this doesn’t give anyone permission to use such items against another person. But it happens and it may be that the only way to fix cyberbullying is to educate. Parents need to step in and take an active role in what their child can and can’t do online and they also need to monitor what they’re doing, etc. This may be the first step at stopping this type of online behavior at its source.

    Personally, an online insult wouldn’t hurt me unless it ballooned into something massive that then made it’s way into my real world….but that’s me. Although I have never been cyberbullied, I was bullied in my real world when I was in middle school. ONE boy bullied me in every class, every school day for two whole years. That was extremely difficult to deal with. Even though it was just one boy, it was non-stop and it would happen in front of other kids. Even though my face never showed how much pain I was in – I was dying from the inside out. I even had a teacher that would pick on me during that time. The bullying didn’t stop there because I would get it at home and by kids in the neighborhood. There was no escaping it. So when you talk lightly about not understanding why some kids commit suicide over bullying…it’s because that may seem like their only escape at that moment. This was very real for me….and it is real for others – cyber or not. I wanted to check out of life during those school years but I was a chicken – I’ll admit that. That was 28 years ago and boy am I thankful I was a chicken because life does get better… least it did for me. Those people went away and life went on.

    Nobody should ever have to deal with any type of bullying. Oh, and let’s get it right…..the bullies are the weak ones here……not the victims. Most who have been or are being bullied endure years of torment. Unfortunately, there are always going to be some that are unable to deal with the emotional aspect of it but there are also others that make it. My heart breaks for anyone who has had to deal or is dealing with any type of bullying. No matter what anybody thinks – things need to change and soon.

    Everybody is entitled to their opinion……and this is mine.

  73. I disagree. I’m 13 years olds, a male. It’s the parents fault for not teaching their kids common since, and how to deal with anger. People are so fucking stupid that they’d get mad over that.

    And Guesty, real live is different than online.

  74. To me’s response shows the true stupidity of this particular author and their lack of attentiveness to the email they received. To start the mailer clearly states that they have been using the internet since they were 4 which makes the statement “As an 18-year-old adult, it may be hard for you to understand, but as a young teenager developing through adolescence, peer approval is everything” illogical. The idea that one must abandon the device that they are being cyber bullied with is to suggest that a device can only access one website which shows complete technological illiteracy. On to of everything I promise a psychological evaluation of said suicide victims would have showed pre-existing mental conditions.

  75. I have read through some comments here and what is stark to me is the relative absence of comments relating to perpetrators of bulling ie the bullies themselves. Bullies of all forms are cowardly, display blatant disrespect for fellow people, have markedly low self-esteem and think nothing of wasting both other people’s time, as well as their own, being a total drainer. Being malicious by any method = being malicious. How we behave is a choice. If one is compulsively aggressive, (and bullying is one form of aggression and anti-social behaviour), it is likely one requires specialist help. Most underestimate the physical damage all forms of bullying cause. Emotional is physical too, because one’s heart and brain are physical. It is not just “mental”. Bullies need a reality check as they are obviously out of touch with reality, otherwise they would realise their ill behaviour is actually socially abnormal and unacceptable. There is only one victim in bullying, and that is the bully themselves. Targets of bullying are not weak, this is just a pathetic myth for the bully culture to “justify” bullying behaviour. What if bullies took serious control of their behaviour and treated others as they want to be treated? What if bullies were as strong as their targets?

  76. Ooops, I forgot. Bullies, due to their low self-esteem and lack of self-respect, treat others as they (the bully) would expect to be treated themselves. With aggression, anti-social treatment and abuse. However, from what I’ve read elsewhere, bullies relish dishing out their rubbish behaviour, to an available target, but if a mirror were held up to them as they behaved this way and it were reflected back towards themselves, they would run screaming for cover as if they had just spied an absolute ogre.

  77. Ooops, I forgot. Bullies, due to their low self-esteem and lack of self-respect, treat others as they (the bully) would expect to be treated themselves. With aggression, anti-social treatment and abuse. However, from what I’ve read elsewhere, bullies relish dishing out their rubbish behaviour, to an available target, but if a mirror were held up to them as they behaved this way and it were reflected back towards themselves, they would run screaming for cover as if they had just spied an absolute ogre.

  78. It’s very disturbing to read all these comments blaming the victim, trivialising online bullying and generally trying to dismiss and excuse the whole issue. There is obviously a long long way to go before people actually understand what cyberbullying is (no it’s not trivial name calling) and how it impacts on ALL KINDS of people from many walks of life (not “weak” people or just people with low self-esteem). This is frighteningly similar to why victims of rape are often so reluctant to report it or talk about it. Ignorance, arrogance &/or judgmental attitudes are perfect for enabling bullies.

  79. It’s very disturbing to read all these comments blaming the victim, trivialising online bullying and generally trying to dismiss and excuse the whole issue. There is obviously a long long way to go before people actually understand what cyberbullying is (no it’s not trivial name calling) and how it impacts on ALL KINDS of people from many walks of life (not “weak” people or just people with low self-esteem). This is frighteningly similar to why victims of rape are often so reluctant to report it or talk about it. Ignorance, arrogance &/or judgmental attitudes are perfect for enabling bullies.

  80. I will not tolerate bullying I was bullied for 6 years and I’m 12 if your just wondering and I read some of these comments some of them are crap kids commit suicide over bullying just saying

  81. I will not tolerate bullying I was bullied for 6 years and I’m 12 if your just wondering and I read some of these comments some of them are crap kids commit suicide over bullying just saying

  82. I will not tolerate bullying I was bullied for 6 years and I’m 12 if your just wondering and I read some of these comments some of them are crap kids commit suicide over bullying just saying

  83. “But, if you don’t believe me, and still feel that cyberbullying really isn’t that bad, feel free to contact John Halligan or Tina Meier, or any of the other parents here in the U.S. who recently lost their children due, at least in part, to the effects of peer harassment carried out online. Cyberbullying was so unbearable for these teens that taking their own life was evidently a better option for them than living with the torment.”

    Sorry if anyone finds this overly offensive, but the blame of suicide resides with the person committing it. This is called personal responsibility. It is human nature to empathize with the victim, however comforting it may be to place blame on others or cyber abuse, it is a mere distraction from reality.

    Not to mention the weight of any word is placed there by our own minds. If there is anything you have personal responsibility over, it is your own brain.

    Welcome to humanity, we fight, lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate for our own goals every day.

  84. “But, if you don’t believe me, and still feel that cyberbullying really isn’t that bad, feel free to contact John Halligan or Tina Meier, or any of the other parents here in the U.S. who recently lost their children due, at least in part, to the effects of peer harassment carried out online. Cyberbullying was so unbearable for these teens that taking their own life was evidently a better option for them than living with the torment.”

    Sorry if anyone finds this overly offensive, but the blame of suicide resides with the person committing it. This is called personal responsibility. It is human nature to empathize with the victim, however comforting it may be to place blame on others or cyber abuse, it is a mere distraction from reality.

    Not to mention the weight of any word is placed there by our own minds. If there is anything you have personal responsibility over, it is your own brain.

    Welcome to humanity, we fight, lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate for our own goals every day.

  85. It's bad if kids are killing themselves. Personally, I don't allow cyber bullies to get to me too bad, but everybody's different. What I might be able to ignore and eventually forget about may leave someone else in a deep depression or even make them suicidal.

    Sites like Youtube don't really care if people are being cyber bullied or not as long as they have users. That sucks. When Youtube did have so called cyber bullying security in place it was half-ass. You could block people on your page and even keep them from replying to your posts in the comment section but there was still a way around it for someone to comment and reach your inbox anyway. What was the point of that? I guess they were trying to make it LOOK like they were making a difference.

    Now that they're working on the YouTube Google Split(Which is wonderful and long overdue in my opinion), they're back to allowing replies in the comment section. The verdict=YouTube and certain other social media sites simply don't care if kids or even adults are being cyber bullied and harassed. They care about how much green is lining their pockets. They're contributing to teen suicides on an annual and even monthly basis by sitting back and doing very little to absolutely NOTHING to prevent the epidemic. I hope they can live with themselves when they finally have to answer for their apathy. It will definitely come back to haunt them someday.

  86. I agree on both sides. Some people may get a tiny little side comment that no one in public will ever get, yet they react like the entire world just bullied her with flamethrowers, Those people being spoiled, "get anything they want" little brats who don't know how to live outside of their own room and are never happy. On the other hand, someone could get bullied by the entire school as a disciplined, poor child who is happy with what they own 24/7, and react with a simple "Meh". Those people know how to live throughout the universe. Lastly, there's the in-between. A person who is disciplined, lives in the middle class, knows how to live in the world and is happy when it's the right time to be happy, can be bullied either way and respond in a correct tone. Side comment: "Meh. That's me and I'm happy."; Whole school harassment: Possible suicide, stay home from school daily and depression. In conclusion, I think that it should depend on the degree of the seriousness of the bullying, rather than If it happens.

  87. I would also like to say to all of you who think all mean people should learn to be nice: This is the real world. In the real world, No one is safe from anyone or anything. So suck it up and quit acting like everyone's is on your side, because there is always someone against you. I learned this the hard way.

  88. Only this generation can be affected by something as little as cyberbullying lol. How is this even a thing. Just close your eyes! Turn off your device! Everyone is so soft now.

  89. Sometimes even one small side comment can bring down the whole person, because you never know if the person is going through family problems, is depressed, suicidal, cutting, sensitive or other things, so sometimes you have to think twice before you say something, also think about the other people that will stick up for that person if you leave one rude side comment.

  90. Okay, I have to say, I agree with Alstair on some counts. Guys, what do you expect? Real life isn't flowery and pretty and clean, why should the Internet be? Forget blocking websites, just block your kid from having a life if you're that dedicated. As the guy in the letter said, doesn't really matter. It's just people being idiots. C'mon, guys. Do you really expect the Internet to have a higher level of family friendliness than real life? Also, the replying letter said that it was hard for an 18 year old to understand how us young teens feel like. I'm thirteen, just, and I must say, you grown ups are CUTE! You seriously think we're that innocent? Oh gods no! I knew my first cuss word at ONE YEAR OLD. (I had no idea what the hell it meant, but I knew it. My mom used that word WAY too much. She thought I couldn't understand her). I figured out my first actual cuss word in third grade. In sixth, I started cussing. I know, you adults must be saying, "OMG, SHES A JUVENILE DELINQUENT!!" No, I'm not. I'm an Honors student, one year ahead of everyone else in all my classes, most of my teachers like me, and I'm okay with them. I have never comitted a crime, I'm not one of those kids who goes around badmouthing teachers to their face and who gets sent to the office every month. The only time I've gotten a detention was from being tardy too many times (4 times in YEAR, A FRICKING YEAR). Guys, let's face it. The Internet isn't all happy and nice. It's the real world. And no, it's not "the virtual world." It's the real world, guys. Come on. You're just making my existential crisis worse. Alstair, just one thing: please don't, if you encounter a virtual idiot, don't ever become an idiot yourself. Don't be as bad as them. If you really want the Internet to be better, then don't be an idiot. Humans seem to have trouble with that. Okay, I'm stopping now, I'm done ranting about this topic.

  91. There just needs to be more serious consequences. Plain and simple. Social media needs to observe these comments and take them more seriously. Completely ban their accounts on the first sign of bullying. No warnings, just a ban. Delete the account. Sure, everyone can just make a new account. But most people don’t like having a thousand emails.

    I believe not only would it cut down on social media addiction, but it would reduce the amount of bullies who can’t be bothered to make a new email account. But if they do make a new account and bully on that one too. It get banned as well. No warning, no nothing besides a big ban. Facebook, Tik Tok, Twitter, Instagram, etc. All of them need to be held accountable and made responsible to observe and make those accountable for bullying pay the price and shown. You are not welcome here.

    Thousands of people are killing themselves every single day because that one bully had to make mean remarks about someone weight, or someone’s interest. The worst thing about it too is that with cyberbullying. The bully who’s blood is on their hands has no idea. Everytime they make fun of someone and shame someone who is different. They run the risk of another person commiting suicide.

    This is something that seriously needs to be taken up in federal law. Creating a law Forcing Social media owners to observe more closely and punish more severely.

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